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Get Rid of Julian Tackett
His Lexington and Louisville bias is always first and foremost, and with this "SPORTSMANSHIP" ruling I think its time for a new "Lead DOG".
Not only should he go but the whole bunch should too. Get someone who really cares about sports and sportsmanship.
Why? Why should the figurehead that ONLY does what the schools, your schools, dictate? I can't help but laugh at us all who want to say the "KHSAA did XXXXX". No people, the KHSAA is the spokespeople for what the SCHOOLS DECIDE AND VOTE ON IN COMMITTEE! Thus, Julian has no control over his actions, regardless of his bias. Bottomline - Julian Tackett has ZERO CONTROL! Your school has 100% of the control and has allowed the committee of other schools to decide their fate! The NCAA is not a governing body, they translate the decisions that are decided by the committees made up of by your favorite college team! The NFL makes ZERO decision, let me repeat Z-E-R-O decision, that is not agreed upon by 65% of the NFL owners!

Every decision that is handed out, from disciplinary actions, rule changes or transfer decisions is not made by Julian Tackett, it is made by a committee of Kentucky High Schools that changes. Those schools are part of that committee for 12 months, and it changes to a new group of schools!
Stardust you are not exactly right about this. My grandfather was on the KHSAA board for several years and Mr. Tackett only brings up what he wants to bring up. Yes the coaches bring forth motions and issues, but they can in fact stop at the door if Mr. Tackett wishes them to. Most of the officials in the KHSAA have not coached a single game and in many cases have not coach for several years. Why not bring in new YOUNG BLOOD that is up to date with kids today, and is in tune with how coaches feel about issues that are relevant. Recruiting, eligibility, examining current officials, FAIR alignment, and A.D. supervision should be the main attention of the KHSAA. Sportsmanship should also be a huge priority as well, but to tell a sanctioning body they don't have to show respect is terrible, and if issues like players and coaches acting like fools occur, show them the door, we don't want them coaching our kids, and we don't want disrespectful coaches coaching either.
A quick clarification of the "Sportsmanship" ruling. It is not a ruling at all but merely a suggestion followed with feedback on what A.D.'s/coaches can expect when/if an altercation was to occur post-game. In layman's terms, post-game hand shakes are fine and a clear devotion to sportsmanship but the responsibility and supervision of the event is ON THE COACHES AND ADMINISTRATORS, as it very well should be. They are the individuals with the most profound daily impact on the student-athletes so therefore they should be able to convey the notion of sportsmanship and its importance in the team/individual sports setting. If they cannot do so, then as FarristownFlyer so eloquently said, "show them the door."

Looks like he's trying to clarify a "poorly worded and incomplete notice" that was previously released.
FarristownFlyer Wrote:Stardust you are not exactly right about this. My grandfather was on the KHSAA board for several years and Mr. Tackett only brings up what he wants to bring up. Yes the coaches bring forth motions and issues, but they can in fact stop at the door if Mr. Tackett wishes them to. Most of the officials in the KHSAA have not coached a single game and in many cases have not coach for several years. Why not bring in new YOUNG BLOOD that is up to date with kids today, and is in tune with how coaches feel about issues that are relevant. Recruiting, eligibility, examining current officials, FAIR alignment, and A.D. supervision should be the main attention of the KHSAA. Sportsmanship should also be a huge priority as well, but to tell a sanctioning body they don't have to show respect is terrible, and if issues like players and coaches acting like fools occur, show them the door, we don't want them coaching our kids, and we don't want disrespectful coaches coaching either.

I sincerely appreciate your comment, but I do know for a fact (i.e. direct access to AD who is on committee Wink ). I do know that all decisions that come from KHSAA are NOT KHSAA decisions. Again, we all could be better educated by scheduling time to sit down with our AD's, Principals, and District Supervisors - all of who are get a chance a one time or another to participate in committee!

