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RVD Back to the WWE?
Regarding the online rumor of Rob Van Dam returning to WWE, Power Slam confirms in their latest issue that RVD is seriously considering returning to the organization once his contract with TNA Wrestling expires. The magazine adds that the feeling is mutual as people in WWE want the master of the Five-Star Frog Splash back.

Update On When RVD’s TNA Contract Expires

“RVD from what we’re told would receive a warm welcome in WWE,” the magazine says.

Providing that no contract extension has been reached since his arrival to TNA Wrestling in March 2010, it would appear that Van Dam will be a free agent in the near future. It was reported in 2010 that RVD had signed a two-year contract with TNA.

During his hiatus from full-time wrestling, Van Dam said he would consider returning to WWE if and when he felt ready.

“One thing that’s for sure is that WWE and I do have a good-faith understanding that if and when I’m ready to return that I’ll be talking to them.

They look forward and hope that we’ll be doing business again,” he told the Baltimore Sun during an interview.

Van Dam, who turned 41 years old last month, performed for WWE from 2001 to 2007. Should RVD return to WWE, he would join a select group of former WWE world champions—Booker T, Kevin Nash and Mick Foley—who joined TNA and ultimately returned to the Stamford based organization.
Booker T was in TNA?
^ you didn't know that?
I seriously doubt that we will see RVD back in the WWE. He was suspended from WWE for a failed drug test. He told the WWE that he refused to give up pot, thus, he was given his release. Knowing how strong his feelings are for toking, RVD will NOT be back in the WWE unless he has decided to give up his favorite vice!
I saw that Booker T was there for 2 years. How did he do there?
^ nothing special. Won the TV title and got divorced, that was the extent of his TNA days
Well his contract expires soon, and at tonight's TNA Genesis they may have written him off television with the Gunner attack.

I read a report of WWE's interests in TNA wrestlers and it said that the WWE is interested in bringing him back and RVD feels the same way.

Would be cool to see him back.
^ Based on last nights result, we could see it happen

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