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Johnson Central 2009
hot wheels Wrote:If I recall Matney had one team at SCHS, the caliber of the Eagles the last 3 or 4 years. Heck P-Burg beat them on a regular basis when he was at SCHS. Far cry from a powerhouse Mr.Kimball. His best years are behind him, Ashland will rebuild and they had their only chance to beat Highlands and didn't make it happen. Oh yes Matney played the same Highlands when he was a "powerhouse" in Martin CO. with the same results. Once recruits graduate you will see the true coaching skills of Mr. Matney, until then his skills are on hold for me!!!!!!! Heck with the talent he had this year I feel like any coach in the mtns. could have gone as far as they did, JMO!!!!!!!!

Why the recruit remarks? It is commonplace in todays society for county to county transfers or cross town transfers. In Johnson County, the city school's basketball team last year started a kid that began in Floyd County and a transfer from the county. This years city team has numerous kids that went to elementary school in the county. The county school has football and basketball players from the city school, Martin County, Floyd County and others. When it comes to creek crossing, the bridge is a two lane bridge where kids can go either way and that is the way that it should be. This is not only true for the high schools, but also happens in middle school and on the elementary level. And it will continue to happen,if we want to admit it or not.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Matney had a bunch of good teams in Martin Co for a bunch of years. That's why he was a hot I dont know where you are coming up with that stuff.

Hotweels, it's time to let some of this stuff go, and just move on. I'm beginning to think you are going to take some of this stuff to the grave with you. Dont you think it's time to just let it go? Is it worth it to drive yourself to the insane asylum over? Me and you have always got along, so why all of this stuff now all of a sudden? Since you now wear a different color uniform than the black and gold that you yourself used to wear, let me ask you this. If Central is going to be such a pud from now on, then why did your new adopted team decide to throw up the white flag and concede that they cant compete with them any longer? Best I recall, in '06 your new favorite team went to the regional finals with about a third of their starting lineup being JCHS boys. How come you didn't bring any of that up? Hey perhaps we can get a Little Mud Lick old timers team up to whomp up all over em. It'd be a piece of cake. You can be quarterback, how's that?

I think everybody saw enough of Matney's coaching skills in his first year turn around to answer any questions about his abilities. He had no transfers then did he? In '06, all he had was Dials, when he actually had a better team than what he had this year. Is that not correct?

Best I recall, PBurg had some powerhouse teams as well over the last several years. That's like shaming Florida by getting beat by someone like Alabama or Ohio Stae, or vise versa. That makes no sense.

Uhhh , I believe that everybody else that Highlands has played for several years now has ended up with the exact same results too, haven't they? 17 state championships, going on #18 there my friend. Being #2 sure aint nothing to be ashamed of. Also the powerhouse team he had that faced Lorenzon and Smith was ranked as one of the top 20 teams in the country too, weren't they? Try telling all of the story.

Take care.

Good post, it it good to know hot wheels is a Paintsville fan in hiding. I can see why is irratable.

