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Leslie vs LCA 2nd round
ok, imo, lc pulls this one out. why? heres some facts. lca and lc both have talent.. good atheletes, well coached, and have heart. with that being said, here is some differences. lca has maybe 6-8 seniors that play compared to leslies 10-12 that are experienced starters. most seniors for lca start o-line which will be an advantage. Many of LCA's skill positions is sophmores but they are very talented. lc is a VERY physical team. they put 3 players out against mboro. all i can say is that the kids up north better be ready for a hard hitting game and the folks in hyden need to come out and support these kids. ROLL EAGLES!!! (leslie county that is)
lc- 24
lca- 12
very good match up against these two teams. both well coached. the key difference in this game will be leslie's defense. they have been dominate all year. it seems like they are good at every position out there. and from watching their game against boro, their offense has stepped up big time and they are starting to make big plays. Lca is a good football team, but no where near as physical as the leslie county bunch. Its going to be a long ride over here and an even Longer ride back. LC wins again
Go Leslie. What a big win this would be.

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