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Kentucky Governor Race
I heard the campaign ads this morning for Breshear and last night saw Senator Williams hugging up to Terry Forcht and Mike Huckabee. I was curious what everyone thought about this race.

I think it comes down to accouple of things, first the budget battle, values will be brought into play, and unemployment.

I will say from the get go I don't like Senator Williams at all. I disagree with his idea of to fund medicaid. For full disclosure I am a teacher as well as a business man. He wants to cut educational funding by 5% in my area alone that is 1.5 million dollars taken away. Which in my mind means more people will end up unemployed, which means higher medicaid. This is my biggest issue against him.

Second, he opposses Casino gambling. I can respect that except, he had a gambling debt that he wrote off his taxes. Also, I just think it is hypocritical for anyone in this state to oppose gambling. If so, get rid of the Kentucky Horse Racing Industry, Kentucky Lottery, and Bingo. Do those things, then I think you have a leg to stand on... however, just like the federal government special interest groups will come in and make sure Horse Racing is king, just like KEA will make sure that the teachers are taken care of.

Third, Senator Williams is going to talk to us about morality, old family values and such... at least that is what is protrayed what they stand for. I say let him who has no sin cast the first stone... if he opens his mouth about this issue I will get on here and report facts that go against family values, I will give you all a hint... Newt Gingrich has the same problem, when it comes to family values.

I have no problem with Richie Farmer, I think he has a great jump shot from 16ft and in. I think he would have been better advise to run with someone else, but we will see.

I also do not like Governor Breshear's budget plan as well. I think it is absurd to take money from future projections to pay things off now. I wish my life worked that way. My 401K projections could pay off my house now. It is not logical.

I hear there is another canadate from Lousiville a business man. That is all I know, does anyone know where he stands on things?

tvtimeout Wrote:I heard the campaign ads this morning for Breshear and last night saw Senator Williams hugging up to Terry Forcht and Mike Huckabee. I was curious what everyone thought about this race.

I think it comes down to accouple of things, first the budget battle, values will be brought into play, and unemployment.

I will say from the get go I don't like Senator Williams at all. I disagree with his idea of to fund medicaid. For full disclosure I am a teacher as well as a business man. He wants to cut educational funding by 5% in my area alone that is 1.5 million dollars taken away. Which in my mind means more people will end up unemployed, which means higher medicaid. This is my biggest issue against him.

Second, he opposses Casino gambling. I can respect that except, he had a gambling debt that he wrote off his taxes. Also, I just think it is hypocritical for anyone in this state to oppose gambling. If so, get rid of the Kentucky Horse Racing Industry, Kentucky Lottery, and Bingo. Do those things, then I think you have a leg to stand on... however, just like the federal government special interest groups will come in and make sure Horse Racing is king, just like KEA will make sure that the teachers are taken care of.

Third, Senator Williams is going to talk to us about morality, old family values and such... at least that is what is protrayed what they stand for. I say let him who has no sin cast the first stone... if he opens his mouth about this issue I will get on here and report facts that go against family values, I will give you all a hint... Newt Gingrich has the same problem, when it comes to family values.

I have no problem with Richie Farmer, I think he has a great jump shot from 16ft and in. I think he would have been better advise to run with someone else, but we will see.

I also do not like Governor Breshear's budget plan as well. I think it is absurd to take money from future projections to pay things off now. I wish my life worked that way. My 401K projections could pay off my house now. It is not logical.

I hear there is another canadate from Lousiville a business man. That is all I know, does anyone know where he stands on things?


Try 60 ft and in.16 ft is a layup for Farmer.
Ill be voting for Williams and Farmer.
Breshear has done nothing. Following Obamas agendas is enough for me to get him out.
Bolt Wrote:Try 60 ft and in.16 ft is a layup for Farmer.
Ill be voting for Williams and Farmer.
Breshear has done nothing. Following Obamas agendas is enough for me to get him out.

I understand your vote, I agree Breshear has not done much.

I disagree with you about Williams, but I am a teacher.

I think that if a Republican wanted to have a small government, he would reduce all of government.

Williams wishes t reduce education by 5% to pay for Medicaid. As I pointed out earlier 5% in my area alone will be a reduction of 1.5 million dollars. Which of course means less staff.

I am ok with this thought, except, what happens to that staff... they go on medicaid, which causes more of a problem, because you do take away more of the tax base and now put them on government assistance, which causes larger numbers in medicaid.

Now, why would Williams support this idea... a good republican and all... because he has his own special interest groups with Dr.'s and basically anyone that does business in this state that takes in medicaid. If the payments on medicaid stop, these businesses would either shut down taking away the tax base, which means more people would be going on medicaid.

So, Williams has decided to sacrifice the teachers and none of medicaid. I am sure that Williams is right, because education is pointless. Now instead of doing a resonable thing and taking 2.5 percent from education and cutting medicaid 2.5 percent, he has decided again to take ALL from teachers.

Also, I think that if elected Williams could not get anything through, he will be dealing with a house that is Democrat and a senate evenly split.
With his thinking, I disagree, because he has been shown as (Paul Ryan has according to Hoot) to comprimise, which he would have to have the ability to do because of legislative branch.

I also disagree with his campaign slogan about strong family values...funny how republicans say the exact same thing every election, yet if a person would look at their personal lives, they would see the hypocracy. To illustrate this point, I am sure soon enough something about gay rights are going to be brought up in this election, happens every cycle, and every cycle the same thing happens, do you think abortion will be brought up in this cycle as well. The republican canadiate will say I am against gay rights or abortion or people taking away guns, or gambling. It rallies the base. Yet, once elected did it even matter. We still have a budget problem in the state, more people on medicaid, and we own 3 out of the top 15 poorest counties in the U.S. Our educational system is somewhere ranked in the 40's.

Yet, we tried to vote Republican with Fletcher...well at least we got the roads paved (partly because of the Obama policy) and Humana got paid well, did anything else happen?

We tried democrats time and time again...we got the budget passed, with next years estimated receipts, is that a solution?

The definition of insanity is to do the exact same thing over and expect different results. Yet, we do this time and time again, on each election. But it is our fault not Williams or the Governor, they just play the system.

I would still like to know more about the other republican governor canidate.

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