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Bluegrass Rivals 2015 HSFB Pick Em' Contest Rules
Bluegrass Rivals 2015 HSFB Pick Em' Contest

I'll be taking care of you guys in this year's pick em' contest. It's pretty simple. In a nutshell, I'll pick ten random games a week and we all pick to see who knows Kentucky HSFB the best (or who is the luckiest). I will "stick" this thread after everyone gets a chance to see it. Pay attention to the rules below.

1.) There will be one "sticky" thread for the pick em' contest each week. Post your predictions in that thread. Weekly rankings and overall rankings will be posted in the thread on Monday as well.

2.) I close the thread down at 5PM on Friday. This gives you a time to get your stuff in every week and prevents idiots from editing their posts after games start.

3.) No tie-breakers this year until the final week. The last tie-breaker is the only one that matters anyway. The tie-breaker will be an extra game where you predict the score and the closest score gets the extra point. If two people predict the same thing, whoever got their prediction in first would get the point.

4.) Either type out the team's full name for your answers or copy and paste the predictions and apply "BOLD" to your predictions. I know your team likes to go by "Z-ville" or "The Dogs", but I don't want to wade through that crap every week. If I don't know who it is referring to at first glance, it won't get counted.

A thread with the rules and the Week 0 games is up now if you want to get a head start.
#2 - speaking from experience??

Granny Bear Wrote:#2 - speaking from experience??


No one here would ever try to do that :blabbermo

Even though it says on the bottom that it was edited.

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