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Pulaski County 30 Danville 14
Did I read that right?
I don't know what you read. :biggrin:
Congrats to Maroons. Big win
Little surprised by this one. I thought Danville would dominate the LOS and win pretty comfortably at home. Good win for Pulaski though after some big losses.
I thought Danville would lose 4-5 games this year.
Dont know which score has shocked me the most, the Trinity/Male score or this one! I thought Danville had this one all the way.
Shocked me
Way to go Maroons!
Hound05 Wrote:Did I read that right?

You tell me.
Westside Wrote:I don't know what you read. :biggrin:

I was beginning to think Hines was trying to loose games. Finally saw Hines coach this year. Ran, passed and mixed it up like they should. Danville could not stop PC's big RB and opened up the passing game. Defense played strong all night. This team has a lot of talent. Great job.
Big win! Congrats Pulaski.
Shocked that a team Wayne County beat could beat Danville like they did! Congratulations Pulaski County.
Not shocked by this score based on potential...... Pulaski has a load of good lookin players. However I did think Danville was the better team, and thought they would win. Congrats Maroons!
I thought Hines retired?

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