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Obama needs a lesson in proper grammar
Obama, declared by the liberal media to be the "smartest president in our history", needs a few lessons in proper use of the King's English.

His latest blunder (certainly not his first) in the area of proper grammar came when he was asked about the Weiner situation. The "brilliant" Obama started his reply by saying "If it was me ...". Those who are educated in regard to proper grammar know that the proper response is "If it were me ...".

Small matter? Maybe. Nonetheless it jumps out to one who is sensitive to proper communication and tells that person that Obama isn't as "brilliant" as advertised.

Of course, his performance in his first real job (other than as a community "organizer/agitator") indicates that he is quite the novice. Poor grammar is likely the least of his shortcomings. Still, it is bothersome. I was pleased that Bill O'Reilly, a former English teacher, picked up on it. In today's government schools, I doubt that very many English teachers would have done so.
"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"

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