Back to your point, you are 100% accurate, lets put more accountability on our coaches and athletes to do the right thing, regardless of what actions our schools want to take to avoid litigation! I'm a coach, I have no problem at all having that responsibility put on me!
Wildcat18 Wrote:

Looks like he's trying to clarify a "poorly worded and incomplete notice" that was previously released.

National media was going to eat Mr. Tackett alive on this one!!!
Stardust Wrote:I sincerely appreciate your comment, but I do know for a fact (i.e. direct access to AD who is on committee Wink ). I do know that all decisions that come from KHSAA are NOT KHSAA decisions. Again, we all could be better educated by scheduling time to sit down with our AD's, Principals, and District Supervisors - all of who are get a chance a one time or another to participate in committee!

Back to your point, you are 100% accurate, lets put more accountability on our coaches and athletes to do the right thing, regardless of what actions our schools want to take to avoid litigation! I'm a coach, I have no problem at all having that responsibility put on me!

You two need to hug or something Confusednicker:. Good job on finding common ground!


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Spirit100 Wrote:You two need to hug or something Confusednicker:. Good job on finding common ground!


More often than not the one's voting on these different things are the sissies who never played. I guess it is karma:biglmao:
Spot lights is on Kentucky and it's not good. :Sad04:
I fail to see what all of the controversy is about. The teams can still shake hands if they want, but the officials are not allowed to oversee it. It appears to me that the KHSAA is just trying to protect itself from litigation, and who can blame them in today's society.
SEKYFAN Wrote:I fail to see what all of the controversy is about. The teams can still shake hands if they want, but the officials are not allowed to oversee it. It appears to me that the KHSAA is just trying to protect itself from litigation, and who can blame them in today's society.
I think everyone understands that they can still shake hands.But if there is an incident what are the consequeces.Do coaches get suspended?Do the kids get suspended?Does the school get fined?How do you figure out who started it?These are questions that should have been answered before this was even released to the schools to enforce.If it were me i wouldnt even consider shaking hands without knowing the answers to these questions.And the KHSAA still hasnt addressed it yet. Mr.Tackett has dropped the ball on this issue.
FarristownFlyer Wrote:Stardust you are not exactly right about this. My grandfather was on the KHSAA board for several years and Mr. Tackett only brings up what he wants to bring up. Yes the coaches bring forth motions and issues, but they can in fact stop at the door if Mr. Tackett wishes them to. Most of the officials in the KHSAA have not coached a single game and in many cases have not coach for several years. Why not bring in new YOUNG BLOOD that is up to date with kids today, and is in tune with how coaches feel about issues that are relevant. Recruiting, eligibility, examining current officials, FAIR alignment, and A.D. supervision should be the main attention of the KHSAA. Sportsmanship should also be a huge priority as well, but to tell a sanctioning body they don't have to show respect is terrible, and if issues like players and coaches acting like fools occur, show them the door, we don't want them coaching our kids, and we don't want disrespectful coaches coaching either.

And you are not exactly right about this either. I was on the BOC for two terms. I got off the BOC about 2 years ago, as no one can serve on the BOC for more than 2 consecutive terms.

Mr. Tackett cannot simply stop motions and ideas offered by coaches. That is not correct. The coaches appear at the BOC meetings and if the BOC likes what the coaches suggest, they can and do make the changes requested by the coaches, even if Mr. Tackett recommends to the contrary. If the BOC approves the requested change, Mr. Tackett as the Commissioner has to publicly support the change (even though he may have been against it). If I recall properly, Mr. Tackett preferred going to 5 classes in football. The coaches' committee was fine with going to 5 or 6 classes but preferred 6. A majority of the BOC members wanted 6. We now have 6 classes.

For argument's sake I'll agree that Mr. Tackett only brings up what he wants to bring up (I really don't agree with that though). Even if that is the case, each and every BOC member has the ability to bring things up on his or her own. Trust me, I proposed things that had Mr. Tackett's support; didn't have his support; and he was neutral on. I got consideration on all of my ideas. Many were shot down but Mr. Tackett had little to do with them being shot down.

