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Greenup Co.48 East Carter 8 (7th grade)
First round state play off game at Morehead today.
Could not understand why Johnson Central middle school coaches were taking so many pictures of Greenup's 7th grade formation then hiding the camra after each picture of each formaton. Because they were using a Ipad to record it. What was funny was the greenup parents were video and taking pictures of these coaches doing They did the same in the Rowan 8th grade game also.
Sports dad Wrote:Could not understand why Johnson Central middle school coaches were taking so many pictures of Greenup's 7th grade formation then hiding the camra after each picture of each formaton. Because they were using a Ipad to record it. What was funny was the greenup parents were video and taking pictures of these coaches doing They did the same in the Rowan 8th grade game also.
What did you want them to do use markers and drawing paper?
It's called scouting.
Sports dad Wrote:Could not understand why Johnson Central middle school coaches were taking so many pictures of Greenup's 7th grade formation then hiding the camra after each picture of each formaton. Because they were using a Ipad to record it. What was funny was the greenup parents were video and taking pictures of these coaches doing They did the same in the Rowan 8th grade game also.
Is there something wrong with that? Teams get scouted all the time.
Armchair QB Wrote:Is there something wrong with that? Teams get scouted all the time.
I know in high school it is illegal for opposing teams to take video or pictures of a another team. Dont know about middle school. So yes there maybe something wrong with that.
It is illegal for any opposing team coaches to take pictures or video of other teams. However it is ok to trade film. It looks as if these coaches do not wish to play by the rules. Maybe Rowan and Greenup school officials should be notified of such blatant disregard to the rules.
If Johnson Central is guilty of filming or taking pictures of an opposing team for a middle school playoff they should be shamed into coming forward. All coaches in the state know this is illegal. I can only hope that school officials at Johnson Co. Middle School look into this.
Kentucky High School Athletic Association rules do not pertain to middle school. They are for high school athletics only. Additionally, nothing being discussed is in violation of rules designated by the Kentucky Middle School Football Association. Therefore, the only thing left to do is play ball.
THOMCAT Wrote:Kentucky High School Athletic Association rules do not pertain to middle school. They are for high school athletics only. Additionally, nothing being discussed is in violation of rules designated by the Kentucky Middle School Football Association. Therefore, the only thing left to do is play ball.
No rule, no problem. JC coaches were smart to do it if there is no rule.
It is stated within the KYMSFA that all of the KHSAA rules and guidlines will be followed. Ask any of your Middle School officials. Furthermore the coaches KNOW it is illegal to do this. Trust me the High School coaches would not want their Middle School coaches doing this. My question is why didn't they just trade film. My understanding is that Rowan and Greenup wished to do this, and it was agreed with the JC coaches. Guess they got what they wanted but didn't want to play fair with the other coaches.
I thought I read somewhere that Raceland 7th beat Greenup 7th? How or Why is Greenup advancing in Playoffs?
Congrats GC

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