Back to the post, anyone think Matney will try some new things with this next years group. They should be a little quicker than this past years team. On one of Matney talk shows he said he was thinkning about putting a wieght limit on running backs in the elemetary schools to encouarge more speed. As good as we have been in the last few years, speed is one compent we have been missing. Any comment on this issue?
THOMCAT Wrote:Why the recruit remarks? It is commonplace in todays society for county to county transfers or cross town transfers. In Johnson County, the city school's basketball team last year started a kid that began in Floyd County and a transfer from the county. This years city team has numerous kids that went to elementary school in the county. The county school has football and basketball players from the city school, Martin County, Floyd County and others. When it comes to creek crossing, the bridge is a two lane bridge where kids can go either way and that is the way that it should be. This is not only true for the high schools, but also happens in middle school and on the elementary level. And it will continue to happen,if we want to admit it or not.
Actually it goes way deeper than that. You had one kid that transferred from the county his senior season. One kid that came from Floyd County. Another kid who's parents both graduated from JCHS (lived in the county) while their oldest son went to JCHS and the brother that played last year went to WR Castle before transferring in early on. Thats three out of the starting five. One of the other starters parents both graduated from the county, and the fifth stater's mother was one of JCHS's finest ever (lol). One of the top 2 subs transferred from Flat Gap, before quitting, and the other top sub also transferred in from Floyd County. That's the 7 top players who either transferred in , or had ties to the county. That's right, every single one of them.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Actually it goes way deeper than that. You had one kid that transferred from the county his senior season. One kid that came from Floyd County. Another kid who's parents both graduated from JCHS (lived in the county) while their oldest son went to JCHS and the brother that played last year went to WR Castle before transferring in early on. Thats three out of the starting five. One of the other starters parents both graduated from the county, and the fifth stater's mother was one of JCHS's finest ever (lol). One of the top 2 subs transferred from Flat Gap, before quitting, and the other top sub also transferred in from Floyd County. That's the 7 top players who either transferred in , or had ties to the county. That's right, every single one of them.
I wonder if former head cheerleaders are eligible for the JC Wall of Fame? That would be great.
As for the weight limit deal in elementary, I dont like at all. I know they use it in Coach's old county of Martin, but I sure dont like it. We had one of the biggest kids in the county at FB this year.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Actually it goes way deeper than that. You had one kid that transferred from the county his senior season. One kid that came from Floyd County. Another kid who's parents both graduated from JCHS (lived in the county) while their oldest son went to JCHS and the brother that played last year went to WR Castle before transferring in early on. Thats three out of the starting five. One of the other starters parents both graduated from the county, and the fifth stater's mother was one of JCHS's finest ever (lol). One of the top 2 subs transferred from Flat Gap, before quitting, and the other top sub also transferred in from Floyd County. That's the 7 top players who either transferred in , or had ties to the county. That's right, every single one of them.

This sounds like a violation too me. I think we need to have Mr. Boyd look into this and maybe he can have the Mr. Stafford's Office take some pics of the houses they live in. Sounds like some schools might me recriuting!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Actually it goes way deeper than that. You had one kid that transferred from the county his senior season. One kid that came from Floyd County. Another kid who's parents both graduated from JCHS (lived in the county) while their oldest son went to JCHS and the brother that played last year went to WR Castle before transferring in early on. Thats three out of the starting five. One of the other starters parents both graduated from the county, and the fifth stater's mother was one of JCHS's finest ever (lol). One of the top 2 subs transferred from Flat Gap, before quitting, and the other top sub also transferred in from Floyd County. That's the 7 top players who either transferred in , or had ties to the county. That's right, every single one of them.

Wow you sure can use the old bean.
Ring'Em Up Wrote:INDEED!!!
I wonder if former head cheerleaders are eligible for the JC Wall of Fame? That would be great.
As for the weight limit deal in elementary, I dont like at all. I know they use it in Coach's old county of Martin, but I sure dont like it. We had one of the biggest kids in the county at FB this year.

The administration has made that criteria #1. From what I understand, "fathead's" are going to be made available to everyone at the next Wall of Fame induction. There is not only a waiting list but the factory is working 3 shifts in an effort to meet demand.
Big Grin
MonsterMan Wrote:This sounds like a violation too me. I think we need to have Mr. Boyd look into this and maybe he can have the Mr. Stafford's Office take some pics of the houses they live in. Sounds like some schools might me recriuting!
I believe he was a transfer himself.Smile I remember him wearing the old black and gold once upon a time too.
THOMCAT Wrote:Wow you sure can use the old bean.
We all have our moments.Smile
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Sometimes that's what you need to do to develope for the future as well.

Hmm, wonder why Florida (Best team in the country) scheduled that heavyweight Citadel this year. Must also be why Alabama (former #1 in the country) scheduled Tulsa, Western Kentucky, and Arkansas State this year. Reckon both teams scheduled all those teams to get better?

I assume you were not at the CovCath/JC game? CovCath tucked their tails between their legs early in that game. They may be down, but the truth is, they just plain quit.

The thing is, you dont have the first clue about Johnson Central or it's program to begin with, to assume anything about the future either way.

