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'You've Got a Friend': Kerry Brings James Taylor to Serenade France
When I first heard that John Kerry had taken James Taylor to France to serenade the French with "You've Got a Friend," my first reaction was to think somebody had taken an Onion article seriously again. But this is John Kerry and Barack Obama. It makes perfect sense for them to substitute American pop music for foreign policy. :biglmao:

Seriously, has there ever been a worse foreign policy president than Obama? I thought Jimmy Carter was bad, but Carter's foreign policy was pure genius in comparison to the clown in the White House today.

Can anybody name a single foreign policy success that Obama can claim?

James Taylor helps John Kerry show solidarity with France after delayed U.S. response to Paris terror attacks
Hoot Gibson Wrote:When I first heard that John Kerry had taken James Taylor to France to serenade the French with "You've Got a Friend," my first reaction was to think somebody had taken an Onion article seriously again. But this is John Kerry and Barack Obama. It makes perfect sense for them to substitute American pop music for foreign policy. :biglmao:

Seriously, has there ever been a worse foreign policy president than Obama? I thought Jimmy Carter was bad, but Carter's foreign policy was pure genius in comparison to the clown in the White House today.

Can anybody name a single foreign policy success that Obama can claim?

James Taylor helps John Kerry show solidarity with France after delayed U.S. response to Paris terror attacks

Ah, the voice of reason. Always good to read the words of a normal person, LOL. Possibly one example of an action taken by this administration that is even more stupid than a State Department serenade, is the spectacularly irrational 'reset button' of Hillary Clinton. Or possibly, the follow-up suggestion that Americans write to foreign leaders such as Putin or al-Baghdadi to express their personal views about their leadership uh-ohs.

Sometimes I feel like Randy Quaid's character in the movie "Independence Day." If you will recall, he played the part of a one time Viet Nam era fighter pilot turned crop duster, who'd been kidnapped by aliens 10 years prior. For 10 years he'd been warning about the coming alien invasion and been ignored. Well, for 10 years and more, I've been saying that liberals can make themselves believe anything. To them, Reagan was actually not a fiscal conservative, nor was he a traditional conservative. To them he was a temporarily mislabeled liberal on whose behalf, they will now set the record straight. :eyeroll: The power of self delusion is part and parcel to the liberal's role in this world.

The main difference between the day when they were openly laughed to scorn, and today when they are honored and adored is the idiot press corps that idolize them.
TheRealThing Wrote:Ah, the voice of reason. Always good to read the words of a normal person, LOL. Possibly one example of an action taken by this administration that is even more stupid than a State Department serenade, is the spectacularly irrational 'reset button' of Hillary Clinton. Or possibly, the follow-up suggestion that Americans write to foreign leaders such as Putin or al-Baghdadi to express their personal views about their leadership uh-ohs.

Sometimes I feel like Randy Quaid's character in the movie "Independence Day." If you will recall, he played the part of a one time Viet Nam era fighter pilot turned crop duster, who'd been kidnapped by aliens 10 years prior. For 10 years he'd been warning about the coming alien invasion and been ignored. Well, for 10 years and more, I've been saying that liberals can make themselves believe anything. To them, Reagan was actually not a fiscal conservative, nor was he a traditional conservative. To them he was a temporarily mislabeled liberal on whose behalf, they will now set the record straight. :eyeroll: The power of self delusion is part and parcel to the liberal's role in this world.

The main difference between the day when they were openly laughed to scorn, and today when they are honored and adored is the idiot press corps that idolize them.
At least Obama is trying to do something to correct all of his foreign policy blunders. #foreignpolicy was not working, so maybe pop music will do the trick. We were promised change and we are getting it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:At least Obama is trying to do something to correct all of his foreign policy blunders. #foreignpolicy was not working, so maybe pop music will do the trick. We were promised change and we are getting it.

