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51% Don't Want Second Term For President Obama
With all the bad news about the economy, news of Obama's plunging poll numbers always brighten my day. Just hang on, help for the economy is just over one year away.

Quote:51% Don't Want Second Term For President Obama

A majority of Americans now oppose giving President Obama a second term, reflecting the country's continued weak economic performance, according to the latest IBD/TIPP survey released Monday.

By 51%-41%, respondents in October picked "someone new deserves a chance" over Obama "deserves to be re-elected." Among independents, it was 54%-36%. Back in September, the readings were 50%-44% and 53%-38%, respectively.

Americans are frustrated over the continued sluggish economy, says Raghavan Mayur, president of TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, which conducted the poll. As Vice President Joe Biden recently admitted, after nearly three years in power, the Obama administration owns the economy.

The U.S. added 103,000 jobs last month, the Labor Department reported Friday. That was far better than expected, but not enough to keep pace with population growth. Excluding the impact of a short-lived Verizon (VZ) strike, the U.S. added just 58,000 jobs.

Half of Americans give Obama poor or unacceptable marks in creating jobs and economic growth vs. 24% who say he's doing well.

Among independents, it's 51%-18%. 33% of swing voters give him an "F" vs. just 2% who give an "A".
^ That's it? Are the other 49% the Illegal Aliens? Or just Aliens from another world who are waiting for our decay so they can come and eat us!
Here is a chart showing the positive trend in Obama's poll numbers during his administration (positive in this case means declining). More Americans are catching on every day. I don't think that it matters who Republicans decide to run against Obama. Democrats' only hope is to convince Obama to find an excuse to bow out of the race. Hopefully, Obama's ego will force him to face the music of a humiliating landslide defeat next November.

Stardust Wrote:^ That's it? Are the other 49% the Illegal Aliens? Or just Aliens from another world who are waiting for our decay so they can come and eat us!
41 percent oppose Obama's reelection. I assume that the rest were not alert enough to respond. If they can be revived on election day, most will be Obama voters. SEIU members, ACORN, or New Black Panther Party members will carry the unconscious to the polls.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:41 percent oppose Obama's reelection. I assume that the rest were not alert enough to respond.

That's the one's that got us into this mess in the first place. Nice to see they have gone back under their rocks!

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