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College Parking
So, my one and only class on Fridays is at 8 am. I'm up and out the door at 7:35. I drive to Foster music building on the very end of EKU's campus. When I get there, the parking lot is completely blocked off so that no one can get in. big deal right? Well every commuter spot was taken so I was left with no where else to park. I could have parked in an employee spot, but I have seen people get towed in a matter of minutes for parking in these employee spaces so I wasn't about to risk it. So, after driving around hopefully waiting for the parking lot to open...time for my class to start I decide to get out and ask the parking lot attendant what was going on and why no one could park in the parking lot. She told me that "the city" was putting on a "Kids Fest" today and they were keeping the lot clear for people going to that event.

Now this is wrong for a number of reasons.....

1) kids are in school until 3 why does the lot need to be closed all day?
2) no one goes to any community events in Richmond and I can guarantee that those who do will not fill that entire lot.
3) they are keeping hundreds of students from getting to their classes by doing this

So after this parking fiasco I am left with the closest alternative which just so happens to be on the complete opposite side of campus. If I were to go to that lot, park, and walk to class I would be there in time for about the last 5 minutes of class....if I didn't have any trouble parking there. Trust me I have made this walk before and it would take at least 30 minutes to park and commute to the building I needed to get to.

So, thank you city of Richmond for screwing up my morning and causing me to miss my class that I woke up at 7 am for because you felt the need to block all college students from parking in a parking lot.

See, no reason to get up for those early classes!
Yeah, I just wish I would have known that I wouldn't be able to park there. There were no signs and the attendant didn't say anything about it on Wednesday or Thursday...these are things students need to know.
I'm in the same boat on MWF. I have a class in Stratton that doesn't let out any earlier then 2:15, and I have a class that begins in Combs at 2:30. The closest parking lot that I am able to park in without getting a citation is the rec centers parking lot. After the drive from stratton to the rec center and the walk, I either get in my classroom right at 2:30, but usually always five minutes late.
ComfortEagle Wrote:So, my one and only class on Fridays is at 8 am. I'm up and out the door at 7:35. I drive to Foster music building on the very end of EKU's campus. When I get there, the parking lot is completely blocked off so that no one can get in. big deal right? Well every commuter spot was taken so I was left with no where else to park. I could have parked in an employee spot, but I have seen people get towed in a matter of minutes for parking in these employee spaces so I wasn't about to risk it. So, after driving around hopefully waiting for the parking lot to open...time for my class to start I decide to get out and ask the parking lot attendant what was going on and why no one could park in the parking lot. She told me that "the city" was putting on a "Kids Fest" today and they were keeping the lot clear for people going to that event.

Now this is wrong for a number of reasons.....

1) kids are in school until 3 why does the lot need to be closed all day?
2) no one goes to any community events in Richmond and I can guarantee that those who do will not fill that entire lot.
3) they are keeping hundreds of students from getting to their classes by doing this

So after this parking fiasco I am left with the closest alternative which just so happens to be on the complete opposite side of campus. If I were to go to that lot, park, and walk to class I would be there in time for about the last 5 minutes of class....if I didn't have any trouble parking there. Trust me I have made this walk before and it would take at least 30 minutes to park and commute to the building I needed to get to.

So, thank you city of Richmond for screwing up my morning and causing me to miss my class that I woke up at 7 am for because you felt the need to block all college students from parking in a parking lot.


I feel your pain CE! Im here at Morehead State and I live in Alumni, and it is damn near deadly to get a parking spot around here. Got down here on tuesday at 10:30, had class at 11:30, comes 11:15 still looking for a parking spot which is absolutely ridiculous. So I finally talked to the campus police and they said I could park in the 15 minute unloading zone until my class was over, but I was very fortunate to find a spot after that, lol. So yeah I nearly missed my class, was 10 minutes late but hey I got there.
yea i came down monday stats and cartmels parking lot was full i barely got a spot and it was a good 6 min walk with me carrying all my junk
Sorry CE... that would suck! All of my classes are in the Stratton Building and the earliest is 2:00... so I never have any trouble parking. But I know how it is when you're going to class on that side of campus... there is hardly ever a close place to park.
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

well consider you self lucky b/c we have no parking here except for ppl who come from corbin and london. If we do park anywhere and live on campus we have to pay a 25 dollar fine each time it sucks. To add to that they have now took out two of the larger dorm parking lots plus one of the major ones on the other side of the campus.
Im telling ya man its like a madhouse trying to get a parking spot.

FATMAN Wrote:yea i came down monday stats and cartmels parking lot was full i barely got a spot and it was a good 6 min walk with me carrying all my junk
Don't forget our very own flagship institution, the University of Kentucky! UK has their own parking Nazi's...

More Cowbell Wrote:Don't forget our very own flagship institution, the University of Kentucky! UK has their own parking Nazi's...

yeah we do to its called work study lmaoCool

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