Yeah, we're getting it alright. It's a shame that more people aren't drawing parallels to the liberal behavior displayed before and during WW2. The exact same tired and ridiculous insistence was exhibited at that time. Kissing up to the likes of Emperor Hirohito, za Fuhrer, and Mussolini ala the urgings of the liberal, would likely have only resulted in an ultimate US defeat. But just as in our day, listening to some of their speeches, it is obvious that they (liberals) were positive that they were right. And though history proved them completely wrong they none the less remain undaunted. And so unfortunately, we are seeing a much more successful version of milk toast foreign policy actually being prosecuted in our day. And, while I certainly believe George W could have done things much better than he did, the responsibility for the release of all the thugs from Guantanamo Bay lays at the feet of the liberal lawyers who sued the Bush Administration in order to secure their release. The rest of it from Benghazi to the miserable Iran debacle is attributable to the romper room foreign policy of the current administration.

The liberal view is the view of the sublimely simple minded IMO. Boiled down it simply states that man is the product of his environment. Therefore it is their contention that, if we change that environment by making sure everybody is educated (Obama's mania) and give people who otherwise would not work in a pie factory free everything, (redistribution of wealth), they will stay home and behave rather than go out burning down business districts. Likewise, all those who would otherwise entertain visions of world domination will instead play nicey nicey. The fact that these people teach murder from birth, and give their own sons AK 47's at the age of 6 escapes them I guess. Even here in the US, most don't want to go to school, sit around in PJ's with footies in them drinking hot chocolate, while enjoying a friendly debate about the virtues of ObamaCare. But as I say, when one becomes used to making up his own reality, anything can seem right.
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah, we're getting it alright. It's a shame that more people aren't drawing parallels to the liberal behavior displayed before and during WW2. The exact same tired and ridiculous insistence was exhibited at that time. Kissing up to the likes of Emperor Hirohito, za Fuhrer, and Mussolini ala the urgings of the liberal, would likely have only resulted in an ultimate US defeat. But just as in our day, listening to some of their speeches, it is obvious that they (liberals) were positive that they were right. And though history proved them completely wrong they none the less remain undaunted. And so unfortunately, we are seeing a much more successful version of milk toast foreign policy actually being prosecuted in our day. And, while I certainly believe George W could have done things much better than he did, the responsibility for the release of all the thugs from Guantanamo Bay lays at the feet of the liberal lawyers who sued the Bush Administration in order to secure their release. The rest of it from Benghazi to the miserable Iran debacle is attributable to the romper room foreign policy of the current administration.

The liberal view is the view of the sublimely simple minded IMO. Boiled down it simply states that man is the product of his environment. Therefore it is their contention that, if we change that environment by making sure everybody is educated (Obama's mania) and give people who otherwise would not work in a pie factory free everything, (redistribution of wealth), they will stay home and behave rather than go out burning down business districts. Likewise, all those who would otherwise entertain visions of world domination will instead play nicey nicey. The fact that these people teach murder from birth, and give their own sons AK 47's at the age of 6 escapes them I guess. Even here in the US, most don't want to go to school, sit around in PJ's with footies in them drinking hot chocolate, while enjoying a friendly debate about the virtues of ObamaCare. But as I say, when one becomes used to making up his own reality, anything can seem right.
I agree, TRT. Elitists like Obama do not want people truly educated but they do want as many people indoctrinated in our colleges as possible. The pajama boys and girls who dwell in daddy's basement are already indoctrinated and conditioned to depend on others for their basic needs - perfect aspiring liberals.

Unless Republicans stop the American slide toward mediocrity, young voters will soon have no recollection of a prosperous country where anybody could succeed through hard work and ingenuity. To them, the American Dream is becoming nothing but a myth. That is exactly the kind of change that Obama planned and it is what he has brought to this country.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I agree, TRT. Elitists like Obama do not want people truly educated but they do want as many people indoctrinated in our colleges as possible. The pajama boys and girls who dwell in daddy's basement are already indoctrinated and conditioned to depend on others for their basic needs - perfect aspiring liberals.

Unless Republicans stop the American slide toward mediocrity, young voters will soon have no recollection of a prosperous country where anybody could succeed through hard work and ingenuity. To them, the American Dream is becoming nothing but a myth. That is exactly the kind of change that Obama planned and it is what he has brought to this country.

