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I'd love to help your newspaper....
I have been out of the sports writing game for a while now (really since the Bourbon Times ceased operation in 2003...). I wrote game articles for their newspaper, and did a little pro/college commentary. I did a little work with the Bourbon Citizen (another newspaper in Paris).

I got out of the "game" for a while, concentrating on my high school paper, where I was the sports editor for 2 years.

Most of you know that I know sports decently well, and I really writing sports, and at times expressing my opinions about them.....

Well, the itch is back. I know a ton of BGP members are sports writers/editors at their local newspapers. I would love nothing more than to freelance, write an article here or there, at your newspaper. If I get paid, great, if I dont, I'd still like to write occasional pieces for consideration into the newspapers.

Anyway, let me know if anyone is interested, I'd love to get more experience, and I think I can add something to your newspaper.....

PM me anytime or email me at [][/email]

Thanks again

Johnny Livengood
The News-Express always take freelance articles and I'm sure that they would love your sports articles. You really know your stuff FN.
you have to promise to mention BGR lol

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