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Trump Jr. releases emails saying he’d ‘love’ Russian dirt on Clinton
Political campaigns try to dig up dirt on each other. Who knew?Confusednicker:
A nothing burger a day keeps you stupid!
jetpilot Wrote:Political campaigns try to dig up dirt on each other. Who knew?Confusednicker:
A nothing burger a day keeps you stupid!

It drove "the pervert" past the point of no return years ago.
At the zealot party, the King and his court do no wrong. Same old dance: same old song.

We'll see (which, by the way, is no statement of assurance that the Special Counsel outcome is certain, one way or another).
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:At the zealot party, the King and his court do no wrong. Same old dance: same old song.

We'll see (which, by the way, is no statement of assurance that the Special Counsel outcome is certain, one way or another).

Like I said, you spend so much time listening to far left talking heads that you can't help but be relatively assured charges will be brought against Trump. Right now I would say that is your fondest hope. Ironically you're getting just the smallest dose of what the people had to endure the past four years. I say ironically because Trump and company are innocent of anything that comes remotely close to an illegal activity, and yet they are being treated as if they've done something wrong anyway. It's all part of the lies created by the so-called Democrat led 'resistance.' But while it would take earth moving equipment to move the mountains of evidence in existence against the last administration, evidence which had they any idea Hillary would lose, you can bet would have been given the hammer, bleachbited, shredded, or otherwise disposed of; The Dems continue nonetheless, to get off scot-free as nky's article so clearly lays out.

Your heroes however whose actions are demonstrably impure, cause/caused you no grief whatever. Just the routine machinations politics you said. You're in denial as was just put on display for all to see when nky presented the link giving PROOF, that Hillary did the same things and worse. But you chose to brush it off as you do everything inconvenient to the liberal cause. Talk about living in a dream world, you're the mayor of La-La Land.
TheRealThing Wrote:Like I said, you spend so much time listening to far left talking heads that you can't help but be relatively assured charges will be brought against Trump. Right now I would say that is your fondest hope. Ironically you're getting just the smallest dose of what the people had to endure the past four years. I say ironically because Trump and company are innocent of anything that comes remotely close to an illegal activity, and yet they are being treated as if they've done something wrong anyway. It's all part of the lies created by the so-called Democrat led 'resistance.' But while it would take earth moving equipment to move the mountains of evidence in existence against the last administration, evidence which had they any idea Hillary would lose, you can bet would have been given the hammer, bleachbited, shredded, or otherwise disposed of; The Dems continue nonetheless, to get off scot-free as nky's article so clearly lays out.

Your heroes however whose actions are demonstrably impure, cause/caused you no grief whatever. Just the routine machinations politics you said. You're in denial as was just put on display for all to see when nky presented the link giving PROOF, that Hillary did the same things and worse. But you chose to brush it off as you do everything inconvenient to the liberal cause. Talk about living in a dream world, you're the mayor of La-La Land.

Did Hillary, basically, mortgage the farm for Russian money to prop up the old business? Maybe she did. However, Hillary was defeated in the electoral college, and in keeping with the Constitution, Donald Trump assumed the Presidency. Thus, Hillary is now a private citizen. If she is tried and convicted of crimes by a jury of her peers, a judge will mete out punishment. I await the Special Counsel's finding. I will accept it. In the mean time, President Trump should continue to push his agenda. He won. I don't blame the Russians for HRC losing. Trump won the Rust Belt, credit his campaign strategy.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Did Hillary, basically, mortgage the farm for Russian money to prop up the old business? Maybe she did. However, Hillary was defeated in the electoral college, and in keeping with the Constitution, Donald Trump assumed the Presidency. Thus, Hillary is now a private citizen. If she is tried and convicted of crimes by a jury of her peers, a judge will mete out punishment. I await the Special Counsel's finding. I will accept it. In the mean time, President Trump should continue to push his agenda. He won. I don't blame the Russians for HRC losing. Trump won the Rust Belt, credit his campaign strategy.

Hers was not to prop up any business, taking money was the business. According to the Sekulow brothers, Billy Boy made 247 speeches for which he was paid 48 million dollars. Secretary of State Clinton's Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, (who it just so happens also defended Billy Boy during his impeachment proceedings BTW) having approved every last one of them. Trump's campaign strategy was a mere recognition of the people's ire. And in fearlessly running over the sacred cows of established political correctness, having the courage to speak out about it like no other candidate in the history of this nation, was his MO. DJT won the Presidency on his own, using his money, his jet, and his understanding of the meaning of Americanism and self governance.
TheRealThing Wrote:Hers was not to prop up any business, taking money was the business. According to the Sekulow brothers, Billy Boy made 247 speeches for which he was paid 48 million dollars. Secretary of State Clinton's Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, (who it just so happens also defended Billy Boy during his impeachment proceedings BTW) having approved every last one of them. Trump's campaign strategy was a mere recognition of the people's ire. And in fearlessly running over the sacred cows of established political correctness, having the courage to speak out about it like no other candidate in the history of this nation, was his MO. DJT won the Presidency on his own, using his money, his jet, and his understanding of the meaning of Americanism and self governance.