I do have a clue about JC. I saw them play this year and they have a very good team(excellent running game). They also do not lose too many players next year so hoping to see them next year in Ft Thomas. What I do not know is how they look down the road in two or three years. They have the program going in the right direction and hopefully can and will keep it going. Do not know why you appear to be getting defensive, I had and have nothing but respect and good things to say about JC. As for Cov Cath, I know very well what is going on with that program and it is a bad team with alot of internal problems going on. There has even been criminal activities in the locker room that were not handled right and alot of parents want the coach gone! The coach was told he would be told if he is going to be fired or not before his wedding , which is this month. If he is fired, the team will have to adjust to new staff and expect a year or two to get back to the top.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Sometimes that's what you need to do to develope for the future as well.

Hmm, wonder why Florida (Best team in the country) scheduled that heavyweight Citadel this year. Must also be why Alabama (former #1 in the country) scheduled Tulsa, Western Kentucky, and Arkansas State this year. Reckon both teams scheduled all those teams to get better?

I assume you were not at the CovCath/JC game? CovCath tucked their tails between their legs early in that game. They may be down, but the truth is, they just plain quit.

The thing is, you dont have the first clue about Johnson Central or it's program to begin with, to assume anything about the future either way.

Also, can't compare college and high school ball, two different animals. IN college one game can end your chance at a title. In high school, out of district games are pretty much meaningless and will not keep you out of the playoffs. Look what Central has done the past two years, Play a killer schedule, take some big lumps, and are prepared for run to state titles. You have to love the schedule and attitude of the Central team, Wish them the best this weekend.
sstack Wrote:Also, can't compare college and high school ball, two different animals. IN college one game can end your chance at a title. In high school, out of district games are pretty much meaningless and will not keep you out of the playoffs. Look what Central has done the past two years, Play a killer schedule, take some big lumps, and are prepared for run to state titles. You have to love the schedule and attitude of the Central team, Wish them the best this weekend.

I disagree.

This might work for Central because 3A and 5A are different animals, as well. After playing the likes of St. X and Highlands, going to the 3A finals probably seems like four JV games in a row. Basically, to win 3A, you're going to have to win one truly difficult game. Somewhere along the way, you'll have to beat Belfry, Russell, Breathitt, or Central, depending on which of those teams is good that year, and the rest are pretty much warm-ups. It's a little different from the murderers' row that you have to go through to win 5A. I suspect whether Central played the entire GCL South with their non-district games or whether they scheduled Shawnee seven straight times, the end result would be they'd be playing for the state title regardless unless they just had an absolute ten-turnover implosion somewhere.

In a division like 5A, every playoff team is at least decent, and most are great. In games so evenly matched with so many good athletes, confidence is EVERYTHING. When teams lose confidence, they're done for in games like that. Take Woodford County, for example. The Yellowjackets went from playing JCHS and Ashland close to getting whitewashed by Whitley County and Covington Catholic at the end of the season. Those kids didn't just suddenly go retarded; they were sending out the same bodies onto the field - just they believed in themselves at first, and then they didn't. When they didn't, they got absolutely annihilated.

If you're going to play a tough schedule, there'd better be some teams in there you can beat. High school football is about entertainment at the end of the day, and fans go to games to see their teams (hopefully) win. Going 3-7 is not going to make your fans happy, and it's not going to keep your coach employed for very long either, even if those seven losses all happened to be powerhouse teams. I'd rather go 9-1 or 10-0 against a questionable schedule than 3-7 against an impossible schedule. You lose a whole bunch of games against great teams, then reach the playoffs and get down a touchdown or two, and everybody on the team just says, "Well, here we go again." Football's not fun when you get beat down all the time. Old school JC fans definitely remember that much. State championships would be nice, but I think the memories kids make from doing well and having moments to celebrate are just as important. Not every kid is going to win a state championship (this is something perhaps Highlands and Trinty and Beechwood fans lose sight of sometimes because it doesn't apply to them), but every kid can enjoy playing the game and winning, at least from time to time.
Snare43 Wrote:You don't have to trust me, just ask Matney. Bell has called..if he says not Bell has many open dates have him call. I looked at something in the coaches office called a list server. Bell has tried to contact them several times. The AD has said that he will have him call but no calls. The AD will not schedule the game without Matney.

By the way you have heard wrong.

