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Paris Hilton's out of the Poke
Paris Hilton was released from jail today if anyone cares. She served 5 days in the slammer and was released for having a physcological condition because her shrink said all she did was cry and wouldn't eat. Now she is serving 40 days of house arrest from her mansion. I think its a crock of poopy that she was let out. I'm sure everyone that goes in there is upset, but she had it made because she was in solitary away from all other inmates on a totally different wing of the prison. All she did was have to stick it out for 23 days, but now she can get back to her party ways in the comfort of her own home.
I can't believe that, If she can cry and not eat and get out of jail why can't anyone else do it? I guess they can't afford that good of a shrink...
That's a crocka shit.
On the flip side, if it would have been anyone else, they probably wouldn't have gotten any jail time.
that pisses me off.
if that was anyone else they would let them die.
If Paris Hilton died tomorrow it wouldn't matter one bit. She is an embarrassment to the human race.
what can green do for you.
yeah this is bullshit. Its the great American judishit system. I wish I could have had the last say in that. She WOULD have served 45 days WITH the other inmates in that jail. Wait till she gets her 4th or 5th DUI and kills somebody, she may even have to pull a tear-shredding week.
Ah...the life of the rich and famous, but is anyone really surprised by her being released after a few days.
So, So sad! The system is such bullshit! i wish we got a balls to the wall president who is the arm for an arm type! This slapping people on the wrist BS needs to stop! Start ripping fingers or limbs off. I bet that would change peoples mind!
:mad: This is the most stupidest bullshit ever! who in their right mind whould let her out? Just because she whouldnt eat.... Thats her problem. She dervers to be kept locked up!
I'm with Tide, what happens when she ends up killin someone, they just gonna spook a lil bit more, let her out after 3 days instead of 2. What a crocka shit. If I lived in Hollywood and seen her leavin a club drunk gettin behind the wheel of a car, I would jump out infront of her and let her hit me so I could sue her for everything she had.
Redneck Wrote:I'm with Tide, what happens when she ends up killin someone, they just gonna spook a lil bit more, let her out after 3 days instead of 2. What a crocka shit. If I lived in Hollywood and seen her leavin a club drunk gettin behind the wheel of a car, I would jump out infront of her and let her hit me so I could sue her for everything she had.

Smile Smile Smile There is a hearing tomorrow because the Los Angeles DA said it was a bunch of poop. So there is still a chance she may be going back, goodness I hope so.
Wink She is SICK and wanted to go home to party ! ! ! ! !:confused:
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:So, So sad! The system is such bullshit! i wish we got a balls to the wall president who is the arm for an arm type! This slapping people on the wrist BS needs to stop! Start ripping fingers or limbs off. I bet that would change peoples mind!
you are correct my friend.
The best thing anyone can do is just flat out ignore her, act like she doesn't exist, dont snap her picture, nothing...

Of course that'll never happen, the old forbaying "celebrity media" is just as much to blame as Hilton...

Looks like her release was shortlived.
judge orders Paris back to jail she was screaming and crying it is not fair all the back to her cell haha it is on

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