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Real Life Challenged Hillary
Since Hillary hasn't driven a vehicle in over 20 years, had never before been in a Chipotle Restaurant (or any similar restaurant for that matter), and had to have the wife of Anthony the Weiner order for her (she didn't even leave a tip for all those "average" people that she wants "so desperately" to represent), does anyone suppose that she has ever changed the diaper of or fed her new grandchild?

She has already played on her role as a "grandmother" to gain support from naive women and you can bet it will be a big item during her run. But, every time you hear about it, ask yourself if you would want your children to have this ultra scripted woman for a grandmother. And, assuming the answer is "no", think about the disaster she would be playing the role as president. God help us.
Well, if you read her book entitled "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child" you should have even more insight about her thought processes and that of the far left in general. And don't let anybody tell you she's a moderate, she's left. In her book, she contends that outside influences, that is outside the natural direction provided by the parent, are the real molding forces in the development of our nation's youth. Hence the airtight marriage between liberals and anything to do with education in this country. And, we're talking cradle to grave here, not just high school and college.

In fact, from the time working parents begin dropping their infants off at daycare, until they graduate college, the government is busy 'giving' them their opinions. That would include the panorama of education, from the full gambit of social justice, to morals and race relations, to what may be deemed appropriate religious development. Heck, even folks like Bill O'Reilly (Catholic) and Bernard Goldstein (non-orthodox Jew?), think government should be able to interpret Scripture in light of the current wisdom of men.

At any rate in my view, we are witnessing the liberal's efforts to terra form mankind in their image. And it is no coincidence that such terraforming runs diametrically opposed to the tenets of the Christian faith. It is certainly nothing new, we have seen the liberal linage established over the past half century. Hillary wrote her book from that perspective back when she was still first lady, (her only qualifier to be anything if you ask me,) and equally smitten with self awareness would obviously have to be Obama. Though, I will admit it is his own narcissism that enabled the real life manifestations of his liberal brainwashing to come to fruition, through the magic of his pen and his phone.

IMHO, so many so-called Christians presently have their eyes closed that it will take, God's help to deliver us. AFTR, the reason I brought up Goldberg was because he and other notable Jewish Americans seem to be able to put their liberal political agendas ahead of their faith. An affliction of which their Christian counterparts seem to be equally smitten.

The reason that the media and the Dems keep the air ways 'alit' with the liberal propaganda line, is to provide two things. Edification for the indoctrinated graduates (they wouldn't want their eyes opened to reality too soon), and to aid and abet those to which they have a quid pro quo arrangement for votes.
It is amazing how far a limited intellect, an over-sized ego, a weak work ethic, and no moral compass can carry a person in this country if they choose to pursue a political career.

What is even more surprising is how a politician with such poor political skills as Hillary can become a serious presidential candidate. How much intelligence and political saavy does it take for a politician to understand that it is in their own self interest to occasionally appear on newscasts driving a car, shopping, or doing some other real life chores and to do these things when they are not engaged in a political campaign?

Hillary has a larger income than most big company CEOs, contributes nothing of value to our economy or social fabric, and can still get away with bashing CEOs for making so much more money than their employees.

The overwhelming majority of Americans are stupid. There is simply no other explanation for Hillary Clinton having a political career at any level.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is amazing how far a limited intellect, an over-sized ego, a weak work ethic, and no moral compass can carry a person in this country if they choose to pursue a political career.

What is even more surprising is how a politician with such poor political skills as Hillary can become a serious presidential candidate. How much intelligence and political saavy does it take for a politician to understand that it is in their own self interest to occasionally appear on newscasts driving a car, shopping, or doing some other real life chores and to do these things when they are not engaged in a political campaign?

Hillary has a larger income than most big company CEOs, contributes nothing of value to our economy or social fabric, and can still get away with bashing CEOs for making so much more money than their employees.

The overwhelming majority of Americans are stupid. There is simply no other explanation for Hillary Clinton having a political career at any level.

