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Pike Central girls getting it together?
After a struggle through the month of Dec and half way through Jan have the Hawks finaly got their game back?
The girls have had some troubles. Some have quit then come back. I think they've all got their heads on straight and are ready to get back in the game!

They have the ability to go back to state this year, seeing as how all of their starters returned..I just hope they can pull it together.
Quote:seeing as how all of their starters returned

not all the starters are back i think only one graduated and that was a good defensive player in Tiffany Thompson.

But yeah i think now Haley Ratliff is playing like a TRUE point guard and the rest of the team is now stepping up.
Thompson didn't start every game. In fact, for most of the season she didn't start until the ladder part.

H. Ratliff, P. Lowe, K. Coleman, T. Brown -- Tussey alernated with K. Lowe, E. Birchfield, and T. Thompson throughout the season.

But you are correct, nobody could steal like Tiffany.
Keep this in mind though Coleman was out for half the season :wink:

but yeah she did alternate those few in i didnt realy think about that i guess she saw better chemistry with diff players in diff types of ball games i think the reason Tiff started in the ladder part was SENORITY

Ur very much so right thanks for that correction
LOL Go Central!!
I'm optimistic for the outcome of Central's game this year. I think they're ready and they know what they need to do now.
i think the early season struggle can b summed up in worried


gosh i have to fix that i did horrible i meant to say one word dont ask how i got worried lol

I'm not good with acronyms. Tongue

lol idk how to spell it Egos mayb lol IDK im confusing my self haha here how about this u had to many girls thinking they were the ALL STAR or should b.
i think that the hlp of vanko has helped the team out greatly
Big Grin

What has she done to help out the team this year? Has she scored alot of points? Fill me in, please! Everytime I've been to a Central Lady Hawks game I've only seen Vanko on the bench.
Vanko is actually avg now in the second half of the season liek 10 pts 10 reb and ummmmmmmmm ALOT OF FOULS LOL thats y u c her on the bench lol
Hrm. Okay.

In the newspaper I did see that she had 8 pts.

However, the times that I saw her "warm the bench" was pretty early in the season. I'll have to catch her in action, I guess.
Yeah i guess so sportschick lol

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