Mr.Tackett, while influential on KHSAA decisions, is not some dictator controlling the BOC. Not even close. I experienced the BOC going against Mr. Tackett's recommendation many times. But he was always the professional and publicly supported the decisions of the BOC.

It would be nice if the KHSAA could show the door to coaches that display poor sportsmanship like you suggested, but the KHSAA does not have the authority to hire and fire a school's coaches. The KHSAA has sanctioned coaches which resulted the employing school to fire that coach. Then another school, well aware of the sanctions and the problems with that coach, hires him or her. The KHSAA could do nothing about the coaching being hired at the new school. A recent proposal passed by the school delegates will give the KHSAA some more power over that issue, but the proposal at this point is not law. It still has to be approved by KDE and the ARRS subcommittee of the General Assembly.

So people understand the organization and governance of the KHSAA:

There are 18 BOC members. 14 are elected by the schools (2 of the 14 must come from private schools and 2 of the 14 must be minorities); 4 are appointed by the State Board of Education. The BOC generally meets every other month.

In addition to Mr. Tackett serving as the Commissioner, there is an inhouse legal counsel and 5 or 6 Assistant Commissioners. Their role is to advise the BOC an issues and manage the decisions of the BOC. From my experience working with them, they did an outstanding job.

Each member school of the KHSAA has one delegate. The delegates meet each Fall. Any delegate can proposal a rule change, a new rule or the deletion of a rule. Any proposal must be approved by at least 2/3rds of the delegates present. If a proposal is adopted by the delegates, it still must be approved by the BOC; then the State Board of Education; and finally the ARRS subcommittee of the General Assembly before it becomes finally adopted.

There is a reason why the subcommittee of the General Assembly has the final say: the KHSAA is "owned" by the State; not the member schools.

The KHSAA uses committees of coaches, administrators and ADs to give it advise. When those committees have ideas that they want the KHSAA to consider, they are not shy about appearing at the BOC meetings and sharing those ideas. They DO NOT have to receive Mr. Tackett's approval.
I kind of view the KHSAA as a go between for the schools and an insurance company. They really cant do a lot without the approval of the Ky dept. of ed. How about we get rid of the middle man, put Julian in a little :Clap: office in Frankfort and save ourselves a little money and maybe use some common sense:flame:
Stardust Wrote:Why? Why should the figurehead that ONLY does what the schools, your schools, dictate? I can't help but laugh at us all who want to say the "KHSAA did XXXXX". No people, the KHSAA is the spokespeople for what the SCHOOLS DECIDE AND VOTE ON IN COMMITTEE! Thus, Julian has no control over his actions, regardless of his bias. Bottomline - Julian Tackett has ZERO CONTROL! Your school has 100% of the control and has allowed the committee of other schools to decide their fate! The NCAA is not a governing body, they translate the decisions that are decided by the committees made up of by your favorite college team! The NFL makes ZERO decision, let me repeat Z-E-R-O decision, that is not agreed upon by 65% of the NFL owners!

Every decision that is handed out, from disciplinary actions, rule changes or transfer decisions is not made by Julian Tackett, it is made by a committee of Kentucky High Schools that changes. Those schools are part of that committee for 12 months, and it changes to a new group of schools!
Love the gif. on your post. You should try to photoshop Julian Tackett's head on the runner throwing the punch.
charlie22 Wrote:And you are not exactly right about this either. I was on the BOC for two terms. I got off the BOC about 2 years ago, as no one can serve on the BOC for more than 2 consecutive terms.

Mr. Tackett cannot simply stop motions and ideas offered by coaches. That is not correct. The coaches appear at the BOC meetings and if the BOC likes what the coaches suggest, they can and do make the changes requested by the coaches, even if Mr. Tackett recommends to the contrary. If the BOC approves the requested change, Mr. Tackett as the Commissioner has to publicly support the change (even though he may have been against it). If I recall properly, Mr. Tackett preferred going to 5 classes in football. The coaches' committee was fine with going to 5 or 6 classes but preferred 6. A majority of the BOC members wanted 6. We now have 6 classes.