LOL, I call that being willfully ignorant. If one was there, and I must assume a reasonable ratio of the voting public was, he knows that Hillary has never done a thing. It was the media who reveled in the notion that Tipper and Hillary were smart and intelligent back during the Clinton era.

There was nothing other than Whitewater to suggest they were right about that at the time, a fact that has been amply demonstrated through recent events.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, I call that being willfully ignorant. If one was there, and I must assume a reasonable ratio of the voting public was, he knows that Hillary has never done a thing. It was the media who reveled in the notion that Tipper and Hillary were smart and intelligent back during the Clinton era.

There was nothing other than Whitewater to suggest they were right about that at the time, a fact that has been amply demonstrated through recent events.
Technically, "willfully ignorant" is a more accurate description of Hillary (and Obama) supporters, but how stupid is it to live willfully ignorant in the Information Age, when most information is within a few keystrokes of your fingertips?
I wholeheartedly agree that a majority of Americans are both stupid and willfully ignorant. I think that is particularly true of Christians in regard to political realities.

The main culprit, I believe, is what I call the government schools. From kindergarten up, children are taught to, above all, be accepting and tolerant of all view points. Diversity is said to be what makes this country strong. And, of course, the "educators" emphasize that we should never judge. Right and wrong are relative, you know.

These children can neither do simple arithmetic without calculators and/or computers nor write a complete sencence using proper grammar. But, they do feel good about themselves and all who are around them. They cannot name the governor of their state but know all about the Kardashians and Angelina Jolie. They cannot communicate without their little machines in their hands. Verbal communication? Forget it.

Who is ultimately at fault for all this destruction to the very fiber of the country? Parents who sit on their rather fat butts and let the world decline before their eyes. And, right at the top of the list are the good church people and their leaders who are more interested in pot luck dinners and love offerings than they are in protecting the world they will leave to their brainwashed children.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I wholeheartedly agree that a majority of Americans are both stupid and willfully ignorant. I think that is particularly true of Christians in regard to political realities.

The main culprit, I believe, is what I call the government schools. From kindergarten up, children are taught to, above all, be accepting and tolerant of all view points. Diversity is said to be what makes this country strong. And, of course, the "educators" emphasize that we should never judge. Right and wrong are relative, you know.

These children can neither do simple arithmetic without calculators and/or computers nor write a complete sencence using proper grammar. But, they do feel good about themselves and all who are around them. They cannot name the governor of their state but know all about the Kardashians and Angelina Jolie. They cannot communicate without their little machines in their hands. Verbal communication? Forget it.

Who is ultimately at fault for all this destruction to the very fiber of the country? Parents who sit on their rather fat butts and let the world decline before their eyes. And, right at the top of the list are the good church people and their leaders who are more interested in pot luck dinners and love offerings than they are in protecting the world they will leave to their brainwashed children.

You have in certain terms made an eloquent case with which to justify my assertions that Christians will be called into account for their voting record. And, politics very likely have nothing at all to do with the matter. Rather, it is man putting his own wisdom ahead of the Almighty, thereby esteeming his own reasoning as being superior to the Godly tenets of Scripture. Call it liberalism, secular humanism, whatever, when God's own, vote for any candidate who openly campaigns in support of abortion on demand and the furtherance of gay rights, he will be called into account for his actions.

As I have said, when men, whether those men be presidents, senators or supreme court justices, pass laws which supersede the authority of the Creator. In that those laws have the effect of overturning His clearly set forth standards, such as in the case of our having sanctioned homosexual marriage, Judgment must fall.

But past that, the degradation of this country as you so amply point out, may be laid at the feet of the Church.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Technically, "willfully ignorant" is a more accurate description of Hillary (and Obama) supporters, but how stupid is it to live willfully ignorant in the Information Age, when most information is within a few keystrokes of your fingertips?

I don't know. I guess it's sort of like getting back too much change from a transaction. The person getting back the extra money knows he just got too much but, it is at that moment that he must choose to either give back the overage or, take off with the money.

