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REP/DEM Do you really trust either?
Post away.
No. But, I trust one more when it comes to middle class. A real old friend of mine once said, "when you've got two turds to vote for, vote for your own turd".
No, I don't. However, the people in federal government who I do trust are all members of the Republican Party. Unfortunately, they probably don't represent more than 30 percent of the Republicans in Congress.
One. No additions to that, just simply, one.

I do trust Ron Paul. I would never vote for him, but I do trust that if by some crazy notion, he got elected, he would try to make good on his promises. However, he would get no support and nothing would get done.
I trust neither all. Republicans alot more than Democrats though..
I don't put trust in a party. I put trust in people. I want to know what someone stands for, I want to know their worth. I don't want someone to represent me who chases polls, who can't take a position and stand for it, believe in it.
^Are all the people you trust Democrats of Republicans?

Just giving you a hard time.
I have voted for both and I have voted for neither.
I've even left my ballot blank (2010 senate race most recent) when I didn't like either candidate.
No, I dont trust either party. Its all about getting that seat in Washington, and slinging as much mud and cutting as many throats as it takes to get there. Once they are there, they'll bullshit their way into making people believe they are trying to help you. Politicians dont care about you. They care about that seat. Republicans and Democrats, although butt heads on every single issue brought before them, DO share a common trait; Neither give a crap about the poor or the middle class and could care less if your family starves to death, as long as they are getting that paycheck and building that pension, its all good in their world. This government is in desperate need of an overhaul from top to bottom, and eliminating about 60% of the seats and offices would be a good start.

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