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Sheldon Clark Basketball
Hiring Spurlock was no mistake. The mentality of kids are we will quit and the parent will go talk to the coach and then their back on the team as least thats its been the past few years. He was brought in to bring discipline to a program that had none for the past three years and now that he has kids say no thank you and quit. Give the man time and he will build a program, if he has to start from the ground up.
again i was being sarcastic about the kids, of course its the coach. i mean come on they basically have a middle school team. hiring coach spurlock has been a major mistake. Give him time, come on please, this team was hand delivered to him ready to win and they blew it. I just wonder if the powers that be would ever admit they made a mistake. im sure they wont.
Jed Clampett Wrote:Hiring Spurlock was no mistake. The mentality of kids are we will quit and the parent will go talk to the coach and then their back on the team as least thats its been the past few years. He was brought in to bring discipline to a program that had none for the past three years and now that he has kids say no thank you and quit. Give the man time and he will build a program, if he has to start from the ground up.

First of all plyers never quit n then came back bfor n spurlock has let players quit then come bac bj moore quit thn came bac n said it was the biggest mistake he had ever made. Spurlock has jus pllain n simple took every bit of the fun out of playing bball for the players who quit n the ones who r still playing. And a mtter of fact if all the others parents would let there kids quit then they'd only. B 2 high schoolers on team n they would b seniors
[quote=Nothing But The Kids]Get real. Coach Spurlock knows what he is doing. Sounds like you personally know someone who quit. Spurlock will turn this program around.

well you may need to ask around or look around your own house and remember that more players quit they just came back. so really all of sc's players but maybe 2-3 have quit or would if their parents would not make'em get a thats team spirit. playing instead of working ..someome doing a great job as a parent.
oh and turn the program aroung, how about run it in the ground
Should not be surprised. You obvioulsy dont follow high school basketball to closely. The majority of high schools in the 15th had middle school players playing on the high school team. In the 14th and 16th two of the best young vasity players are in the 7th grade.

I dont know what problem Kevin is having, maybe his fault, but hard to judge a coach on his first year. Esp. when you have a kid as talented as moore and the kid wants to throw it away for any reason, hate coach or not.
well the reason that moore quit to begin with is because he was having too much pressure from his family and that is what came from his mouth and no one else's.
i find it very hard to believe that was the only reason..... however, no matter what the reasons are, this season has become a total joke!!!!!!!!!
As a teacher with 20 yrs. experience and a former coach, I can tell you that kids attitudes have changed quite a bit over the last 10 years. Kids do not want to be disciplined and their parents do not want them disciplined. Everything is supposed to be "fun". Kids need to realize that everything is not always going to be fun. School is not always going to be fun. Basketball practice is not always going to be fun. To improve you must work hard, be dedicated, respond to crititism in a positive way, and if things do not always go your way accept it. It is to easy for someone to blame someone else. It is to easy to say I quit. A former coach of mine often told us that practice was work it wasn't fun; Winning was fun
After reading this thread my question is what are they going to do? Will they be able to finish out the year? Will they have enough for summer ball and next season? Will Spurlock stay and if he decides to leave who in the world would want to come in and try and coach at SC?
This thread is causing way too many problems with bashing of individuals of the Sheldon Clark program.


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