It is in that choice that folks reveal their true nature. Similarly, people who vote out of selfishness, whether that be to pad their pockets through government give away programs which, after a time could easily be called stealing, or the promise of jobs for unions, know full well that the choice they just made is more like taking that extra hundred and sticking the poor clerk who will no doubt be paying it back from his/her own pocket.

What was it that made Americans at one time in recent memory so honest that windows could be left open all night to let in the cool night air without fear of invasion? Or leaving the windows rolled down on their car? Or stopping by the grocery to buy some things for the family next door who's father was out of work? I believe it was our adherence to Christian values. The more we have forsaken our Lord and Savior, the more we have fallen into crime and abuse. It is without question the source of our plight. We had a scant 136 thousand on food stamps (welfare) during the Johnson Presidency, (as compared to nearly 50 million today). Then in 1973 we saw Roe v Wade and by 2010 we saw the repeal of DADT. One generation, that is all any people are from decline, none the less, the integrity necessary at the personal level to be a self governing nation would seem to have been forfeited in that time frame.
There is much wisdom and truth in your last two posts, TheRealThing. The result in this country in one year alone from the abominable Roe v Wade decision far exceeds the horror caused for the Nazi death camps in any one year.

I place the blame for the country's ever escalating destruction on four sources: Parents, government schools, mainstream churches, and the media. It is no coincidence that the majority who support both abortion and same sex marriage is made up mainly of younger people. They have been indoctrinated by the government schools and the media. And, of course, their parents are absent physically and/or mentally. They continue to allow the government schools and the media, particularly the entertainment media, to set the beliefs of their children. As for the churches, they continue to be more passive with each passing day.

Will God intervene in all this? We'll see.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:There is much wisdom and truth in your last two posts, TheRealThing. The result in this country in one year alone from the abominable Roe v Wade decision far exceeds the horror caused for the Nazi death camps in any one year.

I place the blame for the country's ever escalating destruction on four sources: Parents, government schools, mainstream churches, and the media. It is no coincidence that the majority who support both abortion and same sex marriage is made up mainly of younger people. They have been indoctrinated by the government schools and the media. And, of course, their parents are absent physically and/or mentally. They continue to allow the government schools and the media, particularly the entertainment media, to set the beliefs of their children. As for the churches, they continue to be more passive with each passing day.

Will God intervene in all this? We'll see.

Francis Bacon is said to have quoted the following; "Knowledge is power", and Thomas Jefferson actually used that quote twice within the founding documents. If knowledge is power, then knowledge of the truth is ultimate power.

So many have written books and papers that express the view that all truth is relative. That is the stand taken by academia in our time and times past. Obviously such a rationale is the breeding ground for such notions as the theory of evolution, the big bang and the recent rash of presumptive governmental machinations which fly in the face of God's own authority. It is this emancipationary force under which man seeks to justify his rebellion against God. Such mental quick sand is the foundation on which the endless debate within the hallowed halls is anchored. The smarmy and the mealy mouthed rule in our time though, since their rationales are founded on lies, so are their speeches and legislative actions. Any fool could see it if his eyes were not blinded by his own rejection of truth.

This is my position with regard to truth. The Scripture is not allegory, in fact, history proves the Biblical accounts given to expand on the particulars of the various nations of the past to be 100 percent accurate. The only thing that is up for debate are the things that cannot be proven, though they may be by choice rejected. Things like the great flood for example, or the apocalyptic texts of "The Revelation" and other books which both interface perfectly and actually help explain certain prophetic passages in other places.

In cutting to the chase however, I believe the end times which have been written about in great detail since the days of King Nebuchanezzar, have begun to unfold. Frankly, the events on the prophetic calendar have already begun to speed up and, will as predicted, culminate in the crescendo known as "The Great Tribulation." No man will be able to do a thing to slow these events, much less stop them. God's intervention, having given man every opportunity, will be to end man's time on this earth, followed by the thing that all men fear whether they will admit it or not, the Judgment.

