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What was your class song?
Styx - The Best Of Times
Luke Bryan - We Rode in Trucks
The Weight- The Band

'94 Paintsville High School
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

Paintsville c/o '03
2007 Pike County Central High School

My Wish - Rascall Flatts
I can't remember, but probably something from Vanilla Ice or Mc Hammer. Yeah, our senior class governing body was cool like that. BTW, they were a sharp dressed bunch, never will forget those purple skin tight Guess jeans pegged at bottom, and those sockless brown Dexter's. I was so fortunate to be in the presence of such a cool and hip governing student body. Too bad I wasn’t I rich enough to be included.

If I had been class president, tattoos, Levis, sandals, sleeveless shirts, and hats would have been mandatory. I think it has been proven kids study better in comfortable clothing. And 15 years later we wouldn’t have to be embarrassed about our class song. I would have had us rocking out to some Ozzy or Metallica.
Carrie Underwood - Whenever You Remember

Definitely not the one I voted for.

BlackcatAlum Wrote:Luke Bryan - We Rode in Trucks

I thought Corey Smith was our song.

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