For argument's sake I'll agree that Mr. Tackett only brings up what he wants to bring up (I really don't agree with that though). Even if that is the case, each and every BOC member has the ability to bring things up on his or her own. Trust me, I proposed things that had Mr. Tackett's support; didn't have his support; and he was neutral on. I got consideration on all of my ideas. Many were shot down but Mr. Tackett had little to do with them being shot down.

Mr.Tackett, while influential on KHSAA decisions, is not some dictator controlling the BOC. Not even close. I experienced the BOC going against Mr. Tackett's recommendation many times. But he was always the professional and publicly supported the decisions of the BOC.

It would be nice if the KHSAA could show the door to coaches that display poor sportsmanship like you suggested, but the KHSAA does not have the authority to hire and fire a school's coaches. The KHSAA has sanctioned coaches which resulted the employing school to fire that coach. Then another school, well aware of the sanctions and the problems with that coach, hires him or her. The KHSAA could do nothing about the coaching being hired at the new school. A recent proposal passed by the school delegates will give the KHSAA some more power over that issue, but the proposal at this point is not law. It still has to be approved by KDE and the ARRS subcommittee of the General Assembly.

So people understand the organization and governance of the KHSAA:

There are 18 BOC members. 14 are elected by the schools (2 of the 14 must come from private schools and 2 of the 14 must be minorities); 4 are appointed by the State Board of Education. The BOC generally meets every other month.

In addition to Mr. Tackett serving as the Commissioner, there is an inhouse legal counsel and 5 or 6 Assistant Commissioners. Their role is to advise the BOC an issues and manage the decisions of the BOC. From my experience working with them, they did an outstanding job.

Each member school of the KHSAA has one delegate. The delegates meet each Fall. Any delegate can proposal a rule change, a new rule or the deletion of a rule. Any proposal must be approved by at least 2/3rds of the delegates present. If a proposal is adopted by the delegates, it still must be approved by the BOC; then the State Board of Education; and finally the ARRS subcommittee of the General Assembly before it becomes finally adopted.

There is a reason why the subcommittee of the General Assembly has the final say: the KHSAA is "owned" by the State; not the member schools.

The KHSAA uses committees of coaches, administrators and ADs to give it advise. When those committees have ideas that they want the KHSAA to consider, they are not shy about appearing at the BOC meetings and sharing those ideas. They DO NOT have to receive Mr. Tackett's approval.

Never heard it told like this. :Clap:
panther nation Wrote:Not only should he go but the whole bunch should too. Get someone who really cares about sports and sportsmanship.

You are close, you left one out they should get someone who gives a dam about the child, The KHSAA is the biggest non regulated dept, in state Gov. they answer to no one. I would love to have a way to force them into an a State audit, complete with travel vouchers and the whole nine yards. IMO they are more corrupt than the Highway bidding method.:flame:
ataclance Wrote:Never heard it told like this. :Clap:

You forgot to mention that the fat cats that are getting the fat checks, control the appointed members, example do you know of anyone serving on the board, do you, know of any one who ever served on the board. MOST OF ALL, HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF OR KNOW OF ANY DATE OF ANY ELECTION HELD TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO THE BOARD. IF ANY ONE KNOWS OF ANY ONE ELECTED TO THE BOARD OR HOW PLEASE ANSWER THIS GUOTE,
charlie22 Wrote:And you are not exactly right about this either. I was on the BOC for two terms. I got off the BOC about 2 years ago, as no one can serve on the BOC for more than 2 consecutive terms.

