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What Is Your 2A Top 10?
1. DeSales
2. Caldwell County
3. CAL
4. Murray
5. Owensboro Catholic
6. Bardstown
7. Pburg
8. NewCath
9. Middlesboro
10. Danville
1. DeSales
2. Caldwell County
3. CAL
4. Murray
5. Owensboro Catholic
6. Bardstown
7. Pburg
8. Middlesboro
9. Leslie
10. Danville
I think Murray is gonna make a move in the next week or two. It looks good for now though.
mysonis55 Wrote:I think Murray is gonna make a move in the next week or two. It looks good for now though.

I hope im wrong, but i dont think murray will beat caldwell 55. I do think they will hold the ball enough to limit there possessions, and keep them from putting up 60, but dont think it will be enough. Ill go 38 to 24 in favor of caldwell.
1 Desales
2 Calwell Co
4 Murray
5 Owensboro Catholic
6 Bardstown
7 Prestonsburg
8 Danville
9 Middlesboro
10 Newport

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