I agree with a lot of what you argue here. However, the same media he now puts on blast, gave him TONS of free, free, free coverage and exposure. His campaign understood what most missed and deserve credit. Again, the repeal of The Affordable Care Act, Paris Climate "get out," roll back of regulations, etc., he ran on these things and won. Like the policies or not, he won the election. However, his incessant off message tweeting, as if he were in a reality tv war of words and not POTUS, and his heavy-handed leaning on Director Comey (in my view onstruction) have revealed some flaws of character and judgment ill-befitting the leader of the free world, as some folks call the Office holder.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I agree with a lot of what you argue here. However, the same media he now puts on blast, gave him TONS of free, free, free coverage and exposure. His campaign understood what most missed and deserve credit. Again, the repeal of The Affordable Care Act, Paris Climate "get out," roll back of regulations, etc., he ran on these things and won. Like the policies or not, he won the election. However, his incessant off message tweeting, as if he were in a reality tv war of words and not POTUS, and his heavy-handed leaning on Director Comey (in my view onstruction) have revealed some flaws of character and judgment ill-befitting the leader of the free world, as some folks call the Office holder.

We've got the quote, Trump said Flynn is a good guy and I hope you can let this go. To which Comey responded, "I agree he's a good guy."
That's what you call heavy handed?
TheRealThing Wrote:We've got the quote, Trump said Flynn is a good guy and I hope you can let this go. To which Comey responded, "I agree he's a good guy."
That's what you call heavy handed?

"Drop it, ok?"

"I hope you can drop it, ok."

Comey nuanced his way to a Special Counsel. We'll see, PeeWeeGee. I have no certainty on what the finding will be. However, it is my opinion that President Trump sought to obstruct justice, and that intent is being established, witness by witness, subpoena by subpoena, as Mueller methodically makes his way through documents and interviews. That is my opinion.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote: "Drop it, ok?"

"I hope you can drop it, ok."

Comey nuanced his way to a Special Counsel. We'll see, PeeWeeGee. I have no certainty on what the finding will be. However, it is my opinion that President Trump sought to obstruct justice, and that intent is being established, witness by witness, subpoena by subpoena, as Mueller methodically makes his way through documents and interviews. That is my opinion.

No, this is what you're saying. You find a source and post it like I did or admit you're as full of it as a Christmas turkey.
TheRealThing Wrote:No, this is what you're saying. You find a source and post it like I did or admit you're as full of it as a Christmas turkey.

So, Comey is not a source? His testimony before the Senate? Releases of his memorandum?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:So, Comey is not a source? His testimony before the Senate? Releases of his memorandum?

Even if your guotes were taken directly from Comey's memos (and I certainly can't find that anywhere) his word doesn't carry more weight than the President's.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:So, Comey is not a source? His testimony before the Senate? Releases of his memorandum?
Comey is the source of the leak of several memoranda (the plural of memorandum) containing classified information. If Comey saved his memos on a computer designated for storage of classified information and then leaked the information to an individual who had no active security clearance and no "need to know," then he violated federal law. No wonder Comey let the Clinton crime syndicate off for doing the same thing with a stern lecture.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Comey is the source of the leak of several memoranda (the plural of memorandum) containing classified information. If Comey saved his memos on a computer designated for storage of classified information and then leaked the information to an individual who had no active security clearance and no "need to know," then he violated federal law. No wonder Comey let the Clinton crime syndicate off for doing the same thing with a stern lecture.

Ah, Comey is the bad guy, not the POTUS who, in the now infamous February meeting, told Comey to back off the Flynn investigation.

Mueller is working. We'll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ah, Comey is the bad guy, not the POTUS who, in the now infamous February meeting, told Comey to back off the Flynn investigation.

Mueller is working. We'll see.
It has already been established that Comey leaked classified information to the media through a college professor. Deal with that while you are wait to see what happens with the investigation that Comey instigated through his own criminal act. You seem to have a knack for backing losers.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It has already been established that Comey leaked classified information to the media through a college professor. Deal with that while you are wait to see what happens with the investigation that Comey instigated through his own criminal act. You seem to have a knack for backing losers.

This is your "established" spin on events. A mixed reaction from lawyers, and that is giving your position light treatment, is what "Comey the criminal" gets. It is as if a man witnesses a murder but is disregarded because he possibly jaywalked in arriving at the vantage point. I'm not conceding your "established," as Comey was a subordinate and "whistle blower" could apply.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:This is your "established" spin on events. A mixed reaction from lawyers, and that is giving your position light treatment, is what "Comey the criminal" gets. It is as if a man witnesses a murder but is disregarded because he possibly jaywalked in arriving at the vantage point. I'm not conceding your "established," as Comey was a subordinate and "whistle blower" could apply.
Whistle blowers do not leak classified information to the media and manufacture political witch hunts. You are truly the biggest partisan political hack who has ever posted in this forum.

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