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WYMT Letting the 15th Down Today
I am an avid follower of Sports Overtime and I have checked all day for updates with video coverage of Valley's State Championship. Nothing. A MOUNTAIN team has brought home the big trophy for Single A, and no updated stories online. However, the sports stories have been updated because the Super Bowl is the #1 story. Granted, SV may not be as newsworthy as the Super Bowl to non-Valley-Dwellers, but I must say I'm really disappointed.

Sports Overtime from this past Friday is not even on there yet!

Anybody else notice this? What's the deal?
I noticed this as well....A major disappointment if nothing is mentioned. LEX18 done a quick highlight of the game last night but that was it...Very sad that Pike Co gets its first ever All A state championship and nothing is mentioned on the news but had it been any other team then it'd be all over the news.
One thing you should never do is diss WYMT sports.....AKA Brian Milam. He has did more for eastern ky sports than anyone could have possibly done. I am sure he will take care of everything. He is one person that shines a light on all eastern ky athletes and I have known him since he came to Eastern Ky and glad to call him a friend. He is really a blessing to Mountain sports. By the way awesome win and congrats for bringing the hardware back to the Mtns.

cheeseforme Wrote:One thing you should never do is diss WYMT sports.....AKA Brian Milam. He has did more for eastern ky sports than anyone could have possibly done. I am sure he will take care of everything. He is one person that shines a light on all eastern ky athletes and I have known him since he came to Eastern Ky and glad to call him a friend. He is really a blessing to Mountain sports. By the way awesome win and congrats for bringing the hardware back to the Mtns.


Not "diss"ing Brian Milam. I love Brian Milam! and Sports Overtime. You're right....he does a great job of highlighting eastern KY athletes....that's why I was disappointed. Sad
Maybe there is weather issues going on
Obviously I can't speak for why it's not on there but I have to say that it is a disappointment. The first time that this county sees the trophy and it doesn't get any coverage. I understand that Perry County is a few counties over but they broadcast the footage for television, might as well write a story up.

cheeseforme Wrote:One thing you should never do is diss WYMT sports.....AKA Brian Milam. He has did more for eastern ky sports than anyone could have possibly done. I am sure he will take care of everything. He is one person that shines a light on all eastern ky athletes and I have known him since he came to Eastern Ky and glad to call him a friend. He is really a blessing to Mountain sports. By the way awesome win and congrats for bringing the hardware back to the Mtns.


I agree that the ball has been dropped and SV state title coverage has been less than needed. Let's give WYMT a day or so and see if they step it up. If not by mid-week then I think there should be some complaints.
Glad to see so many noticed. I bet they make it up now....
Lack of coverage is also apparent on on-line coverage of the News-Express, no coverage at all on line, don't get a copy of the paper so I don't know there if its covered. It certainly is the biggest story in Shelby Valley Basketball and Pike County history and gets no respect.
dortonite Wrote:Lack of coverage is also apparent on on-line coverage of the News-Express, no coverage at all on line, don't get a copy of the paper so I don't know there if its covered. It certainly is the biggest story in Shelby Valley Basketball and Pike County history and gets no respect.
I get their e-edition online, which you have to subscribe to in order to get. And they update the paper the night before. They have a really big spread on them in 2mara's paper. They had front page stuff and two pages in sports.
WYMT, I didn't get tow atch news at 6, but I figured they would have something.
cheeseforme Wrote:One thing you should never do is diss WYMT sports.....AKA Brian Milam. He has did more for eastern ky sports than anyone could have possibly done. I am sure he will take care of everything. He is one person that shines a light on all eastern ky athletes and I have known him since he came to Eastern Ky and glad to call him a friend. He is really a blessing to Mountain sports. By the way awesome win and congrats for bringing the hardware back to the Mtns.

Brian is a heck of a guy. They broadcasted the game live, but they don't have Sunday news, they get it from Lexington. But I would imagine they did something at 6, surely. If they don't then that is bad, because that is a very big accomplishment.
WYMT has been swamped for the past couple of days. The CBA has decided to end the season early and they have been working day and night (literally) to get everything they need from CBA in time for the end of the season.

They have the tape of the game. Give them time.
Ive checked that all day and yesterday too. I was very aggravated. You can bet if it was Hazard, it would be front page news.

Nothing against Hazard, just sayin.
Brittany0121 Wrote:Ive checked that all day and yesterday too. I was very aggravated. You can bet if it was Hazard, it would be front page news.

Nothing against Hazard, just sayin.

