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Estill County New Head Coach
Good Luck Jon !!
i can't wait to see the Schedule when its available. as of right now there is only 1 game scheduled for 2010/11 on the KHSAA Webiste

Jan. 17, 10 Bourbon County Home 7:30 pm
Looks like cave is good with "politics" ... oh and good news I have found my long lost "brother" lol ...Cave we could go back and forth all day but hey you believe what you want and I will do the same... I don't believe in politics or freebies or dishonest people... people work hard they deserve what they work for "no matter who they are or who there family is" .. I see your one who thinks the "political way" ... lol you love using "" "" .. but back on task ... I hope Jon comes in and does a great job as long as everyone leaves him alone to do the job... It's been fun... have a good day Cave... oh yea maybe you could give him some advise. Give him some help down there because I believe your one that's in the "politics" in the area....Hey I can do the "" "" also......
outsidein Wrote:Looks like cave is good with "politics" ... oh and good news I have found my long lost "brother" lol ...Cave we could go back and forth all day but hey you believe what you want and I will do the same... I don't believe in politics or freebies or dishonest people... people work hard they deserve what they work for "no matter who they are or who there family is" .. I see your one who thinks the "political way" ... lol you love using "" "" .. but back on task ... I hope Jon comes in and does a great job as long as everyone leaves him alone to do the job... It's been fun... have a good day Cave... oh yea maybe you could give him some advise. Give him some help down there because I believe your one that's in the "politics" in the area....Hey I can do the "" "" also......

Again, you make veiled accusations with no support. You demonstrate the classic passive-aggressive personality: "Aw, shucks, I'm just a hard working honest guy"... then you make hints and accusations, like a little scared dog that can't quite decide whether to take the food or bite the hand. We do agree on this: a desire to see Coach Bentley do well. I will not advise Coach Bentley, nor give him any advice.
Strikeout King Wrote:i can't wait to see the Schedule when its available. as of right now there is only 1 game scheduled for 2010/11 on the KHSAA Webiste

Jan. 17, 10 Bourbon County Home 7:30 pm

Have heard the schedule was all filled out for him other than 1 or 2 games he has to add. Only 9 home games, not a very good schedule, but when you get hired after everything supposed to be already done for next year, there is not much you can do but play with what they have gotten you already.
mountain hoops guru Wrote:Have heard the schedule was all filled out for him other than 1 or 2 games he has to add. Only 9 home games, not a very good schedule, but when you get hired after everything supposed to be already done for next year, there is not much you can do but play with what they have gotten you already.

do you know the schedule???
I think Cave should help in the schedule... Cave the Head Coach... I vote for you Cave... Cave you have to give "advise" "Your" so good at it... You have all the information.. you have all the inside scoop... you know TIller... (but yet have told us why he left or what he said to you) but cave the political advisor... Someone call obama and get Cave on the staff..oops sorry everyone this is of topic...
outsidein Wrote:I think Cave should help in the schedule... Cave the Head Coach... I vote for you Cave... Cave you have to give "advise" "Your" so good at it... You have all the information.. you have all the inside scoop... you know TIller... (but yet have told us why he left or what he said to you) but cave the political advisor... Someone call obama and get Cave on the staff..oops sorry everyone this is of topic...

Coach Tiller addressed this, not to me personally, and I take him at his word. I need say nothing else. It is interesting how you are here trying to turn the tables, as if I'm the one in need of explaining anything. What happened to you, man? Playing time? Yours? Your kid's? The anonymous swipe at a softball coach who has won three consecutive regional titles? Tell us, friend, what are we to make of it?
Guys Lets Cool It!

Tiller Resigned Now Lets Move On!

Are We Thankful For What Tiller Has Done? I Know I Am
ok so not to you ... ok explains everything.... playing time no problem here.. softball coach ... well don't get me started there... no kids for playing time... but you are right strike it's done...But Cave doesn't want to know the truth..for what reason??? ok buddy Cave I'm sorry... I know you can't help yourself.. please forgive me my friend..
outsidein Wrote:ok so not to you ... ok explains everything.... playing time no problem here.. softball coach ... well don't get me started there... no kids for playing time... but you are right strike it's done...But Cave doesn't want to know the truth..for what reason??? ok buddy Cave I'm sorry... I know you can't help yourself.. please forgive me my friend..

What, o/i, are you Colonel Nathan Jessup now? Are we clear? Crystal.
"lol" "lol" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" dang forgot to type the words.....ok back to subject.... will Bentley allow his ball players to play other sports???
Guys Lets Cool It!

There Is No Reason That Coach Tiller Needs To be Brought Up In This Thread he has Resigned Now Lets Move On Or This Thread Will Be Closed.
he will have to, to have a team,
Strike how can someone cool it with your pics??? LOL calm down I won't say the T word again... LOL LOL and if they want to close this thread ok so close it... No big deal.... Ok Ok Strike no more from me... I'll keep my fingers quiet and won't argue with the C word no more.... (can't even have a good arguement these days)
yes tiller resigned and no he really didnt do much he had a 6"10 kid that he could have worked with and made into a good player but chose not to he has his picks and in estill if a kid doesnt get enought playing time the mommys and daddys come running and starting their mouths my freshman year tiller got into a fight with a parent at the franklin game because he wouldnt play his boy so estill is gonna be decent but not win the 56th but good luck coach
I remember seeing the 6'10 kid play a couple of years ago and he couldn't play a lick. He has looked progressively better every time that I have watched him since. So, Tiller, obviously, worked with him. I don't know the details of all the "mommy and daddy crying" stuff or anything about the fight with a parent, but I do believe that the big kid has been worked with over the course of the last couple of years.
chudson Wrote:yes tiller resigned and no he really didnt do much he had a 6"10 kid that he could have worked with and made into a good player but chose not to he has his picks and in estill if a kid doesnt get enought playing time the mommys and daddys come running and starting their mouths my freshman year tiller got into a fight with a parent at the franklin game because he wouldnt play his boy so estill is gonna be decent but not win the 56th but good luck coach

the reason why he didn't get to play is because he missed a week of practice and if you miss that much you aren't gonna get to play
chudson Wrote:yes tiller resigned and no he really didnt do much he had a 6"10 kid that he could have worked with and made into a good player but chose not to he has his picks and in estill if a kid doesnt get enought playing time the mommys and daddys come running and starting their mouths my freshman year tiller got into a fight with a parent at the franklin game because he wouldnt play his boy so estill is gonna be decent but not win the 56th but good luck coach

as for Tiller not doing anything, have you even watched or came to any of the games???? he was there 6 years his record total was 77-102, made Region 4 out of 6 years he was there, won the district championship in 2007/08 and also made it to the 2nd RD of the region that same year and he's also had a victory over one of the top teams in the state in Clark County, so how can you sit and say he hasn't done anything??? before he came Estill was lucky to get up to 4 wins a year and he came and got up to 13 or more wins a year, Estill was very blessed as i was to have Coach Tiller
the 6"10 kid was with tiller this year and it was his first year since playing since 8th grade but i mean **** he could have worked with him more than what he did
chudson Wrote:the 6"10 kid was with tiller this year and it was his first year since playing since 8th grade but i mean **** he could have worked with him more than what he did

yea that is true but from what i saw he did get playing time, he even started some games....right now Devan is playing summer ball that will help him out alot...last i heard he was in Nashville and that was just couple days ago

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