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Rodger Goodell will consider removing kickoffs from football

Are you kidding me?

Football regulations have already become pathetic enough with the "excessive celebration" penalties and fining players with every tackle made in a game.

This is just a flat out joke.

If this happens, farewell to football.

You have 100s of former nfl players sueing the league over brain issues. There trying to protect themselves. Blame retired players if u want to blame anyone.
I like it. I wish they would do away with kicking all together and just make a touchdown worth 7 points. I hate field goals. It is like ok we can't get to the endzone so let's kick a 50 yard field goal and get some gimme points. I say line em up and who ever scores the most touchdowns wins. Leave all the weak kicking stuff to soccer. And don't even get me started on extra points!
Wildcatk23 Wrote:You have 100s of former nfl players sueing the league over brain issues. There trying to protect themselves. Blame retired players if u want to blame anyone.

I agree with this.

I'd like to know if players understand that they are at risk for injury every time the ball is snapped.

People will sue over anything, even if they knew better.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:You have 100s of former nfl players sueing the league over brain issues. There trying to protect themselves. Blame retired players if u want to blame anyone.

2500 former NFL players to be exact. So you are dead on, don't blame the NFL (which is the NFL owners) for softening the game, blame the players who are softening the game.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:

Are you kidding me?

Football regulations have already become pathetic enough with the "excessive celebration" penalties and fining players with every tackle made in a game.

This is just a flat out joke.

If this happens, farewell to football.


As for "Roger Goodall considers..." That is a misnomer, Roger Goodall does NOT make ANY decisions! The 32 NFL owners vote on EVERY decision that is made - Rule Changes, Sanctions, and Player Discipline. Please people, Roger Goodall does NOT make decisions, his bosses do!!!!
This saddens me to hear the thought of this. Kickoffs are huge parts of a game.

If this is approved prepare yourselves for games much like the Pro Bowl because that it what the NFL will morph into in a few years. I'd rather see them look at "spearing" and helmet-to-helmet hits.

Automatic ejection, larger fines and watch the players learn how to tackle correctly again. Concussions would drop dramatically.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
This comes as no surprise.

This whole league has become nothing more than touch football.
You cant hit the QB. Your not allowed to hit with your helmet. And now, no kickoffs?

Please, these guys get paid millions. They know the risk.

Shut the league down. Start a new one with no players union,(if they try to start one again, just shut it down again) and make them sign waivers.

It is absoloutly laughable that kickoffs could be removed from the game. Your a completey changing the game if you do that. And its a dominoe effect, if the NFL does it so will college and high school at some point.
Honestly I don't mind kickoffs and punts but if they ever did away with field goals and extra points I would never cry about it or anything. I believe that if you can't get the ball to the endzone then you don't deserve any points. And if you want some extra points then go for 2 and get rid of the extra point kick.
A lot of games have been decided by is because of this I feel it would hurt the game if it went away.
Roger Goodell is trying to change a game he never played.
I only find it right in saying if the NFL is doing away with kickoffs they should do away with the kicking game all together.

No punts, extra points or field goals. Maybe they'll do away with passing as well.

Only running the ball and 2 point conversion. I would also like to see the sidelines brought into the hashmarks. Talk about real football.
UK1fan Wrote:Roger Goodell is trying to change a game he never played.

Stardust Wrote:As for "Roger Goodall considers..." That is a misnomer, Roger Goodall does NOT make ANY decisions! The 32 NFL owners vote on EVERY decision that is made - Rule Changes, Sanctions, and Player Discipline. Please people, Roger Goodall does NOT make decisions, his bosses do!!!!

Nope, WRONG!!!!

If this is approved prepare yourselves for games much like the Pro Bowl because that it what the NFL will morph into in a few years. I'd rather see them look at "spearing" and helmet-to-helmet hits.

Automatic ejection, larger fines and watch the players learn how to tackle correctly again. Concussions would drop dramatically.[/Q

Make every call reviewable & open to challenge ,if its spearing" and helmet-to-helmet hits then ejection & large fines will detour this behavior.
15 yards & 1st down doesn't work. The zebras get all the blame for bad calls take the pressure off them & make these calls automatic review, like they do with touchdowns.
This would ruin the game, getting a big return on kickoff is a momentum changer. Many games have been won and lost on kickoff. If you're going to play football you're going to get hit, when you get hit you have a chance of getting a concussion, and when you get a concussion there's a chance of a brain injury. It's a part of the game, you know the consequences before you go out on the field.

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