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Report: Teams like idea of Manning, Wayne package
It's presumed that by March 13, when NFL free agency opens, that Peyton Manning will no longer be a member of the Colts. Reggie Wayne, our ninth-ranked free-agent wideout, will be available. We've previously floated the idea that Wayne and Manning could team up again in a new location.

And according to Peter King of Sports Illustrated, that's an idea that interests several teams potentially in the market for the legendary quarterback.

King cites an NFL source who says that Manning "would love to see it happen," and reports that "at least two potential suitor teams would seriously consider" making a run at Wayne in order to "lure" Manning if/when he becomes a free agent.

The potential suitors are exactly who'd you expect (in order that King lists them): the Dolphins, Jets, Seahawks, Redskins, Cardinals and Chiefs. (The Chiefs, by the by, are coming on strong as a darkhorse candidate to upgrade at the quarterback position.)

Miami makes a lot of sense, as they have a good offensive line, decent running game, and adding Wayne and Manning to Brandon Marshall and Davonne Bess would make for offensive fireworks in South Beach, something owner Stephen Ross has said he wants.

The Jets appear to be a longer shot, but they've been down the veteran-quarterback road before, as the first post-Packers team to land Brett Favre. King believes they'd even be willing to cut Santonio Holmes and take his cap hit, if it meant landing Wayne to secure Manning.

The Seahawks and Cardinals are in a reactionary mode against the 49ers after a successful year, and Rod Graves and Ken Whisenhunt wouldn't rule out the possibility of going after Manning when speaking at the combine. Wayne would quickly be the best receiver in Seattle, while in Arizona he'd probably post monster numbers while teams focused on Larry Fitzgerald.

Washington makes sense as a destination for Manning because of Dan Snyder's penchant for acquiring big-name talent. And the Redskins could use a top-end wide receiver as well. But Mike Shanahan's system is terrible for Manning, and he'd have to be willing to change it to suit a less-mobile quarterback. Additionally, if Washington can procure Robert Griffin III, even if it costs a reported four draft picks, they might actually have more success right away.

And then there's KC, who might have to deal with tampering charges before they can even consider Manning as a potential free-agent acquisition. KC's got the hardest row to hoe in terms of landing Manning or RG3, but there are some nice pieces in place there and, as Romeo Crennel (unwisely) said, they'd be "crazy not to consider" at least trying to get him.

Of course, all of this speculation is null and void if Manning can't prove to teams that he's healthy by the time he starts to work out with free-agent suitors. But if he shows that he can play, anyone who wants to acquire him would be wise to first obtain Manning's favorite target of the past decade.

Wayne/Manning to Miami... With Marshall sounds good...


Wayne/Manning to Houston... With Johnson and Foster sounds GREAT
^Houston has a great thing going, I do not want to give up what the Colts will want. Unless you can get Manning/Wayne for draft picks and cash. Maybe give up Tate OR Foster, but nobody else should be an option.
I like this especially of they're able to work a deal with the Dolphins. Would be great seeing Brady and Manning go at it two times a year!
Manning anywhere is good. Wayne has reached the end of his career!
I can Manning and Wayne going to Miami for sure. What an offensive attack that would be with Manning throwing to Wayne and Marshall...and don't forget Reggie Bush.
With that big bonus coming very soon, we wont have to wait long.
The Colts will deal him before then...
I dont think we're gonna see a deal for manning, its gonna be free agency for him. Why would anyone give up anything for him, knowing good and well he's gonna be a free agent in a few weeks.

Peyton Manning's contract included $51million in bonuses, a 20million dollar signing bonus (which for cap purposes is spread evenly over the 5 years of the contract), a 3million dollar roster bonus in 2011 (which goes against the 2011 cap) and a 28million dollar option bonus (the cap hit of which is spread over the 4 years remaining on the deal).

Right now the Colts have paid Peyton 23 million in bonuses, and only had 7million count against the cap leaving 16mil outstanding. The Colts have to take this money against the cap, and if he's released or traded they have to take it over the following 2 years. 16mil is a lot of dead cap, but what happens if Peyton is still on the Colts roster when his option bonus is due, March 8th?

With 28million more paid to Peyton in March that would bring the outstanding bonus money to 44 million, making releasing or trading Peyton between March 8th and the 2012 season totally impossible. During the 2012 season 1/5th (4mil) of the signing bonus and 1/4th of the option bonus (7mil) will be counted against the Colts 2012 cap, reducing the outstanding bonus money to 33million. Still a monsterous cap hit to take, enough to cripple a team trying to transition to an Andrew Luck era. In 2013 another 11mil of that bonus money is paid on the cap getting the Colts within shouting distance of where they are now at 22mil. Cutting or trading Peyton after 2014 would leave 11mil of dead cap, by which point Andrew Luck will have sat on the bench for 3 years.

so its either take an 8mil cap hit the next 2 seasons, or an 11mil cap hit the next 4 years. Teams know this, and know theyll be able to pick Manning up on an incentive based contract instead of guaranteed money if they trade for him. Its a no brainer to let him hit free agency.
ekff Wrote:Wayne/Manning to Miami... With Marshall sounds good...


Wayne/Manning to Houston... With Johnson and Foster sounds GREAT

Arent asking for much are you?
ekff Wrote:Wayne/Manning to Miami... With Marshall sounds good...


Wayne/Manning to Houston... With Johnson and Foster sounds GREAT

I don't think that Manning will go to Houston they already have a good established QB and I don't believe He fits into that system because the Texans run the ball more than 15 times a games.
Personally Manning needs to pack up his cane and walker along with Ward, and retire to a golf course somewhere. I dont think he can return to Peyton level. And one good hit could damage his neck beyond repair. you dont mess with that type of injury. Idc if the doctors do clear him.
If the Colts do indeed let Manning go I hope he beats the living shit out of them everytime he has to play them.

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