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Unlikely hero closes out Freedom Hall
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Can a building really have magic?

If you saw what transpired during Louisville's 823rd and final game in Freedom Hall, you believe. What, other than a mystical vibe emanating from this 54-year-old basketball shrine, could explain the performance Saturday by Kyle Kuric?
Im not surprised lousiville upset syracuse, i am surprised kuric had that type of game and louisville won by double digits!
I would not be surprised to see louisville win it all this season and then i wouldnt be surprised to see them get beat in the 1st round! Thats just the inconsistency of them this season!
Sad thing is UofL fans are gonna expect this from him alot more now. If he doesnt perform like this often he will get a bad name just like Sosa has.
RavenBoy Wrote:Sad thing is UofL fans are gonna expect this from him alot more now. If he doesnt perform like this often he will get a bad name just like Sosa has.

bad name like sosa??I will agre he isnt what he was freshman year...but i like sosa! he is not a great player but he has played smart this season and i am quite satisfied with him! Now i really dont exoect kuric to do this all the time..Is it possible yes but not likely!
Good Win by the "Cards" and what a way to close out Freedom Hall !!!
Like I have said, it was really the best way to close out an arena! UL now has their resume complete to get into the dance but they still have a long way to go if a game or two in the tourney. Good to heard about the hero.
Like i said there like a box of choc...never know what your going to get...they walk in at marquette and get blown away then come back to freedom hall and beat the #1 team! wow this team has potential...

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