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Magoffin County 46 South Floyd 26
No shocker here.
Congrats Hornets
Was it close for a while or did Sf just score at the end?
Nice win Magoffin. Good luck South Floyd.
South Floyd is better than that. What happened?
It was close for a while. End of the 1st SF was up 8-6. At half time it was 14-8 Magoffin. But SF was tired and had about 6 injuries and not enough depth on the sidelines to help it.
South Floyd scored on the opening drive to start off the ball game. The first half SF was looking very good up front and was doing a decent job of stopping Magoffins big running back. Then at half time MC was up 14-8 I do believe. But the second half Magoffin decided to stop playing so timid and soft and was able to just tun and pass all over the Raiders. SF either scored 1 or 2 TD's on Magoffins JV
This was a closer game then the score told 30-20 in the forth, SF was driving, Dakota Newsome ran a bootleg and was wide open and had one man to beat ( saftey)and the ref on Magoffins sideline called a very late off sides call on #3 receiver for SF on the other side of the field and stopped the play. next play SF fumbles the ball for the 3rd time and Magoffin recovers and scores. SF would go on the fumble again and Magoffin score again. Im not saying SF would have won but the score doesnt reflect this game. SF did score 1 td on Magoffins JV . SF had every oppritunity to be in this game but just fundamentaly couldnt get it done. Keep your head up Raiders and Hang on to tha ball and you will be alright.
Glad to hear Coach McCoy is still chugging along. Congrats MC
Billnz28 Wrote:This was a closer game then the score told 30-20 in the forth, SF was driving, Dakota Newsome ran a bootleg and was wide open and had one man to beat ( saftey)and the ref on Magoffins sideline called a very late off sides call on #3 receiver for SF on the other side of the field and stopped the play. next play SF fumbles the ball for the 3rd time and Magoffin recovers and scores. SF would go on the fumble again and Magoffin score again. Im not saying SF would have won but the score doesnt reflect this game. SF did score 1 td on Magoffins JV . SF had every oppritunity to be in this game but just fundamentaly couldnt get it done. Keep your head up Raiders and Hang on to tha ball and you will be alright.

Well said.. SF had a hard time hanging onto the ball in the second half. And if I recall correctly, there wasn't a single punt the entire game. Props to Magoffins D for forcing the fumbles. South Floyd has some talent, they should have no problem winning some games this year. And for Magoffin, they are going to have to start playing the first half with as much intensity and desire as they do the second half..this seems to be a trend every year with the Hornets. They play on the same skill level as their opponents the first half, then after halftime they come out fired up and ready to play. It's this type of mentality that may come back to bite them later down the schedule against more talented teams.
This game is not a surprise, but the raiders will definitely put some W's in the win column.
This game was only one or two breaks away from being a totally different outcome. The Raiders just need to keep working hard and there wins will come. Magoffin better start getting focused early and play hard the entire game or they may have trouble pulling away late in games from teams with more well conditioned players.
Can any Hornet faithful tell us what Magoffin County best football record is?
the raiders have a great young team and i think the will have a good season this season and that was their firsat real game so there still working things out and not all there players got to play so good luck magoffin and the raiders .

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