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TNA's Against All Odd's PPV Results
Against All Odds 2011 Results

1. X-Division Championship Match: Kazarian © defeated Robbie E with his Fade to Black inverted tombstone piledriver. The original match was supposed to be Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck vs. Robbie E. in a three-way match for the number one contendership to the X-Division championship, but both members of Generation Me were unable to make it to the show due to bad weather.

2. Scott Steiner and Beer Money, Inc. (James Storm and Robert Roode) defeated Immortal (Rob Terry, Gunner, and Murphy) via a top rope Frankensteiner from Scott Steiner. AJ Styles sat in on commentary.

3. Samoa Joe defeated D'Angelo Dinero by submission with a rear naked choke. After the match, Pope begs Joe for a handshake, only to assault him.

4. Last Knockout Standing match for the TNA Women's Knockout Championship: Madison Rayne © defeated Mickie James after interference from Tara and a shot to the head with brass knuckles.

- Matt Morgan came to the ring and called out Hernandez, demanding an excuse. Hernandez puts Morgan and "white America" on alert that this is now a Hispanic America, and that Morgan needs to get out of his country. Hernandez then low blows Morgan and leaves him laying with a death valley driver.

5. Rob Van Dam defeated "Cold Blooded" Matt Hardy with the Five Star Frog Splash.

6. Street Fight: Bully Ray defeated Brother Devon. Devon's sons were originally scheduled to be on Devon's team in the match, but Devon forbid them from participating. They came to the ring anyway, which lead to Bully Ray handcuffing Devon to the corner and beating up the sons, kicking one in the face and pinning him to win the match. After the match, Ray made Devon watch as he powerbombed one of his sons through a table.

7. Jeff Jarrett defeated Kurt Angle by reversing an ankle lock reversal into a pinfall. There were tons of false finishes, including a low blow into the Stroke as well as a steel chair shot to the face from Jarrett. Angle made Jarrett tap out to a grapevine ankle lock late in the match, but the referee was distracted by Karen Jarrett and didn't see it. Per the pre-match stipulations, Angle must now give Karen Jarrett away at her wedding on the 3/3 edition of iMPACT! After the match, Angle took off his boots and left them in the ring, a signal that he is done with pro wrestling.

8. Ladder Match for the TNA World Championship: Jeff Hardy defeated Mr. Anderson © to become the new TNA World Champion
It was pretty lame...thats all I have to say.
Not much from the card. Were any of the matches watchable?
Angle & Jarrett had a good wrestling match, but that storyline is very dumb.
sounds like it was worse than the Royal Rumble lol
Royal Rumble was good, some dumb moments but overall it was watchable.
Yeah, they put the belt on Mr. Anderson because they was afraid Jeff was going to jail.

I'm not sure if Jeff is still going to jail or not.

I just don't like Jeff Hardy period, its lame.
J-Rod Wrote:Yeah, they put the belt on Mr. Anderson because they was afraid Jeff was going to jail.

I'm not sure if Jeff is still going to jail or not.

I just don't like Jeff Hardy period, its lame.

He's a good wrestler, I respect what he can do in the ring, and how he puts his body on the line. However, I hate his gimic, so therfore I cannot like him.

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