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If Joker Phillips....
If Joker could have done anything different to keep his job, what would it be?
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3)Cougar Athletics!

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Not long after he was hired he made bad staff hires. He fired a VERY good coordinator/coach , I believe it was the offensive line coach. Guy was/is a legend.

Spot on!!!
Not coach at UK.
Be a position coach.
Come on guys...jokes aside. If he could go back and change some decisions, what would it be? Mine is let Mike Hartline play in the bowl game against Pitt. Pitt had no coach, and should have been beaten that day. One of our best players had to sit out the entire game as a senior. A half would have been ok since we was in the game. Run him till he pukes for the mistake like Rich Brooks would have done, but play him. Fired Steve O as special teams coach, and push a little more recruiting himself instead rely on chuck smith. What kind of job has chuck smith done as a recruiter?
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

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He never should have been given the job in the first place.

He is a self described man, joke.
Those changes that I mentioned, would at helped? Could we have a better chance of winning that bowl game?
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

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If Joker Phillips....had not had the injury bug hit his team this season. He would have been given least one more year. IMO.
MVP2 Wrote:If Joker Phillips....had not had the injury bug hit his team this season. He would have been given least one more year. IMO.

I would say you are right.
After hearing how humble he is after the decision came down from mitch, I'm honored we had such a great honest man in our football program. It's a rare feature these days. However being great and honest doesn't win football games, such a decision had to be made, and Joker understands it. I hope he will return as a coordinator or such in the future as his love for Kentucky still is undying.
If he would have come up with a better offensive play book.. The screen pass and run won't get you anywhere unless you have special players.. And since we only get 1 randall cobb every ten years we need something to help these guys out..

I'm not sure Rick Minter was the best decision for D coordinater. Just my opinion, but we coudln't really get anyone else..

I didn't like Mike Hartline from the beginning. But then again I didn't care to much for Woodson at first either, but he did step up and make this team better.. I never got the feeling that Hartline was willing to work to step up, and I blam that partially on Joker also.

Our O-line was supposed to be something special this year.. What happened there?

All around bad personnel on the staff. I believe some of these players could actually be good players, if they just had some good guidance..
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
The last few years should have made anybody miss Hartline. The recruitment and decision to stick with Newton was a huge set back.
The Newton decision was a huge mistake, in hindsight.
Shouldn't have taken hindsight. I watched him play one game his senior year of highschool and immediately said he is not a 4 star recruit.
Who was the other 4* QB that came in with Newton? He should have started over Newton.

He is at Lamar now.
Quite frankly Joker Phillips is a man who has dedicated most of his life to this program. He played here, and coached here. Alot of people have said alot of insulting things about the man. Quite frankly he was put in a position he wasn't ready for. He will find another job soon enough and will have success wherever he goes as a OC. He isnt HCIC material yet and maybe never will be but at least he is coaching his boys for their last two games. I for one appreciate that.
I was surprised Mosakowski didnt end up somewhere better.
Do you guys think we would have won the bowl game against Pitt if Hartline started?
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

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cougarpride08 Wrote:Do you guys think we would have won the bowl game against Pitt if Hartline started?

I like Joker and have respect for him, BUT I just think for one he is just a good position coach, i never really liked his play calling or style as an O-Cord. He might be a good O-Cord in another conference but not the SEC, and he sure wasn't ready to be a HC in the SEC. Alot of teams got caught up in the head coach in waiting thing and thats what happen to ky and it backfired. Rich Brooks built a good platform that ky could've continued to build on, even with the same old bowl games it was a good start, now it's been set back 8yrs and will have to start over again. The recruiting has been just absolutely horrible and i think that falls right on the head coaches lap...Joker couldn't get a defense that was consistent, never did like the D-Cord, i just think Joker wasn't ready and it showed.

Yes they could've beat pitt with hartline i think....
Yes. UK would have beaten Pitt with Hartline.

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