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Define Irony 3.0
The ultimate crown jewel produced by the Age of Enlightenment IMHO, was our own sweet USA. By the 1700's men of that age, through quite a bit of trial and error, eventually came to the realization that human rights come down to man from God Himself. Not government and certainly not monarchs. Our own founders were persuaded by the very highest code of ethics which of course, was a much more accurate understanding of men and their own relationship with God.

Men of faith they correctly reasoned, are exponentially more prone to behave in orderly fashion, and thus worthy to participate in self governance such as we Americans enjoy and USED to revere as precious privilege. From the richest and smartest to the poorest and not so smart, our history is rich with example after example of self sacrifice and patriotism on the part of our people. And for the most part a very replete 240 year long record of our civilization fills the Library of Congress; that record expounds on our heritage in great detail. Particular care was taken by those founders, to record every detail imaginable regarding our founders, their deeds and their beliefs. Be they personal, philosophical or religious, which in their day was a matter of truthful public record. Not faked as in the case of a Senator making the totally false claim of wartime service in Viet Nam.

But the wars fought and won by the people of this land were prosecuted in the name of preserving American Liberty. And for nearly 240 years in the minds of the vast majority of our citizenry, that idea of liberty was worth defending. To the death if called upon. But then along came the liberals yet again, questioning and sowing the seeds of doubt about all that in the minds of any who would listen. In an all out effort to challenge our American Heritage, they've completely taken over the US educational system. Most of the matters of history and civics and human rights have therefore been skewed, rewritten in a fashion which casts America in a very negative light. Kind of like finding out your spouse has for years, been unfaithful. Hard to defend a land one feels that way about, now isn't it?

One could not hope to tell the adults what they already know, but the young have no practical experience from which to draw. They could be (and are) taught a completely different perspective in school. Revisionists have totally warped actual history to that which better facilitates their own liberal philosophical whim. We are in this land at least two generations down stream from a working knowledge of the awful threat of WW2. Thus even the parents of those generations of children have no practical basis from which to draw, and the threat of war today seems as remote as Saturn. The biggest worry people have today are the silliness therefore which we presently hear so much about from the innards of the US Congress. No, today those liberal seeds of doubt sown by the enemies of virtue, have taken root. We doubt whether obeying the law is necessary, much less perfunctory. The FBI and CIA are 'separate.' Not many in elected government or governmental agencies will even answer a subpoena. Congressmen are encouraging social foment in association with the 'resistance' against our President. Open contempt and hatred of all things American is the norm.

The irony? That which Americans paid so dearly for, is now openly mocked as racist greed, and any adherence to moral virtue is cast as being somehow intolerant of others by those of our own government.

So that precious gift of freedom paid for with the blood and sacrifice of millions of Americans past, is taken for granted. Heck, not even that. Try explaining the concept of sacrifice to most people these days and all one gets is a fleeting blank look, and that only from the scant few who'll listen for a few moments. Social justice, gender equality, ethnic diversity, imaginary social affronts of all kind have taken center stage. I mean, we can't call men men, and women women anymore, nor can we limit them to a public bathroom by sex. We could offend somebody who might be sexually confused. The personal attributes which once made this land the apple of the world's eye, are imited it would seem, almost exclusively to the hearts and minds of the elderly. I say almost exclusively. Still, there are enough fair and lucid minded Americans of a traditionally conservative mindset to get the message out in ample measure to properly frame the reasons for America's slide. The problem is not lack of message, the problem is lack of concern or the inability to see past today's bent for beer and pizza. So much for the precious gift of freedom through self governance.

Thus are we poised to hand out 1,000 dollars a month to people who don't or won't work. Thus are we murdering millions of the unborn annually. Thus are we pushing homosexuality and abortion rights from the highest Court in the land. And thus have we decided that working for a living is just too much of an imposition for those whom are consumed with seeking out pleasure. Enter state and federal government which are filled with sublimely arrogant seekers of power, willing to put America's heritage in a global yard sale in order to buy the affections of those who will not work. Vote buyers.

"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic." ---BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
Looking at the list of Democrat presidential hopefuls for 2020, I was struck with a familiar feeling of amazement and curiosity. It was then I realized that that familiarity was exactly the same I had experienced several times in the past. At the zoo. Looking at all the weird and exotic animals, despite the smell, is a rather fascinating experience. Especially knowing that I could leave the moment the urge struck. And though we're not at the zoo, here nonetheless is a virtual complementary tour--- ABTW, with the recent arrival of AOC and a couple other notably derisive Congressmen-ettes, it should be clear to all. Unlike my time at the zoo when I could leave anytime I wanted, we the people are stuck with the choices we've made; And heaven help us because out of the 35 or so would-be's there isn't a 'normal' political animal among them.

Now I've been to some really good zoos down to the more modest variety zoo, and the one I have cited above is a real screamer. How can a sensible Democrat even hold their head up in public these days? Not even one of the Democrat hopefuls, whether it be in the halls of government or out on the campaign trail, have spoken out on a single issue that is not rooted in social justice. Not one genuine concern has been addressed. But you can bet that the Trump Administration have been sued on way more than one genuine concern of the American people in the 9th Circuit. The American standard of governance has become one of socio political madness. And Republicans feel compelled to enter the Dem's food fight funhouse in order to compete for votes. THE singular exception to that of course, has been the one time candidate and now President, Donald Trump. Love him or hate him one must admit, the man is not afraid to speak the plain truth. More than a rare commodity in today's world.

Let's be clear, IMHO the health of this nation has always been dependent upon the sovereignty of God's own hand of intervention. That fact was paramount in the minds of the founders. But as Barack Obama so eloquently stated, such is not the acceptable practice of 21st Century thinking. No, today thanks to the 'Great Dichotomy' created by the Age of Reason, truths in our time are partitioned off by an impenetrable 'wall of separation.' See, according to the dictates of the afore mentioned dichotomy, spiritual truths and secular truths cannot exist together in the modern day affairs of men. Spiritual truth is restricted (on political grounds) to the affairs of the Church only. Therefore have we in America divorced ourselves from the very authority under which the founders, in the Declaration of Independence, cited our right to be free before the sovereign 'mad King George'. In in the divorce, the kids are left with only the deteriorating vestiges of the authority upon which our entire system of law was built and consequently along with it, our right and authority of self governance. This divorce, rather happily for the case of modern day politics, allows for such ridiculousness we see being prosecuted by our own elected government, as it openly opposes the legitimacy of the Trump Presidency. Meanwhile? Well meanwhile the left debates the supposed open-and-shut legitimacy of a 93 TRILLION dollar "Green New Deal."

Thusly in our confusion do we flounder. There are no absolutes anymore, right is subjective, and wrong is debatably subjective. Which means of course, that the smartest lawyer wins at every point of law. Which is in and of itself potentially existential because as is often said, anyone can be sued for anything. But it's funny how all this works isn't it? The Church must stay behind it's walls, but the government is free to legislate such matters as homosexual rights and abortion rights.

Romans 1:21-22 (KJV)
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools

This is the age of information. The average Christian has access to far more by way of Scriptural knowledge than did most of Christian Orthodoxy of last century. To say we know about God is beyond question, and I'm speaking of Christians AND non-Christians. Just as is the fact that America for the most part, does not glorify Him as God. We've lost our way because in place of the sound practice of the traditionally conservative values for which we (Americans) were once known, today we debate. Mindlessly, on and on. And in so doing and in professing ourselves to be wise, we have become fools.

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