I take great comfort in the fact that every word God has spoken is true. The deceptions of this life will come to an abrupt end in the day of the Lord.
2 Peter 3:10 (KJV)
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
I have to say with regard to the thread starter in which HRV pointed out the possibility of Hillary becoming President. Some time back I was pretty surprised to learn that the United States were completely dependent on Russia for the rocket engines we use for our space program. However, I am presently appalled to learn that Russia has at least 50% control of US uranium production.

That means that Russia (Putin) may well be supplying Iran with the uranium ore they will be needing to illegally enrich in order to pursue their black market nuclear weaponry aspirations.

There is no good reason that the Clintons were not placed behind bars years ago. I thought about starting a thread about the Clintons peddling their influence to hand over control of as much of 50 percent of this country's uranium production, but I am tired of wasting my time. Tens of millions of voters have made a mockery of the voting privilege in this country to install an anti-American president twice.

The same people, and the dim witted people who raised them put the Clintons in the White House twice. That is a total of 16 years that ardent anti-Americans have had control of the presidency, and polls still show that these same morons cannot wait to vote for Hillary for president.

At this point, I sincerely do not think it makes much difference to Democratic voters what crimes Hillary Clinton commits, just as long as they get an opportunity to vote another unpatriotic criminal into the presidency.

Khruschev was right, Russia is burying this once great nation, but he could not have imagined that it would be Americans manning the shovels while the Russians just stand by and laugh at our expense.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:There is no good reason that the Clintons were not placed behind bars years ago. I thought about starting a thread about the Clintons peddling their influence to hand over control of as much of 50 percent of this country's uranium production, but I am tired of wasting my time. Tens of millions of voters have made a mockery of the voting privilege in this country to install an anti-American president twice.

The same people, and the dim witted people who raised them put the Clintons in the White House twice. That is a total of 16 years that ardent anti-Americans have had control of the presidency, and polls still show that these same morons cannot wait to vote for Hillary for president.

At this point, I sincerely do not think it makes much difference to Democratic voters what crimes Hillary Clinton commits, just as long as they get an opportunity to vote another unpatriotic criminal into the presidency.

Khruschev was right, Russia is burying this once great nation, but he could not have imagined that it would be Americans manning the shovels while the Russians just stand by and laugh at our expense.

What is the saying, "truth is stranger than fiction?" I have always loathed the self absorbed Clintons, as have all traditionally conservative minded Americans. I used to liken the Clinton's philosophical aspirations to the old farmer's axiom which stated the following; "Don't eat your seed corn." The reason is obvious, come spring, the farmer would have nothing to plant thus, the specter of starvation lurked not far beyond. The Clintons are the poster kinder for the live for today crowd.

There is another psychological profile that is even more troubling amid all of this however, and, has been amply demonstrated in the lawless actions of those who have participated in the Occupy Main Street movement and the race based demonstrations across this land. That is in the gleeful pillaging, looting and destruction of these so-called protestors. The irony is that these thugs have been lionized as patriots from their Democrat husbandmen, who have championed their crimes as being part of the American process. In the meantime, people who work and obey the law are despised by the very ones who depend on them for their substance. At any rate, having skin in the game is the only way the common man will gain any particular love or appreciation for this country. The Dems removed any hope of that ever happening again through the establishment of the welfare state. Hence, all the "shovel manning."

At some point the money will be gone. I fully expect that point to come sometime during the unhappy eventuality of another Clinton Presidency. I mean, to follow along with your 'how stupid' observations, how stupid would one have to be to allow Russia to control US uranium? Much less the other energy fields of which they are major players at the global level?

How willfully ignorant, and stupid, would one have to be to vote 5 or 6 times for the same kind of leadership while the roof was falling on their head?
Lanny Davis will do anything for money, or so it would seem, LOL.
Is it just me, or is the sound of all those crickets coming from the Hillary camp thunderous?

