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Knox central 60 Whitley co 43
final. Looks to me like anybody can beat anybody on a given nite in the 13th
Knox is hard to figure out. They beat Corbin and Whitley bad, but North and HCHS had a pretty easy time with them.
Its early yet, and Whitley has shown flashes of being a really good basketball team. They did bounce back and beat Williamsburg easily. Whitley had a long Tuesday vs SL, Thursday vs LC, Sat vs KC and vs W'burg.....tough long week for a young team.

3-1 not bad and two victories vs district opponents.
Even showing the flashes they have, Whitley is still very young. You can expect them to come up some nights and not do very well.
They are still relying on the 3 a little too much as well as they haven't gotten that inside game established yet.

I think Whitley will be fine and can beat anybody in the region if there shots are falling. On the flip side, they could be beat by almost anybody if there shots aren't falling.
I agree gut. Even south as bad as south played at Whitley beat Whitley the last three quarters after Whitley nailed 5 threes in the first q. Woukdnt surprise me for Whitley Corbin or south to win that district
Congrats to Panthers. 13th wide open
It looks like KC may have finally hired a coach.
KC is much better shape program wise since the change.

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