A "listserve" is nothing more than an e-mail based message board broadcast over a wide distribution. It does NOT qualify your claim of Bell Co. "contacting" Johnson Central.

It's Bell Co. that has earned a reputation of ignoring phone calls, not Central.
oneijoe Wrote:A "listserve" is nothing more than an e-mail based message board broadcast over a wide distribution. It does NOT qualify your claim of Bell Co. "contacting" Johnson Central.

It's Bell Co. that has earned a reputation of ignoring phone calls, not Central.

Bell needs to get in the rotation with Belfry and JC. Three great teams in three classes and WYMT top three for most of the season. A loss would not hurt the district chances and the gate would be awesome. It would give each team a good game to prepare for the playoffs! Would make great series for the fans!
MonsterMan Wrote:Bell needs to get in the rotation with Belfry and JC. Three great teams in three classes and WYMT top three for most of the season. A loss would not hurt the district chances and the gate would be awesome. It would give each team a good game to prepare for the playoffs! Would make great series for the fans!

Could not agree more
Diogenes Wrote:I disagree.

This might work for Central because 3A and 5A are different animals, as well. After playing the likes of St. X and Highlands, going to the 3A finals probably seems like four JV games in a row. Basically, to win 3A, you're going to have to win one truly difficult game. Somewhere along the way, you'll have to beat Belfry, Russell, Breathitt, or Central, depending on which of those teams is good that year, and the rest are pretty much warm-ups. It's a little different from the murderers' row that you have to go through to win 5A. I suspect whether Central played the entire GCL South with their non-district games or whether they scheduled Shawnee seven straight times, the end result would be they'd be playing for the state title regardless unless they just had an absolute ten-turnover implosion somewhere.

In a division like 5A, every playoff team is at least decent, and most are great. In games so evenly matched with so many good athletes, confidence is EVERYTHING. When teams lose confidence, they're done for in games like that. Take Woodford County, for example. The Yellowjackets went from playing JCHS and Ashland close to getting whitewashed by Whitley County and Covington Catholic at the end of the season. Those kids didn't just suddenly go retarded; they were sending out the same bodies onto the field - just they believed in themselves at first, and then they didn't. When they didn't, they got absolutely annihilated.

If you're going to play a tough schedule, there'd better be some teams in there you can beat. High school football is about entertainment at the end of the day, and fans go to games to see their teams (hopefully) win. Going 3-7 is not going to make your fans happy, and it's not going to keep your coach employed for very long either, even if those seven losses all happened to be powerhouse teams. I'd rather go 9-1 or 10-0 against a questionable schedule than 3-7 against an impossible schedule. You lose a whole bunch of games against great teams, then reach the playoffs and get down a touchdown or two, and everybody on the team just says, "Well, here we go again." Football's not fun when you get beat down all the time. Old school JC fans definitely remember that much. State championships would be nice, but I think the memories kids make from doing well and having moments to celebrate are just as important. Not every kid is going to win a state championship (this is something perhaps Highlands and Trinty and Beechwood fans lose sight of sometimes because it doesn't apply to them), but every kid can enjoy playing the game and winning, at least from time to time.
You just hit the nail on the head on why teams like Highlands, X, Beechwood, win more titles. What a lousy attitude you have. The above mentioned teams go into each year with the goal of winning a title. They also believe they can win it and beat anybody regardless who is returning. Some might take that as arrogant, but until you can get your team to believe in them selves the same way, the titles will not come your way.It is no secret how Highlands and Beechwood win titles. They dedicate to football in elementary school, work hard year around, have good coaches from early on, have no fear of anybody(they thought they could beat Colerain this year when everybody but the players knew they were in another class), and just expect to win a state title. District championships are not the goal at these schools, titles are. That is the mind set schools need. You can still have great memories with attitudes like this, win or lose. Why play the game and not shot for the top and think you can achieve the top?
jc will have to have people step up on the offensive line but there is hope
C- Josh Lackey- very strong good leader
Rg- Tim Fairchild- quick guy who knows what he's doin
LG- Ryan Harlow- quick and strong very aggressive
the spots of both RT and LT are pretty much up for grabs as Josh McCarty, Caleb Wilcox, or even D.J Ousley or Travis Lackey could step in and play the line they should be alright
IMO to be the best you have to beat the best....I think everyone should play atleast one or two games in which they will get their tails kicked in order to evaluate where they are weak and make the proper adjustments to make a playoff run. It's great winning games, but even better to win a State title.
1 And Done Jc Is Not That Good :Thumbs:
IRISH4 Wrote:IMO to be the best you have to beat the best....I think everyone should play atleast one or two games in which they will get their tails kicked in order to evaluate where they are weak and make the proper adjustments to make a playoff run. It's great winning games, but even better to win a State title.

