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Boy found after missing for 4 years
BEAUFORT, Mo. - Two boys kidnapped four years apart and found in the same suburban St. Louis apartment smiled shyly but said nothing to media at two hug-filled news conferences Saturday, a day after they were rescued.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Unbelievable!

Yes that is Unbelievable
Hope he wasnt abused.
I saw this on the news this morning and I am so happy for them and their parents. This brightened my day up so much. It just goes to show that there is still hope for abducted children and their parents and they should never stop trying. 4 years in an extremely long time in a kidnapping situation. 4 days itself is a very long time for one to go missing and wind up being found and being safe. After 48 hours those chances are decreased by 50 percent.

There is a good chance that he was sexually abused. The guy that had him is a registered sex offender.
Awwww, love his heart. There are some sick, sad people in this world. I hadn't heard this part on the news but a registered sex offender isn't going to kidnap two young boys, keep one for 4 years, and have them around for milk and cookies. I hate to hear this. His kidnapper needs to be thrown in a cell with Bubba for the duration of his life and have guards who turn their heads when they walk by.

Yeah I agree, he needs to be put in the pin. But I am glad that they found the missing boy.
im glad the missing boy was lets execute that mother fu*ker!!!!
Execution is too quick, painless and easy. He doesn't deserve the death penalty..he deserves worse.

Very glad they found them
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Man..Give me 2 minutes with this bastard!
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Man..Give me 2 minutes with this bastard!

Two minutes wouldn't be enough time...... I don't understand, did the kids not go to school, and nobody ask why?? Bunch of shady stuff about this
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:Two minutes wouldn't be enough time...... I don't understand, did the kids not go to school, and nobody ask why?? Bunch of shady stuff about this

They were kidnapped
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I'm really glad they found these kids and this guy desereves something horrible done to him.
I also hadnt heard he was a sex offender but figured thats why he had kidnapped them. I'm really happy they both where found alive but I hate it that the Shawn boy was probably put threw unthinkable things for 4 years.
15thRegionCrazy Wrote:They were kidnapped

No kidding........(insert picture below)......But they were often outside playing with other kids and things
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:Two minutes wouldn't be enough time...... I don't understand, did the kids not go to school, and nobody ask why?? Bunch of shady stuff about this
That is all it would take! Of course I would want this guy to suffer miserabally!!!:devilflam :redboxer: :ChairHit: :flame:
Thank God they are home with their parents again. This is a sad story about the sickness of our society. If you have children keep them close, because you never know what horrible persons lurks around each corner. Life in prison will be fitting for this sick individual so he can think about his victims' freedom every day!

Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
Awesome ending to an incident that could neav been much worse!
One of the boys was like 11 years old, had already taken the ACT twice and was getting ready to enroll into college. Everyday he would get off the bus and his house was less than a football field away, his buddy drove his truck to the end of the road everyday and got onto the bus from there, one day he got into his truck, drove down the road, looked into his rear view mirror and his buddy was nowhere to be seen, so sad that the boy was so close to his home and got kidnapped. He has a bright future in front of him, hopefully he can overcome this.

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