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List your 10 favorite american movies.
thetribe Wrote:Lots of sports movies there Mr. I.
Shows love of the game.

narrowing it down to 10 really limited my choices i figure this was a sports forum so i put those on there cause i love them but sports movies probably arent my favorite genre. the last samurai shoulda been on there as well as man on fire, collateral and goodfellas and casino.
I LOVED The Last Samurai. I am much more of a comedy type girl but Florentin and I went and that movie was awesome.
glad to see i am not the only one who likes it Tribe.
Saw 2
Remember the Titans
Star wars(all of them)
Green Mile
Friday Night Lights
Men in black 1 and 2
Amityville Horror
Scary Movie 3
Ring 2
2 Fast 2 Furious
Mr. 3000
1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. Star Wars Episode 5
3. Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
4. Lord of the Rings - Return of the King
5. Big Fish
6. Fight Club
7. Crash
8. Star Wars Episode 6
9. Sin City
10. Dazed and Confused

Major League(1 & 2)
Dumb and Dumber
Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring
All other Star Wars movies
Harry Potter movies
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Napoleon Dynamite
All Austin Powers movies
Was big fish any good.. i've been thinking about watching it but haven't got around to it..

another one i forgot to mention is

Cider house rules and
Second hand lions...
If you like Tim Burton it's a great movie.
COol.. I might go see it then

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