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Prayers for Bobby
Stardust Wrote:I understand where you are coming from, and by no means am being critical. However, my point was about choice. I will agree to disagree with the point of genetics playing a factor. If there is scientific proof, could you please post a reference, that I would like for my own education.

I am not comparing pedophiles to to alocholoics, pedophiles, murderers from a moral standpoint. I have my own feelings about the morality of it, but that is not for this post. I only used the comparisons as a choice versus genetics.

IMO, it is one's choice to whom they love. I honstly do not beleive that I was born with a gene that led me to the person that I married. I had other choices, but I only chose one. That may be a simplistic thought process, but i still have a hard time accepting that we are genetically wired to have feelings for one sex versus another.

I did realize that your point was about choice, but using those examples in the same light as someone being a homosexual, placed them in that same category and that's the stigma that homosexuals have, and I was just trying to divert that association.

I agree with you that you have a choice in who you love and that you are not genetically wired to lead you to one specific person, but do you think that you may be wired to a specific type of person?

I will get you the information that you requested and post it in here for other people to read if they like. And Stardust....thanks for your calm and sane's great to see that even though you do not agree, your posts are not filled or implied with anger!
Stardust Wrote:I understand where you are coming from, and by no means am being critical. However, my point was about choice. I will agree to disagree with the point of genetics playing a factor. If there is scientific proof, could you please post a reference, that I would like for my own education.

I am not comparing pedophiles to to alocholoics, pedophiles, murderers from a moral standpoint. I have my own feelings about the morality of it, but that is not for this post. I only used the comparisons as a choice versus genetics.

IMO, it is one's choice to whom they love. I honstly do not beleive that I was born with a gene that led me to the person that I married. I had other choices, but I only chose one. That may be a simplistic thought process, but i still have a hard time accepting that we are genetically wired to have feelings for one sex versus another.
So are you saying that you have Gay feelings but stamp them down because that is your choice?
DevilsWin Wrote:So are you saying that you have Gay feelings but stamp them down because that is your choice?

I wouldn't know how it works and I think you are wayy over simplifying it.

I know that I eat too many snack cakes, I know that I shouldn't eat as many as I do, but I choose to eat them than not to. I don't like spinach, thus I don't care how much I think about, I'm not going to eat it no matter what my feelings or my head says. My choice is Snack Cakes over Spinach. I don't like spinach, but I'm not going to down anyone who does.

Look, if you want to make this a morality issue baced on religion, I follow you. I beleive that there is enough justification in the bible for my beliefs. But to blaspheme someone else is not chrstianity. There was never a lesson from Christ that he used a hammer. His message was about choice (right or wrong), but NEVER EVER did Christ use a hate message. He never beat anyone over the head to accept his message. Too many times, we feel it is our job forcefeed faith, it has never ever worked that way and is not God's intent now. If there is a truebeliever, then they know what "Free-Will" is.
Stardust Wrote:I wouldn't know how it works and I think you are wayy over simplifying it.

I know that I eat too many snack cakes, I know that I shouldn't eat as many as I do, but I choose to eat them than not to. I don't like spinach, thus I don't care how much I think about, I'm not going to eat it no matter what my feelings or my head says. My choice is Snack Cakes over Spinach. I don't like spinach, but I'm not going to down anyone who does.

Look, if you want to make this a morality issue baced on religion, I follow you. I beleive that there is enough justification in the bible for my beliefs. But to blaspheme someone else is not chrstianity. There was never a lesson from Christ that he used a hammer. His message was about choice (right or wrong), but NEVER EVER did Christ use a hate message. He never beat anyone over the head to accept his message. Too many times, we feel it is our job forcefeed faith, it has never ever worked that way and is not God's intent now. If there is a truebeliever, then they know what "Free-Will" is.
That's total BS Stardust and you know it.

Its either a choice or not a choice.:confused: You say its a choice.

That is the foundation of your argument as well as Blitz and Beetle.

It has no substance.Rolleyes

To liken the choice of eating snack cakes or not to being Gay or Straight is ridiculous. :Clap:

Its not the same thing as choosing Paper or Plastic, Chichen or Ribs, Big Mac or Qtr Pounder.

Weak very weak!:dontthink
DevilsWin Wrote:That's total BS Stardust and you know it.

Its either a choice or not a choice.:confused: You say its a choice.

That is the foundation of your argument as well as Blitz and Beetle.

It has no substance.Rolleyes

To liken the choice of eating snack cakes or not to being Gay or Straight is ridiculous. :Clap:

Its not the same thing as choosing Paper or Plastic, Chichen or Ribs, Big Mac or Qtr Pounder.

Weak very weak!:dontthink

My point is that IT IS A CHOICE. How did you miss that? It's my choice to like or dislike what I want, not a gene that I was born with.
Stardust Wrote:My point is that IT IS A CHOICE. How did you miss that? It's my choice to like or dislike what I want, not a gene that I was born with.
OK I get it now.:Clap:

So you have gay feelings. You just choose not to act on them.:thumpsup:
DevilsWin Wrote:OK I get it now.:Clap:

So you have gay feelings. You just choose not to act on them.:thumpsup:

No dude, your aggressive attitude must be a front for your own suppressed feelings :moon:

Big Grin
Stardust Wrote:No dude, your aggressive attitude must be a front for your own suppressed feelings :moon:

Big Grin

Aggressive attitude?

I'm just trying to figure out your logic.

You say its a Choice. But you deny having to have made The Choice to be Heterosexual.:Clap:

I for 1 never thought of being Gay. So I don't buy your agument. Which is full of holes BTW.

Find another argument then come back for some more abuse. TongueirateSho

Maybe you should just :igiveup: before you get in too deep!
DevilsWin Wrote:Aggressive attitude?

I'm just trying to figure out your logic.

You say its a Choice. But you deny having to have made The Choice to be Heterosexual.:Clap:

I for 1 never thought of being Gay. So I don't buy your agument. Which is full of holes BTW.

Find another argument then come back for some more abuse. TongueirateSho

Maybe you should just :igiveup: before you bet in too deep!

Ooohhhh, I knew I would get a rise out of DevilsWin. You know DW, you have your opinion, I have mine, and everyone else has theirs. Sorry that yours is the only wrong one :Clap:
On topic, civil with no accusations or it will be closed.

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