It is in the rare occasion such as the present, when an unchallenged Democratic candidate (Hillary in this case), who looking around finds nobody at which to cast stones, that we see just how incapable Dems are to support their own record. Obama's record in 2012 was abysmal as it was indefensible. But, in constantly shelling Mitt Romney, who has a brilliant public service record BTW, attention was diverted in typical schoolyard fashion.

A problem which has proven to be nearly insurmountable for Republicans, is how they can effectively force Dems to defend their own miserable failings. One major hurdle to clear of course, is that fact that the national microphone is dominated by liberal news outlets which makes it hard to get the Republican point of view out there. I doubt that many will agree with me on this next point but, I have noticed that even on FOX News, the anchors always split the blame equally between D's and R's in the Congress, while tending to say it is the Republicans who won't cooperate. :HitWall: All I can say to that is it's a good thing somebody was willing to put the brakes on the madness. I don't believe for a second that the majority of Americans want to see things getting done in the Congress if they are liberal in scope. Most of us know that we can't afford any more. Although I have heard some finger Harry Reid of late, for stalling the workings of Congress, as has been obvious since 2010, when the people first began to speak up and start sweeping the liberals from government.

None the less, Hillary finds herself in the position of having to run against herself and the revelations of impropriety are tsunami-esque to say the least.
TheRealThing Wrote:Is it just me, or is the sound of all those crickets coming from the Hillary camp thunderous?

It is in the rare occasion such as the present, when an unchallenged Democratic candidate (Hillary in this case), who looking around finds nobody at which to cast stones, that we see just how incapable Dems are to support their own record. Obama's record in 2012 was abysmal as it was indefensible. But, in constantly shelling Mitt Romney, who has a brilliant public service record BTW, attention was diverted in typical schoolyard fashion.

A problem which has proven to be nearly insurmountable for Republicans, is how they can effectively force Dems to defend their own miserable failings. One major hurdle to clear of course, is that fact that the national microphone is dominated by liberal news outlets which makes it hard to get the Republican point of view out there. I doubt that many will agree with me on this next point but, I have noticed that even on FOX News, the anchors always split the blame equally between D's and R's in the Congress, while tending to say it is the Republicans who won't cooperate. :HitWall: All I can say to that is it's a good thing somebody was willing to put the brakes on the madness. I don't believe for a second that the majority of Americans want to see things getting done in the Congress if they are liberal in scope. Most of us know that we can't afford any more. Although I have heard some finger Harry Reid of late, for stalling the workings of Congress, as has been obvious since 2010, when the people first began to speak up and start sweeping the liberals from government.

None the less, Hillary finds herself in the position of having to run against herself and the revelations of impropriety are tsunami-esque to say the least.
I think that some of the frauds who still support Hillary and Obama are spending time where their idiotic views are less likely to be ridiculed. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I think that some of the frauds who still support Hillary and Obama are spending time where their idiotic views are less likely to be ridiculed. :biggrin:

Idiotic, subversive and unpatriotic IMHO. When at long last the common man realizes that the actively ongoing redistribution of wealth applies to working people, as well as the rich, it may well be too late. At last I heard, the number of new taxes and tax hikes imposed by the Obama administration had gone north of 275. Sooner or later people are going to realize their hard earned money is gone owing to increased taxation. At any rate, the irony of all this may be in the fact that unions are the torchbearers for this national fleecing know as redistribution. Even when ObamaCare backfired on them in the form of unrealistic taxation, they are still deluding themselves.

The votes for free stuff scheme has nearly finished America off as illegal Latino goldrushers, along with the entitled masses have picked the US Treasury clean. And as you point out, the lamebrains are poised to elect another liberal. Like I have been saying, those who think the live for today crowd will suddenly and miraculously find their conscience are kidding themselves. The freeloaders will try to install a liberal Dem as long as there is any hope of getting free stuff from the government.
TheRealThing Wrote:Idiotic, subversive and unpatriotic IMHO. When at long last the common man realizes that the actively ongoing redistribution of wealth applies to working people, as well as the rich, it may well be too late. At last I heard, the number of new taxes and tax hikes imposed by the Obama administration had gone north of 275. Sooner or later people are going to realize their hard earned money is gone owing to increased taxation. At any rate, the irony of all this may be in the fact that unions are the torchbearers for this national fleecing know as redistribution. Even when ObamaCare backfired on them in the form of unrealistic taxation, they are still deluding themselves.

