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Apollo 3 - Collins 2 (9 innings)
Final from the LIT at PRP

Collins plays Henry Clay today in their final game of the LIT.
Collins 100 010 000 - 2 8 3
Apollo 000 110 001 - 3 6 1

WP - Brandon Hamilton
LP - Logan Bailey

2B - Zach Ranburger (A)
3B - Zach Ranburger (A), Austin Perry ©
how did the hamilton kid look for apollo ? heard he threw all 9 innings with upper 80's velocity
from what ive been told this game was a pitchers duel ...with both pitchers having double digit k's ...if anybody was there give me some info on both pitchers .
The kid threw really good. Had his curve ball working really well for him. Don't think he was throwing in the upper 80's. That really don't matter as he keep the Collins batters off balance most of the game. Apollo has a really good team that plays hard. This was a really good game to watch both teams did well. Was really impressed with both catchers. Collins catcher picked off one and should have throwed a runner from his knees but the SS wasn't at the base in time.
kybaseball5 , you hit the nail rite on the head ...too many people worry about how fast a kid throws , that isnt the only thing that makes you a pitcher ...wen you mix up your pitches an throw ground balls or flyouts , doesnt hold his head down wen he getn hit its things like that to me that make a complete pitcher ...dont get me wrong speed is nice to have but if that all you got ,thanks , ill take the other kid lol
The Apollo cather is Dalton West. He signed with Murray State.
Collins stole 3 bases on West as his throws went all over the place. Collins catcher is Brandon Roberts. He does good to make it close at 2nd as the head coach doesn't let the pitcher slide step or even go a little faster. The kid that pitched this game is close to 2.3 or 2.5 to home and that is darn near impossible to throw anybody out at 2nd. Brandon throws on the base with a 1.91 pop time and has even been in the high 1.8 a few times. He bats 3rd for Collins and has batted over .500 all year. He didn't bat as good as he can this LIT but heck the kid had just got out of the hospital on Monday and was in there almost a week. He hasn't choosen a college yet but wants to play JUCO in Tennessee.
baseball4life7 Wrote:from what ive been told this game was a pitchers duel ...with both pitchers having double digit k's ...if anybody was there give me some info on both pitchers .

I heard Austin Perry had 10 K's for Collins
Austin Perry---8 innings--5 Hits--2 runs--10 strikeouts
Brandon Hamilton---9 innings--8 Hits--2 runs--14 strikeouts
wow , not bad stats for 2 opposing pitchers ...that mustve been a great game . howd apollo win it ?

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