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What makes a coaching job a good job?
What is the most important factors that make a coaching job a good job? I am interested to hear everyone's opinions. List them in the order of importance with the top 1 being the most important.

Feeder System
Weight Room facilities
Number of Asst coaches
Administrative support
Daily classroom responsibilities
Community Support
Support from administration would cover most of that. Most important.
Good players
Good feeder program
Good money
Good facilities
I'm not a currently a coach, but I will be one day. I think most of the things are on your list are found in greater supply elsewhere like Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Texas etc. The most important thing to me is support from the admin and community. All the rest will fall into place.
Talented player or talented coaches
Administration support
Community support

You don't have to have the best players on the field if they're the best coached. You don't have to be the best coached if you've got a roster full of high level athletes. And, you won't get good coaches there to make a good team if you can't pay them. Those are the only two things that I think are 100% required.

Support from the administration and community are nice and very helpful, but they ultimately really aren't required. It's just rare that a successful program doesn't draw the attachment of the greater school district and the community surrounding it. Everybody loves a winner.
Administrative Support (big umbrella)
Location (ties in with scheduling a lot)

You better have some kids that can do things you can't coach.
Knowing what you're doing. And able to coach kids up. Learning how to get the most out of each young man. Some lack those traits.
TopCat Wrote:What is the most important factors that make a coaching job a good job? I am interested to hear everyone's opinions. List them in the order of importance with the top 1 being the most important.

Feeder System
Weight Room facilities
Number of Asst coaches
Administrative support
Daily classroom responsibilities
Community Support

Administrative support- have to have it or nothing else matters

Number of Asst coaches- if kids ain't working they are not getting better

Feeder System- Has to keep kids out and do a decent job of fundamentals

Community Support- Obvious

Weight Room facilities- Players spend as much if not more time here than on the field



Daily classroom responsibilities



Quality Assistant Coaches should be #1 on the list.

There is not a top notch program that doesn't have a solid staff. You may have a big year here and there with just a good HC and weak assistants but to develop a "program". You have to have a solid staff. Mayfield, Ft. Thomas, Bowling Green, Trinity etc.... These and some others are places that coaches will go and stay long term as an assistant because of how things are done.
Guys, I've been around a long time, and I'm telling you right now that if you don't have support from the administration you will not be successful. If the big dog doesn't want it, you ain't going to have it. Look the struggling programs throughout the state, look at them year in and year out, almost always the same, and almost without exception, no support. Every school has talent, its there, but without the push from the administration, they aren't likely to play. If you have administrative support, everything else falls into place, including quality assist. coaches.
Admin. is important in the regards that they aren't an obstructionist to the coach, but I've seen many admin, that weren't necessarily bad for football, that could care less about the football scene.

The bad ones are the admins that intentionally try to do things to prevent a coach from having success. Like not allowing the coach to have a weight lifting class or having a 2 hour faculty meeting every wednesday and requiring all the coaches to be there instead of practicing.
Administrations need to realize one huge aspect. This goes for all sports. It's not always about the sport. It's about grooming good young men and women. Good coaches teach much more than the sport. You hear the term Student/Athlete. Its an honor to play a sport. And it's not given. Coaches are the parents away from school. They watch their grades. They teach discipline, self motivation and being a fundamentally sound person. Family and school work comes before sports. If an administration is not behind the things I mentioned. Then shame on them.
Administration Support
Parent Support
Community Support
If you have all three of these everything else will work itself out.
I guess it kind of falls under administration support but I think that what your teaching responsibilities are during the day is huge. Teaching has become such a paperwork and pony show nightmare that I think if you don't have limited responsibilities during the day you will not be a good coach or teacher.
Brooks4Prez Wrote:I guess it kind of falls under administration support but I think that what your teaching responsibilities are during the day is huge. Teaching has become such a paperwork and pony show nightmare that I think if you don't have limited responsibilities during the day you will not be a good coach or teacher.

Agreed. Huge.

I haven't met an administrator yet that couldn't wait to get out of the classroom (of course, they won't say that and will fluff it by giving some kind of political bs).

Let Betty Jo English teacher be the ISS, Homebound, Credit Recovery, etc teacher and all is right in the world. Let Johnny Head Football Coach do those jobs and the roof implodes, criticized, etc.

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