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Arcade- Number of Posts
I think that you shouldn't need a number of posts in a day to play the arcade. I post a lot, and sometimes, I'll have been the last one to post in all the threads that interest me, so I'll try to play the arcade while I wait for more people to respond, but I can't because I don't have enough posts.

I propose that we do away with the number of posts needed to play the arcade:thumpsup:
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Well the whole purpose to have a set number is so that people dont come in here to just play the arcade, we have had several people in the past that is all they did. They would just type one word in 5 post then stay in the arcade. But we are able toban people from the arcade when that is all they do, So I think that the number it is set to is just fine and does not need to be removed. Sorry, but if Catdawg or QQ feels like that is fine then i am sure they might think about it, but i doubt it.
Batpuff Wrote:Well the whole purpose to have a set number is so that people dont come in here to just play the arcade, we have had several people in the past that is all they did. They would just type one word in 5 post then stay in the arcade. But we are able toban people from the arcade when that is all they do, So I think that the number it is set to is just fine and does not need to be removed. Sorry, but if Catdawg or QQ feels like that is fine then i am sure they might think about it, but i doubt it.

If people just put one word on 5 posts, it defeats the purpose anyways. If people only come in to play the arcade all day, then you should let them out of sympathy because their lives are pathetic. No one will touch my Just Pitching record anyways
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
It says that you need 5 posts a day, I was playing last night, then, today, I just made two posts, and it says I still need 4 posts. Unless my math's wrong, I should only need 3 posts (now 2 after this one).
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I agree with Bat on this one.

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