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WWE Creative Struggling Over The Finish Of CM Punk vs. Ryback At HIAC
WWE’s upcoming Hell in a Cell pay-per-view is just a week away and the creative team is reportedly still struggling to come up with a finish for the CM Punk vs. Ryback match.

Ryback is in the midst of a monster push and WWE officials are concerned that CM Punk defeating Ryback cleanly will take away from his momentum. At the same time, WWE has been planning for CM Punk to keep the WWE Championship until the Royal Rumble, when he is expected to defend against The Rock.

The match is being held inside the HIAC steel cage, so a disqualification finish is not an option. One idea that’s been pitched is for Brock Lesnar to do a run-in and help fellow “Paul Heyman Guy” CM Punk win the match. This could set up a potential Brock Lesnar vs. Ryback match, but would also require WWE to use up another one of Lesnar’s already-limited number of appearances.
If Brock Lesnar runs in and helps CM Punk retain the title, WWE would be doing something they don't wanna do and end the streak of Ryback.

I'm still thinking that something will happen to Ryback before HIAC that doesn't allow him to compete
Problem with using Lesnar, is it uses up another date that they might wanna hold on too in the future.
^ Agreed why waste him for a run-in!
WWE would be doing 2 things they don't wanna do. Use up one of Lesnar's dates and ending the Ryback streak.

SD what do you think is gonna happen?
Why not unleash Mark Henry on both of them. Have him beat both of them up. That's very believable.
Mark Henry couldn't whip a fly if it landed in the middle of his hand........he's just too weak now day's.............Confusednicker:
It will be some type of non-finish. I can see some type of brawl that takes them outside of the cage that will likely involve several other wrestlers.
Looks like Big Show will be part of it.
So, John Cena has been cleared by the Doctor, yet he as no match at HIAC.

....but he's gonna be on the pre-show talking about the A.J ordeal.
^ And he will be involved in the Main Event Wink
^I guarantee it.
Show wins title ziggler cashes in wins it in another 45 seconds like bryan did , show is pissed and walking in the back him and ryback walk into eachother show gets even more angry n during the match with punk show comes out n helps punk
^ you know that is a possibility but I don't think WWE is ready to take the strap off Sheamus just yet
Reports came out yesterday that Cena's elbow was completely healed and that WWE was looking to put him in a match at Hell in a Cell tonight.

Here's what I came up with after hearing about Cena being cleared to wrestle:

Put him in the title match with Punk and Ryback make it a triple threat, have Punk defeat Cena. Punk retains the title and Ryback's streak remains in-tact.

SD/J-Rod your thoughts on this post?

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