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What Time Do You Wake Up?
We have discussed everything else, why not our time of awakening?

The reason that I thought of this is not because I am a stalker it is because at a church event somehow the topic was brought up and one lady said she goes to bed at 8:30 PM and wakes up at 4:00 AM every day!

What about you?
that would be in the AM
5:45am......sometimes 5:15am
6:30 a.m.
5:30 am on work days
6 - 6:30 on work days...7 - 8 on weekends.
I'll wake up at 6.30 in the morning
Usually around 11am
Around 4am on work days.
5:30 through the week bout 8 or 9 on weekends.
two more days the alarm clock gets turned off
Around 7 or 8

Also, what time do you all go to bed?
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
I go to bed...probably 2:00 - 3:00 weekday...about the same weekend. I am pretty much nocturnal lol.
I usually sleep with one eye and both ears open. But on nights when I go to nap city, I get up around 4:55 am
3 days of not waking up that early for me lol
I'm still not awake today lol.
5:30 am
The clock is set at 4am on workdays, but I rarely sleep until it goes off. On off days I'm awake by 5am.

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