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2007 McDonald's All American Team
FBALL Wrote:I saw him play his junior year before the traveling road show came to town. I stand by my assessment.
:thumpsup: We shall see
corndog23 Wrote::thumpsup: We shall see

Lets hope so. Because if Tubby doesn't get him he is going to take alot of flack anyway.
alfus21 Wrote:And you know this how? Rolleyes

I said probly not. I just don't think he will come to UK.
But as we can see we don't have to wait no more guys corndog has finnally annouced it Patrick Patterson is coming to UK. We appreciate the inside info!Rolleyes
But, maybe he didn't want you to tell.Confusedhh:
Have to disagree -STATS- about Love being the best of the group, I have to say Eric "Air" Gordon on that. He is legit and the most solid player in this group. I'm not sure about potential but as of now I say he is the best in this group...IMO, Love is awfully good to though.

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