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Democrat or Republican
Which are you?
Gotta Rep the Republicans
I'd rather be an Elephant than a Jack ....
Democrat= Majority= Winners!
Big Suprise I know!
Stardust Wrote:I'd rather be an Elephant than a Jack ....
Youre just an Elephant who behaves like a Jack....TongueirateSho !
DevilsWin Wrote:Youre just an Elephant who behaves like a Jack....TongueirateSho !


Thank you for noticing Big Grin
Well i guess it doesnt matter for me since im too young to vote yet, but ill register as a democrat.
Stardust Wrote::notworthy

Thank you for noticing Big Grin
Takes one to know one I guess.....Wink
Democrats=Majority=Majority of the populations is nearly retarded

I mean seriously, the average IQ is 100,

100!!! That is so low, the average cop IQ is 103 lol. Which means for that to be the average, there must be some really low ones, cause I do know some cops and they are pretty smart fellas. So it is my conclusion that some cops must be retards.
DevilsWin Wrote:Takes one to know one I guess.....Wink

I'm a democrat but I don't want their to be any parties so that a person can be voted on for what they stand for, not whether they're a democrat or a republican. Plus, if you were to classify me with a political group, I'd be labeled as a socialist.
Hardcore,very liberal, Democrat
I'm a TRUE BLUE Democrat
Republican. BUT I really act more like an independent. I don't particularly like either of the two main parties.
I am a registered democrat. I only stay registered that way in order to vote in the local elections. The democratic party left me years ago on the national level. Since they started wanting higher taxes, abortion on demand, and gay marriage, there is no way I could vote for a democrat on the national level. I believe abortion is murder and if I vote for someone who would appoint judges that would keep abortion on demand then I would be just as guilty of murder as those make or keep it legal. To me,it is the same as giving your loaded gun to someone who told you they were going to kill someone with it. If you give them the gun, knowing what they are going to do with it, then you are giving them the power to do it. It is the same thing when I give someone my vote. I am giving them the power so there is no way I would vote for a candidate who is for abortion even if they could make me a millionaire.
Brittany0121 Wrote:Hardcore,very liberal, Democrat

as you can see from my name i too am pretty liberal myself.. go liberals :High5:

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