The votes for free stuff scheme has nearly finished America off as illegal Latino goldrushers, along with the entitled masses have picked the US Treasury clean. And as you point out, the lamebrains are poised to elect another liberal. Like I have been saying, those who think the live for today crowd will suddenly and miraculously find their conscience are kidding themselves. The freeloaders will try to install a liberal Dem as long as there is any hope of getting free stuff from the government.
It is also easy for white liberal voters to ignore the fact that they are targets in a war on white voters like themselves when they live in predominately white neighborhoods.

This morning, I read a detailed account of a reporter's experience in attending an Orioles-Redsox game at Camden Yards in Baltimore last nights. After braving the stolen cans and bottles of beer being hurled at them by "youths" holding #blacklivesmatter signs, the 15,000 fans attending the game were asked to voluntarily remain in the stadium. The game went into extra innings and fans were allowed to leave, as apparently enough police officers were summoned to allow the innocent targets to make a get-away.

For some reason, those youths were targeting white folks almost exclusively.

As bad as things are for innocent white voters who are careless about where they choose to travel, such as a baseball game, imaging what things will be like when Obama and his ilk finish fundamentally transforming the country so that it looks more like him and the illegal alien Hispanic thugs who he has declared off limits to ICE.

Seven years ago a real race war in this country seemed unthinkable. Obama has made one seemed almost inevitable. The Balkanization of the U.S. is the Obama legacy and people who voted for him twice should hang their heads in shame.

Hillary only offers more of the same, but whereas Obama is motivated by a leftwing political ideology and his deep seated racism, Hillary is motivated by greed. As long as there are people in this world who are willing to pay her to destroy her own country, their bidding will be done.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is also easy for white liberal voters to ignore the fact that they are targets in a war on white voters like themselves when they live in predominately white neighborhoods.

This morning, I read a detailed account of a reporter's experience in attending an Orioles-Redsox game at Camden Yards in Baltimore last nights. After braving the stolen cans and bottles of beer being hurled at them by "youths" holding #blacklivesmatter signs, the 15,000 fans attending the game were asked to voluntarily remain in the stadium. The game went into extra innings and fans were allowed to leave, as apparently enough police officers were summoned to allow the innocent targets to make a get-away.

For some reason, those youths were targeting white folks almost exclusively.

As bad as things are for innocent white voters who are careless about where they choose to travel, such as a baseball game, imaging what things will be like when Obama and his ilk finish fundamentally transforming the country so that it looks more like him and the illegal alien Hispanic thugs who he has declared off limits to ICE.

Seven years ago a real race war in this country seemed unthinkable. Obama has made one seemed almost inevitable. The Balkanization of the U.S. is the Obama legacy and people who voted for him twice should hang their heads in shame.

Hillary only offers more of the same, but whereas Obama is motivated by a leftwing political ideology and his deep seated racism, Hillary is motivated by greed. As long as there are people in this world who are willing to pay her to destroy her own country, their bidding will be done.

I haven't had a chance to see the headlines for today so I don't yet know if the media are giving cover for this story or not. All I can say for the sad state of affairs you have so clearly outlined is that the revisionist Dems who oversee the madness should never have risen to power in the first place. Baby boomers who should know better, and the Church, have done their part in installing these guys in office with their votes, or they would not be there.

We have seen the voter rise up over the past couple election cycles as far as state governors and the congress are concerned. If we could just see our way clear to do the right thing again in 2016, there may be just a sliver of hope that the feeding frenzy of the party crashers may be quelled. Pray hard, vote hard.

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