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Early Dismissal Tomorrow For Pike County Schools
Pike County schools are dismissing tomorrow @ 12:30 due to the heat.
I know when I came by the bank today it said 109 degrees!!!
There is no way.... Please give me one reason this effects being at school??
Panther Thunder Wrote:There is no way.... Please give me one reason this effects being at school??

I would guess that the air conditioning units are not large enough to keep up with the excess heat and all of the doors being opened and closed.
Midee1 Wrote:I would guess that the air conditioning units are not large enough to keep up with the excess heat and all of the doors being opened and closed.

AMEN!!! Those little window units and 25+ kids in a room just isn't very cool. IMO... 110 degrees (what I heard the heat index is supposed to be tomorrow) is toooooo hot to be out of the house let alone in a classroom!!!
A concern I've heard about on news reports and stuff as well are the children that have to be on the buses for long stretch of time.
We got one time in Floyd Co because it was very Trust me, that was the reason.
I know that they have been giving water to the kids who ride the buses. You can add another 10 to 15 degrees on the bus too!!!
I work in the County Schools and I agree it is just too HOT to be there. The air conditioning in most of the rooms of the school I'm working in doesn't work. The buses are waaaaaaaaaaaay too hot, and some of the kids are on there until almost 4. Why they decided this late into school, I have no idea. That Al Gore guy wasn't kidding when he was talking about Global Warming. I dont ever remember this many 100+ days in a summer.
I really think part of the problem is that they start schools much too early around here. Pike County schools have been in session for 2 weeks; I remember when I was a kid we would probably just be starting right now.

I know that some schools in Kentucky haven't even started the school year yet. Following that schedule wouldn't completely eliminate the problem of high heat days, but it would certainly help. Anyone knows that 3 weeks in mid-August will always be much more uncomfortable than those same 3 weeks in late May-early June.

Why send them to school at all then? If the students are going to have to ride the bus in the afternoon anyway it will still be amazingly hot for them to be on there.
Im Glad we got out it gives me sum more time to rest up for the PCB.
yea the buses are hotter than h3ll!! and I kno sum ppl who ride the bus, and they harent been givin them any water.
Are you a parent Beef? Being 85 or 90 degrees on the bus in the afternoon is one thing, but 100 or 102 (actual temp today as of 4:30) is just crazy. If I were a parent, I wouldn't want my children on the bus.

I agree with More Cowbell totally. School should end towards the end of May and early June and it should just now be time for it to start. I remember when the students went for 2 days and then would have a long Labor Day weekend.
thepharmacist Wrote:Are you a parent Beef? Being 85 or 90 degrees on the bus in the afternoon is one thing, but 100 or 102 (actual temp today as of 4:30) is just crazy. If I were a parent, I wouldn't want my children on the bus.

I agree with More Cowbell totally. School should end towards the end of May and early June and it should just now be time for it to start. I remember when the students went for 2 days and then would have a long Labor Day weekend.

You know, that could actually be a problem for the school system if a bunch of parents decided to keep their kids home so they wouldn't have to ride the bus. Just like when there is a flu outbreak in the winter, if a lot of kids stay home the school loses money. That may also be a reason why the decision was made.

Why dont they just start school after labor day weekend?
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Why dont they just start school after labor day weekend?

That is exactly what I had mentioned in an earlier post. I think they start school way too soon, early August is just too hot. I say they should start no earlier than the last week of August, but I wouldn't argue with your suggestion, either.


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