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UFO- True? or False?
I believe that there is other life out there. But, what do you think?

Ill post later.
I think some are true, others are made up.
first of all... is there life here??? but yes, there has to be other life forms in space. there are millions of galaxy's just like this one, with billions of planets.. so why should we be the only one?
I think it's very highly possible that there are other life forms, in this galaxy. But like GF said, some are made up and some are true. Some people are looking for attention, but I think that some people really have seen things.
Most of the UFOs are probably government secrets, but there is no reason to worry about them lol. But then i think there are some that might actually be an Unidentified species on earth or even from another planet (such as mars). oh yeah by the way CTD. I see DEAD people
I agree, Hurley. UFO's are probably some big government scandal and they hide it from us (much like anything)..I think there is a possibility that there are other life forms out there..but as far as alien upductions and silly things like anal probing..I don't really think that happens.

However, those crop circle things.. interesting, eh?
Totally false.
Never say never.....
Where do you think I came from?
I believe they is life out there. I was watching a show on the sci-fi channel about it. That is how i came up with this topic. But it was a bout a story in penn. They seen a craft crash in the woods at where the army soon showed and wouldnt let any civilians around it. They went all out. But, this was in 1965. It is still under investigation. NASA and the ministery of defense released documents recently that were classified topsecret. Really crazy stuff.
I think most of the older UFO stories are either true. The gov't took too much effort to hide things for something to not have happened.
I totally agree.
Area 51 always comes under fire when talking about UFO's. You have to admit it's a little mysterious, any base that would go to such extreme lengths as allowing someone to shoot to kill if someone crosses the property line. I'm sure they use it for secretive military purposes, but you have to wonder sometimes if they could have something ufo-related in there.
i agree with ray. i watched a show the other day about a guy that lived very close to area 51 and often he would walk along the boundaries of it. he said that he sees alot of flights and things going in and out of there all the time. he also found something near one of the area 51 boundaries. he had recorded it with a friend. it was like a sound recorder and stuff with a microphone and wires and stuff. it was kinda weird. but yea, im with ray. if the government is freaking out so much over someone getting within 1/2 mile of where the base stuff actually starts then they HAVE to be worried about someone seeing something!! ufo's maybe?
SuperMario Wrote:I believe they is life out there. I was watching a show on the sci-fi channel about it. That is how i came up with this topic. But it was a bout a story in penn. They seen a craft crash in the woods at where the army soon showed and wouldnt let any civilians around it. They went all out. But, this was in 1965. It is still under investigation. NASA and the ministery of defense released documents recently that were classified topsecret. Really crazy stuff.

Yeah, i heard about that... "Kecksburg" i think it was.

Area 51. that is where all the secret military aircraft get tested. But the UFO's they have there, they are more likely under ground where sattellites cannot detect them. Watch "Independence Day" for a rather amusing look at Area 51.
But you know, another way of looking at it is. At the start of WW2, we as a country was no where near ready for a war. We was considered to be a force that had to be taken into consideration, but not a global power. Germany was the leader in global warfair with there new weapons. Now, 60 years later, we are the only superpower left on earth. We have aircraft that can fly many times faster than the speed of sound. Aircraft that cant be seen on radar. Our soldiers can use night vision goggles and turn the dark of night into daylight. Not to mention stuff that is used in the military but also everyday people like GPS, The SR-71 Blackbird, the U2 spyplane, all the stuff that are outdated today to our standards are way above what most countries have in there arsonal. Where did we get all this advanced hardware from? Is it that our scientest are smarter than ones in every other country in the world? Or could we possiblally had a helping hand in coming up with them?
Well, i'm not sure if they are real or not, but I saw on the Discovery channel the other day that there are as many stars in the universe as there is grains of sand on the face of the earth. It made me feel so small when i saw this, lol. So with every star being a part of a galaxy or solar system, then that leaves alot of oppurtunity for another form of life being somewhere in the Universe, and I am almost convinced now that there was life on Mars at some point or another in time, because they have a slight atmosphere there and polar ice caps.
I believe in aliens (or atleast other intelligent life) beyond the shadow of a doubt. We have a never-ending expanding universe. Why would only one speck of all of that be useful while the rest was just flying debris?

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