It is sad to think that America's memory is so short. Hence all this talk of change. The most fair minded and generous people in modern times have fallen under withering assault from those who themselves, lack the character to achieve. Certainly God, country and apple pie came to mean a lot to those who sacrificed so much in the last great war. But, with the passing of that great test, so too has the appreciation for what America stands for. Seems like men have to be continually tested if they are to retain any real sense of their own national heritage.

That is one reason that I love to consider the history of Israel. Despite the fact that they are God's "chosen" people, their ride through history has been one of continual rise and fall. The unfortunate point is that national awareness is generational, as is a good tether to reality. Many of those who served America with such expertise decided to retire early in life. And, in passing the mantle to raw and untested new comers, they have thrown all our fates to the wind. Thus one generation could achieve so much as in the case of the Great Generation, and yet, even as they are yet making their exits from national attention, their great knowledge and wisdom is already lost. Just doesn't seem fair.

One can easily pick up on the worries that the founders had in passing the reigns to the public servants which were to follow their own example. They were clearly concerned and to me it is easy to see why. As Jefferson himself noted, changing forms of government for light and transient reasons is foolhardy. We ought to resist change as much as possible, trusting instead to the wisdom of those gone on before, often under tremendous duress. But no, not today. In our day each legislature must crank out enormous amounts of ill conceived regulation and new law, or they are labeled as do nothings. Well, guess what? In my book we need a lot less new legislation and a lot more understanding of the laws that exist. Those who went on before were certainly not novice in comparison to what we have today.
When does it ever end? When does this circus show get derailed?

After seeing what the news, social media, etc do to the country anymore, I would LOVE to see a President that you never see out. He goes nowhere, does nothing, sits in the white house, and lets his record speak for itself by the middle class seeing improvements right at home. Id love to see a President who hates golf, hates vacation, and hates anything that isn't American.

Boy would that be a fresh air. I don't know if that exist in the political world, but damn I sure would like to find him.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:When does it ever end? When does this circus show get derailed?

After seeing what the news, social media, etc do to the country anymore, I would LOVE to see a President that you never see out. He goes nowhere, does nothing, sits in the white house, and lets his record speak for itself by the middle class seeing improvements right at home. Id love to see a President who hates golf, hates vacation, and hates anything that isn't American.

Boy would that be a fresh air. I don't know if that exist in the political world, but damn I sure would like to find him.

It ends when enough people wake up to the truth as defined by Hoot in post number 5 above. Anything in life that brings one honor or recognition takes sacrifice and effort. Success is earned, not visited upon us by virtue of civil rights. And yet, the latter is the view of the liberal. To them, man has evolved or better yet, been 'born into' success. Sublimely naïve to say the least. But, we see it in everything from modern day foreign policy to our national system of handouts. What you're seeing is not unique to the US though, it is a very European rationale that so many times in history past has blown up in their faces in the form of war. One thing is sure in my book. The baby boomers that have been voting Democrat had better snap out of it and fast. Unless the youth of this land have a present day example of how well conservative principles work, they will go on believing what some La-La prof has told them in school.

Man is not evolving, he is however awash in an eruption of knowledge that has the effect of making him think he's evolving. It is my contention that even a third world nation such as Iran has the potential to plunge the world back into war. The US lifted standing Iranian sanctions (that were working BTW) one year ago this January. That deal had a six month deadline for Iran to comply with more drastic steps to end their push to become a nuclear power. That deadline has come and gone along with several others and guess what? IMHO, they're laughing about how easy it is to dupe US leadership. Iran's nuclear version of 'Rope a Dope' is working to a T. I mean, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has written at least 7 books and many articles, in some of which he brags about how easy it would be to mislead leaders of the west about Iran's true intentions. I guess the lessons of "Mein Kampf", have been lost on the 21st century thinkers of this administration. At any rate, he did have the courage or the arrogance to talk smack before the US lifted the sanctions with absolutely nothing to show for it.

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