Mr. Tackett cannot simply stop motions and ideas offered by coaches. That is not correct. The coaches appear at the BOC meetings and if the BOC likes what the coaches suggest, they can and do make the changes requested by the coaches, even if Mr. Tackett recommends to the contrary. If the BOC approves the requested change, Mr. Tackett as the Commissioner has to publicly support the change (even though he may have been against it). If I recall properly, Mr. Tackett preferred going to 5 classes in football. The coaches' committee was fine with going to 5 or 6 classes but preferred 6. A majority of the BOC members wanted 6. We now have 6 classes.

For argument's sake I'll agree that Mr. Tackett only brings up what he wants to bring up (I really don't agree with that though). Even if that is the case, each and every BOC member has the ability to bring things up on his or her own. Trust me, I proposed things that had Mr. Tackett's support; didn't have his support; and he was neutral on. I got consideration on all of my ideas. Many were shot down but Mr. Tackett had little to do with them being shot down.

Mr.Tackett, while influential on KHSAA decisions, is not some dictator controlling the BOC. Not even close. I experienced the BOC going against Mr. Tackett's recommendation many times. But he was always the professional and publicly supported the decisions of the BOC.

It would be nice if the KHSAA could show the door to coaches that display poor sportsmanship like you suggested, but the KHSAA does not have the authority to hire and fire a school's coaches. The KHSAA has sanctioned coaches which resulted the employing school to fire that coach. Then another school, well aware of the sanctions and the problems with that coach, hires him or her. The KHSAA could do nothing about the coaching being hired at the new school. A recent proposal passed by the school delegates will give the KHSAA some more power over that issue, but the proposal at this point is not law. It still has to be approved by KDE and the ARRS subcommittee of the General Assembly.

So people understand the organization and governance of the KHSAA:

There are 18 BOC members. 14 are elected by the schools (2 of the 14 must come from private schools and 2 of the 14 must be minorities); 4 are appointed by the State Board of Education. The BOC generally meets every other month.

In addition to Mr. Tackett serving as the Commissioner, there is an inhouse legal counsel and 5 or 6 Assistant Commissioners. Their role is to advise the BOC an issues and manage the decisions of the BOC. From my experience working with them, they did an outstanding job.

Each member school of the KHSAA has one delegate. The delegates meet each Fall. Any delegate can proposal a rule change, a new rule or the deletion of a rule. Any proposal must be approved by at least 2/3rds of the delegates present. If a proposal is adopted by the delegates, it still must be approved by the BOC; then the State Board of Education; and finally the ARRS subcommittee of the General Assembly before it becomes finally adopted.

There is a reason why the subcommittee of the General Assembly has the final say: the KHSAA is "owned" by the State; not the member schools.

The KHSAA uses committees of coaches, administrators and ADs to give it advise. When those committees have ideas that they want the KHSAA to consider, they are not shy about appearing at the BOC meetings and sharing those ideas. They DO NOT have to receive Mr. Tackett's approval.

Only Addition to this I will make is that the BOC is now 22 due to the new middle school regulations. Good post Charlie, I think many on here will learn a few things they didn't know from it.
plantmanky Wrote:Only Addition to this I will make is that the BOC is now 22 due to the new middle school regulations. Good post Charlie, I think many on here will learn a few things they didn't know from it.


My name is XXXXXXXX. I got off the BOC in 2011. You can look it up on line with a minimal effort if you doubt me.

Most of the BOC members are school personnel elected by the schools. If you are a school employee, talk to your superintendent about your interest. He or she will have the details on when the next election will be held.

If you are not a school employee, contact KDE and tell them you are interested in being appointed. The State Board appoints a few members to BOC. It used to be 4; it may now be more due to the expansion of the BOC to 22 members (which was pointed out above). Contact Kevin Brown at KDE. He's the general counsel for KDE and I'm sure his contact info can also be found with a little on line effort.

