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What ever happened to the Dale Anderson situation?
All I heard he resigned and it was over some very criminal reasons but nothing was ever said on why he resigned. Anyone know?
From what I hear and know from pretty creditable people, Coach Anderson is going to have one heck of a nice little pay day when its said and done. According to sources they have yet to find anything, that was being "rumored" to be true. Like I said just according to sources who are in the know. I have no time line on when anything will happen. I smell something funky coming from the PCSB and the SW adminstration but that's just my own opinion.
wildthang3 Wrote:From what I hear and know from pretty creditable people, Coach Anderson is going to have one heck of a nice little pay day when its said and done. According to sources they have yet to find anything, that was being "rumored" to be true. Like I said just according to sources who are in the know. I have no time line on when anything will happen. I smell something funky coming from the PCSB and the SW adminstration but that's just my own opinion.

How can he have one heck of payday when he "officially" resigned of his own free will? Not saying he's guilty of anything or not, just wondering how he can get any kind of $$$ for resigning on his own. That is the only factual thing that has ever been reported, the rest has all been rumors.
Forever Maroon Wrote:How can he have one heck of payday when he "officially" resigned of his own free will? Not saying he's guilty of anything or not, just wondering how he can get any kind of $$$ for resigning on his own. That is the only factual thing that has ever been reported, the rest has all been rumors.

Speaking generally, if he was forced or heavily pressured to resign, the fact that he officially resigned won't save an employers backside. There may be possible defamation issues also depending on what was said by whom.

Don't put too much stock on the "officially resigned".
Well whatever the issue is I hope that the rumors are not true and that his name does get cleared.
It's still an ongoing investigation I believe.
Stick a fork in him, he is done! Have a feeling it is similar to Penn State.
If there was any truth to the rumors...I think they would have thrown the book at him. I hope it isn't true for the reason that I hope that none of the young people had to suffer through what I heard about the rumors.
This investigation is still ongoing. From what I've heard, the FBI is taking their time on this.
^ As they should with an investigation of this nature. Lots of people could be affected in a big way, there can't be any foul ups.
Any Updates?
The FBI still has the evidence and is having trouble getting through the encryption that is on the material. Be patient!
Being that it has been over 6 months since someone posted on this I would think we are all being patient.
I haven't heard anything lately.
It took 3 years for the authorities to present their case to the grand Jury in the Sandusky case. Not saying this is like that or anything, but investigations and gathering of evidence take time. This isn't an Hour long TV drama.
What was Anderson being investigated for? It's been a long time since his name came up
toussaints Wrote:What was Anderson being investigated for? It's been a long time since his name came up

Let's just say it is very similar to Penn State
The last story in the paper a month or so ago was titled, "Anderson Probe Moving Forward"

Who says newspaper guys don't have a sense of humor....

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