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Putin makes our government look like idiots..
Putin lays out how bad Obama, Clinton, Kerry have been on foreign policy...

Fear the Nation Wrote:Putin lays out how bad Obama, Clinton, Kerry have been on foreign policy...

Adolph Hitler once spoke of the "futility of belief" that the Allied Forces had. Later, with those forces closing in, he killed himself. Putin...rise above your name.
Everybody knows ISIS was spawned under the Obama Administration's ridiculous foreign policy. I keep saying it but it's true. The definition of insanity is in doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different outcome. What Obama conceived and exacerbated with the help of Hillary, would under her leadership continue, and all the rabid chipmunks will keep doubling down and insisting they're right.
We create our enemies by continuing to undermine governments, arming "rebels" who gain control and turn out to hate us. Syria is a perfect example of this. We left the vacuum in Iraq. Supported the Arab spring which has led to the biggest destabilization of the area in modern times. How many times can those imbeciles in charge get it wrong. Like Putin said " it's like they can't think two steps ahead." Our constant undermining of the regions stability has turned what could be a powerful ally Russia, into a political enemy. Instead we befriend and cozie up to terrorist.
This administration has ruined our place in the world. If you vote to continue this " progress" you are to blame as much as the imbeciles your voting for.
^^The only reason liberals have been born into, raised and now operate in freedom and relative lack of tyranny, is because the Allies ridded the world of the evil vermin who would have destroyed it. The price paid for the fumigation was unspeakable, but the lack of threat as the result has created a whole new batch of bad guys and a new wave of bleeding heart liberals.

Unfortunately, it would seem no amount of revisiting the horrors of WW2 can snap the liberal utopia builders out of the delusion that man has arrived at the doorstep of universal brotherhood, peace and harmony. These bozos aren't kidding when they say large scale war is a relic of the past. That's why Obama downsized our military and basically ceded our defensive advantage. This nation was 10 years ahead of our most formidable adversary as recently as 2007, only the Pentagon knows where we stand now.

The balance of power in the Middle East stood from the end of WW2 until the absurdly naïve led us into the Arab Spring. And Hillary toasted it's coming as if ushering in a new age. It has been a new age alright, but not in a good way. Like a magnificent building which has fallen into decline for lack of upkeep, much of the balance (including NATO) which was achieved in this world through the victories of WW2 has eroded due to nothing more profound than apathy.
TheRealThing Wrote:Everybody knows ISIS was spawned under the Obama Administration's ridiculous foreign policy. I keep saying it but it's true. The definition of insanity is in doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different outcome. What Obama conceived and exacerbated with the help of Hillary, would under her leadership continue, and all the rabid chipmunks will keep doubling down and insisting they're right.

The underpinnings of ISIS cannot be explained without understanding the effect of dismissing the Elite Republican Guard in Iraq, and, further, the destabilizing effect of removing regimes with no clear plan to replace them, a policy not originating with President Obama, nor one he decisively dealt with either.
TheRealThing Wrote:Everybody knows ISIS was spawned under the Obama Administration's ridiculous foreign policy. I keep saying it but it's true. The definition of insanity is in doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different outcome. What Obama conceived and exacerbated with the help of Hillary, would under her leadership continue, and all the rabid chipmunks will keep doubling down and insisting they're right.
Were you not alive when Obama voted AGAINST the war in Iraq? Which, you know, saw the rise of Al Queda. Which, you know, spawned ISIS?

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