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The 9/11 Boatlift - Amazing story that NO ONE knows about
PLEASE WATCH TO THE END! (Very powerful video.)
We certainly were busy watching the news right after 9/11, but we never saw this......BOATLIFT OF 9/11.... You know, in the 11 years
since this happened, this is the first time I've ever seen this...

I don't even remember seeing/hearing about this evacuation on the news! The fact is, it was all done in 9 hours...500,000 people!

This is a video well worth watching. The guy at the end (same guy who is at the beginning) has some great words to live by for all of us.

Watch till the end. You won't regret it.
I can't believe that the largest sea evacuation in history is such a well kept secret! These men are so inspirational.

We are at our best when there's no consideration given to wealth, race, creed, sex or any other factor except just being a person. Why can't we learn that????
Thanks for sharing that Stardust! It hard to believe that the news would completely ignore a story like this but, I guess that's mainstream media for you. Very moving video and that is definitely a motto that everyone should live by!
Great post Dusty and thank you. A story that should be shared to as many as possible.

Enjoyed the quote, "when Americans need to come together they will."

Good to be reminded of our "greater goodness" in time of need!!!


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
You figured Tom hanks being involved with this would have have it some publicity.
Like the rest I have never heard of this great act of kindness!!!
Really great post.
Amazing story. Thanks for sharing Dusty. First I have seen or heard of this.

To me America is like a big family. We can fight among ourselves, but let an outsider mess with one of us and we will band together as one.

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