You're 100% right! All they talk about is "Hazard this...and....Hazard that".
First off let me say thanks to the folks on this message board. WYMT does offer so much to the mountains and when you are hurt or upset I like to know about it. I have noticed when most of these posts were made and there is something all of you need to understand. Derek and I were in Richmond and had no way of posting material on the website. I got home at 7:30pm after being awake since 3:00am Saturday night / Sunday morning I went to sleep and missed most of the Super Bowl. Also, WYMT has no weekend news, sports and weather due to recent budget cuts. If WKYT does not show something IT IS NOT WYMT's FAULT. I was more bothered than you that WKYT did not show highlights of the Shelby Valley game. Believe me I was hot! Another thing, to the person who thinks all we do is Hazard this and Hazard are absolutely out of your mind. There are so many who think that way and you are beyond wrong. It is funny though, I used to be called things like "Bulldog Brian" and "Commodore Milam" from opposing sides in Perry County. However, most in Perry County think we don't do enough for Hazard and PCC and do too much of everybody else! Then there is just the opposite from many outside the Queen City who say all we do is Hazard and Perry Central. As my younger sister says, "WHATEVER." You can't please everyone. I hope you enjoyed this manifesto. :howdy:

all-or-nothing Wrote:I am an avid follower of Sports Overtime and I have checked all day for updates with video coverage of Valley's State Championship. Nothing. A MOUNTAIN team has brought home the big trophy for Single A, and no updated stories online. However, the sports stories have been updated because the Super Bowl is the #1 story. Granted, SV may not be as newsworthy as the Super Bowl to non-Valley-Dwellers, but I must say I'm really disappointed.

Sports Overtime from this past Friday is not even on there yet!

Anybody else notice this? What's the deal?
Brian Milam Wrote:First off let me say thanks to the folks on this message board. WYMT does offer so much to the mountains and when you are hurt or upset I like to know about it. I have noticed when most of these posts were made and there is something all of you need to understand. Derek and I were in Richmond and had no way of posting material on the website. I got home at 7:30pm after being awake since 3:00am Saturday night / Sunday morning I went to sleep and missed most of the Super Bowl. Also, WYMT has no weekend news, sports and weather due to recent budget cuts. If WKYT does not show something IT IS NOT WYMT's FAULT. I was more bothered than you that WKYT did not show highlights of the Shelby Valley game. Believe me I was hot! Another thing, to the person who thinks all we do is Hazard this and Hazard are absolutely out of your mind. There are so many who think that way and you are beyond wrong. It is funny though, I used to be called things like "Bulldog Brian" and "Commodore Milam" from opposing sides in Perry County. However, most in Perry County think we don't do enough for Hazard and PCC and do too much of everybody else! Then there is just the opposite from many outside the Queen City who say all we do is Hazard and Perry Central. As my younger sister says, "WHATEVER." You can't please everyone. I hope you enjoyed this manifesto. :howdy:

Commodore Milam :howdy:
Blue-N-Gold Wrote:Commodore Milam :howdy:

I think wymt does an excellent job with covering the sports around EASTERN KY. Thanks for your hard work, Bulldog Brian! ( Just kidding )Big Grin
Keep up the good work.
Brian Milam Wrote:First off let me say thanks to the folks on this message board. WYMT does offer so much to the mountains and when you are hurt or upset I like to know about it. I have noticed when most of these posts were made and there is something all of you need to understand. Derek and I were in Richmond and had no way of posting material on the website. I got home at 7:30pm after being awake since 3:00am Saturday night / Sunday morning I went to sleep and missed most of the Super Bowl. Also, WYMT has no weekend news, sports and weather due to recent budget cuts. If WKYT does not show something IT IS NOT WYMT's FAULT. I was more bothered than you that WKYT did not show highlights of the Shelby Valley game. Believe me I was hot! Another thing, to the person who thinks all we do is Hazard this and Hazard are absolutely out of your mind. There are so many who think that way and you are beyond wrong. It is funny though, I used to be called things like "Bulldog Brian" and "Commodore Milam" from opposing sides in Perry County. However, most in Perry County think we don't do enough for Hazard and PCC and do too much of everybody else! Then there is just the opposite from many outside the Queen City who say all we do is Hazard and Perry Central. As my younger sister says, "WHATEVER." You can't please everyone. I hope you enjoyed this manifesto. :howdy:

Well, I will have to agree with Brian, it has been a long weekend for him and I, but I know I can speak for him as well; we enjoyed our time at the All A State Tournament this year, and glad to see a championship brought back to the mountains to represent all of our Class A teams. But, he is right we have been absolutely swamped with getting back to Hazard and getting everything together. We have given Shelby Valley and the rest of the Wildcat fans the coverage they deserve with our coverage at 6pm and 11pm on Monday ... As far as the online stuff is concerned, if you check out the website, we have now included the images of the tournament, for both the boys and the girls, that I have been working on for the entire week while I was up there. And there is plenty of coverage for all the mountain teams. I hope everyone enjoys it. I hardly ever post on here, but I really do want to say thank you for all of you that enjoy watching WYMT Sports, Sports Overtime, and everything that we put together. Everything we do is for the people of Eastern Kentucky.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:You're 100% right! All they talk about is "Hazard this...and....Hazard that".

