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Hazard 63 - Cordia 35

Congrats Dawgs!! Next game is against Jenkins at Memorial Gym, believe it is Wednesday at 7pm. Good luck!!
Lions couldnt handle the full court pressure by the Dawgs...It was like 28-18 or something at half...but than Hazard blew it open 2nd half...Keep your head up Cordia and Congrats Hazard.
Congrats Dawgs! Any stats?
My prediction was only off by 2 points. Grats Hazard
Congrats Hazard
No suprise here, good luck Bulldogs the rest of the way.
Owens needs to play more for Cordia...No way Watts should be in over him
Congrats to Hazard
Stardust Wrote:Congrats to Hazard

Stardust, you think you could get any stats? Thanks if you do!
Congrats dawgs on another win. Hope to see you guys playing for the hardware again this year.
When did Michael Campbell quit the team?
Good Job Dawgs !!!
RavenBoy Wrote:When did Michael Campbell quit the team?

After the Knott Co. Central game in the WYMT tournament.
way 2 go dawgs hope to see u in richmond again this year
RavenBoy Wrote:When did Michael Campbell quit the team?

Him quiting was the best thing to happen for Hazard. They are a better team without him. He was probably their best player but he was a distraction.
lucky this wasnt at the jungle.
memphistiger Wrote:lucky this wasnt at the jungle.

I don't think playing at the jungle is going to make a 30-point difference.

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