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Perry Co. Central 76 Leslie Co. 40
Sounds like trouble in paradise.
HUB Wrote:I heard he got into a shouting match with hatcher and lost. They said he went to the locker room during the third qtr and never came back out. Has he quit? Maybe King360 can enlighten us as to what is going on with Mullins.

No idea I was in Knott Co. but Hatcher and Tyler use to get into it a lot Tylers sophomore year. I've always noticed when it comes to Hatcher Tyler has a short
Tyler is too talented to play in Hatcher's system.
KentuckyFan35 Wrote:Tyler is too talented to play in Hatcher's system.

Please explain why you think this.
king360 Wrote:Please explain why you think this.

Simply don't get enough touches. Should have learned to handle the ball more. I think shooting guard is his natural position.
House Wrote:Dunks have been an exciting part of basketball for a long time.... on all levels. I can remember when you didn't see that many dunks around here.

shoot, when my brothers played in highschool in the late, late 90s. they could all throw down no problem, one of my brothers could tip the top of the square on the backboard, and my other one got alot of dunks in his high school career. and one you prolly see on wymt when the mountain classic intro comes on. almost everyone could dunk, but yeah now its a rare thing. dont get me wrong, i love a good dunk, but the regular dunks and alley oops arent nothing special. but throw in someone trying to take a charge and a cocked back tomahawk right in there face and make it a 3pt play, then i will be on board. if i was mullins i would just try to dunk on people, but he doesnt. so his dunks arent all that impressive. i know it can be scary, but dunk on someone, come onnnnn.
Personally, I like Hatcher's style of play. He forces other teams to play his tempo and they do a really good job of that.

Congrats on the win.
memphistiger Wrote:shoot, when my brothers played in highschool in the late, late 90s. they could all throw down no problem, one of my brothers could tip the top of the square on the backboard, and my other one got alot of dunks in his high school career. and one you prolly see on wymt when the mountain classic intro comes on. almost everyone could dunk, but yeah now its a rare thing. dont get me wrong, i love a good dunk, but the regular dunks and alley oops arent nothing special. but throw in someone trying to take a charge and a cocked back tomahawk right in there face and make it a 3pt play, then i will be on board. if i was mullins i would just try to dunk on people, but he doesnt. so his dunks arent all that impressive. i know it can be scary, but dunk on someone, come onnnnn.

If anyone in the 14th could dunk ON people, they would be unstoppable (within the region at least)

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