I agree. They have Hazard at #3 in the Mountain Top Ten. Hazard is 1-3 against other top ten teams. They have KCC at #6 with a 5-3 record against top ten teams and two wins over Hazard.
I really appreciate the coverage and enthusiasm that Briam Milam and the whole WYMT Sports Overtime staff brings to Eastern Kentucky. We are very fortunate to have him here in the mountains. Keep up the good work guys!
Thanks for the explanation, Brian. I did not begin this thread with the intention of saying that WYMT did not do the Valley justice in its coverage....JUST that I was disappointed the website had not been updated. It was an amazing weekend for sports, so it's understandable you guys were swamped. I would have figured that the news station would have an employ who is nothing but an IT person to take care of the web. Wrong, I guess!

Someone changed the title of the thread. It originally said: letting the 15th down today....which means something a little different than wymt, the sports department.

I have always appreciated the coverage the Valley gets by Sports Overtime, so if any of you want to complain about WYMT giving Hazard and Perry more attention, please start another thread.
Memorial Gym #5 Wrote:

I know it was posted late, this morning around 5:05 am, but I don't believe for a second that WYMT Sports Overtime and all involved aren't proud that the All "A" State title came back to the mountains, know matter what team it was!!! I know I am proud and was excited to see the Wildcats get that win!! Watched it on TV and the commentators did nothing but speak of greatness when SV was playing and all SV players were highly spoken of from what I heard, JMO. Anyway, good luck to all the mountain teams the rest of the season and a special congrats to SV!! I am rooting for you all!! Thanks and take care!!
I know what you meant about SV and getting "Justice" (a play on words...see what I did there Rock?!?!?) Just a little fun between me and the Rock, anyway, everything is cool. If WYMT would employ an "IT" you have no idea how happy the entire station would be...NO IDEA!!! Just understand that we are human and we do need time off and if 2 of the 3 sports peeps are in Richmond and the other is at home then that leaves no one. :igiveup: An "IT", I think I'll dream about one tonight. :zzz: :zzz:

all-or-nothing Wrote:Thanks for the explanation, Brian. I did not begin this thread with the intention of saying that WYMT did not do the Valley justice in its coverage....JUST that I was disappointed the website had not been updated. It was an amazing weekend for sports, so it's understandable you guys were swamped. I would have figured that the news station would have an employ who is nothing but an IT person to take care of the web. Wrong, I guess!

Someone changed the title of the thread. It originally said: letting the 15th down today....which means something a little different than wymt, the sports department.

I have always appreciated the coverage the Valley gets by Sports Overtime, so if any of you want to complain about WYMT giving Hazard and Perry more attention, please start another thread.
Brian Milam and WYMT have done as much for eastern Kentucky sports as anyone. I have not only seen Brian at basketball and football games, I have even seen him on top of the dugout at Pikeville High filming baseball for WYMT. The reason the mountain teams are so highly ranked this season is because of people like him. Face it the rest of the state don't know we exist as far as sports are concerned. I just dont see the biased toward Hazard and Perry that people say exists, I think they do an excellent job of following mountain sports in the 13, 14, 15, & 16. Just watch the sports and see how many highlights they have from around the area.

I appreciate all WYMT and Brian Milam do for our area.
I knew there gas to be a valid reason. I watch Wkyt all the time and they very seldom have in mountain sports news. They love to feature the dirt in eastern ky and have no problems broadcasting it.
From someone who remembers the days before WYMT - I bet there is not another television market this small in the country that has the quality television station we have here with wymt. I am so thankful that Brian Milam has not moved on to some large (higher paying) TV station. Brian you are a tremendous talent who has brought professional quality sports reporting to Eask KY. Heres my hope that you stay here for the rest of your career!!
Here is a youtube video of highlights from each game leading all the way up to the championship...Pretty good video.
I really enjoyed that video. They showed it online after the game.
Brian Milan has my respect, and I think he has done a fantastic job for the mountain schools. I live 50 miles from Hazard, but our district has always gotten fair treatment from WYMT. I remember the days before WYMT existed. Mountain schools were rarely featured in any of the big TV or newspaper markets, unless it was a team that had a player that UK was recruiting (like the kid from Virgie in the early 1980s) or a player doing unusual things on the court (Ervin Stepp of Phelps averaging over 50 ppg).

Brian has done wonders for mountain sports, and I for one would hate to see him leave for a larger market. He is very good at what he does.

Thanks Brian.:thumpsup:

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