There's plenty of info about the KHSAA out there if one just wants to take the time to ask their local superintendent, principal or AD, or do a little research. All it takes is a little effort; unfortunately, it's much easier to not make that effort and criticize.
plantmanky Wrote:Only Addition to this I will make is that the BOC is now 22 due to the new middle school regulations. Good post Charlie, I think many on here will learn a few things they didn't know from it.

Thx plantman. That increase happened after my watch.
topnotch Wrote:You are close, you left one out they should get someone who gives a dam about the child, The KHSAA is the biggest non regulated dept, in state Gov. they answer to no one. I would love to have a way to force them into an a State audit, complete with travel vouchers and the whole nine yards. IMO they are more corrupt than the Highway bidding method.:flame:

This entire post is flat out wrong. Their financial matters are audited every year and that audit is provided to KDE. They provide numerous other reports to KDE (such as Title IX compliance reports). Several years ago, the KDE had a task force review the KHSAA inside and out to make sure the KHSAA was doing things right (in fairness, the task force did find some things that it wanted changed and the KHSAA changed them). As a state agent, they are subject to the same regulations of other state agencies. Much like any other state agent, their final decisions are appealable to the courts. Their rules and regulations are reviewed and are subject to the approval of the KDE and the General Assembly. They answer to the member schools, KDE, the General Assembly and the courts.

I don't agree with charlie22 on every single thing, and this latest development with KHSAA has left a particular bad taste in my mouth. However, I can flat out tell you that he never posts anything but the truth. He doesn't slant the facts, and he is trustworthy.

If charlie22 told me the sun was turning blue tomorrow morning, while I might not believe it, I'd sure be watching the sun rise!!

I guess the biggest issue I have with all of this is the fact that players and coaches have the CHOICE not to shake hands or acknowledge each other after hard fought games. In my opinion that is one of the things I do not like about our society. Does losing suck? Yes. Do players and coaches have hard feeling for something done during a game? Sure. Do some fellow coaches have a dislike or bad feeling for their coaching peers? Of Course. The point is GET OVER IT. Be a bigger person and take your lumps, shake hands out of RESPECT FOR THE GAME. I just feel like this ruling allows for more hard feelings, more hostility, and gives off a message that we should still "RESPECT" the game but not each other. Will kids and coaches still act like fools on occasion? Please believe. To me that is why we have A.D.'s and administration, and we have a governing body like the KHSAA. All of those parties should be tougher and use a heavy hands when bad things occur and if people do not like being suspended or kicked off a team then stop acting like fools. Shake hands, win or lose if nothing else then for respect of the game, and respect for the hard work of opponents. Last time I checked sports was to emulate life, stop trying to cop out and take responsibility to your actions both positive and negative.
I absolutely understand your perspective, and agree with most of it. I believe, under the rewording/retraction/reviewing...whatever the new policy is, that the KHSAA is removing itself from the responsibility of a possible litigious confrontation stemming from post game confrontations.
Granny Bear Wrote:I don't agree with charlie22 on every single thing, and this latest development with KHSAA has left a particular bad taste in my mouth. However, I can flat out tell you that he never posts anything but the truth. He doesn't slant the facts, and he is trustworthy.

If charlie22 told me the sun was turning blue tomorrow morning, while I might not believe it, I'd sure be watching the sun rise!!


Thanks Granny for the kind words and those that like what Granny had to say about me. The KHSAA is not perfect and there are ways it could improve. But it is not the evil demon some like to make it out to be.

And I totally respect the opinions that disagree with this decision of the KHSAA. As I think I mentioned in this thread or another one on here (or it could have been on BGP), I'm fine if the handshakes continue and I'm fine if they don't. If I genuinely believed that the handshake line truly instilled good sportsmanship in our kids, then I'd be all in. I just don't think that it has the big positive effect that others do. A kid that doesn't have good sportsmanship isn't going to get it as a result of a handshake, and a kid that has good sportsmanship doesn't need the handshake to re-inforce it. A kid develops good sportsmanship based on how he or she was raised by his or her parents and by how a coach handles his or her players in practices and in games.

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