you are 100% right!!
bigworm Wrote:jc will have to have people step up on the offensive line but there is hope
C- Josh Lackey- very strong good leader
Rg- Tim Fairchild- quick guy who knows what he's doin
LG- Ryan Harlow- quick and strong very aggressive
the spots of both RT and LT are pretty much up for grabs as Josh McCarty, Caleb Wilcox, or even D.J Ousley or Travis Lackey could step in and play the line they should be alright

I agree but I think JC reloads and goes on, that has been the trend with Matney. We have replaced, Blume, Music, McCoy, Tackett, Johnson, Thompson, Conley, Dials, Ratliff, Grim and now, Welch, Dillion and Richardson, and I am sure a host of other kids I have not mentioned. We have kept on being competitive. Matney has a good base to build next years team on. This could be his most atheltic group to date coming up.
IRISH4 Wrote:IMO to be the best you have to beat the best....I think everyone should play atleast one or two games in which they will get their tails kicked in order to evaluate where they are weak and make the proper adjustments to make a playoff run. It's great winning games, but even better to win a State title.

I would agree with this. The only time JC got in trouble last year was when they got behind. A few more tough games would give them expierence in this situation which will happen in the playoffs. They would not panick and have a game plan. It would give them confindence in a close game. I still think you need a couple of easy games to rest your starters and let the JV and young kids play as well.
MonsterMan Wrote:Bell needs to get in the rotation with Belfry and JC. Three great teams in three classes and WYMT top three for most of the season. A loss would not hurt the district chances and the gate would be awesome. It would give each team a good game to prepare for the playoffs! Would make great series for the fans!

Call your coach. He will not call them back. They have posted this morning ON the LIST SERVER that they need the same week. We called and they have not returned it as of 2:00 pm
I did see where the Eagles are looking for a week 0 game and has contacted South Laurel. Also, I seen where Lex. Cath. needed a game in week 1 and Bell Co. needed a game in week 4...think these two would definitely help out.
Snare43 Wrote:Call your coach. He will not call them back. They have posted this morning ON the LIST SERVER that they need the same week. We called and they have not returned it as of 2:00 pm

I am a fan and do not schedule the games, I just watch them and would love to watch JC and Bell. Another poster on here earleir did not think Bell had contacted JC. Getting the game in the right slot may be tough for both schools.
JC is going to be just as good next year if not better than this year...JC has a great coach and great fans backing them up 100%....tell them under classmen they won't do good next get them boys fired up!!!:howdy:
Eagle_Fan442 Wrote:JC is going to be just as good next year if not better than this year...JC has a great coach and great fans backing them up 100%....tell them under classmen they won't do good next get them boys fired up!!!:howdy:

I agree! This group will make it a long way. Most of the kids coming back will have at least two years expeirence. This should help in the playoffs! I think this team will be quicker and more athletic. Anyone think Mateny might add a few new things in the the game plan for this group?
oneijoe Wrote:A "listserve" is nothing more than an e-mail based message board broadcast over a wide distribution. It does NOT qualify your claim of Bell Co. "contacting" Johnson Central.

It's Bell Co. that has earned a reputation of ignoring phone calls, not Central.

Speaking of list servs, I got an email yesterday that Matney sent out on the football coaches list serv and he said they are losing 14 seniors and will be "way down" next year. Is he a sandbagger, or what? Big Grin
Ring'Em Up Wrote:INDEED!!!
I wonder if former head cheerleaders are eligible for the JC Wall of Fame? That would be great.
As for the weight limit deal in elementary, I dont like at all. I know they use it in Coach's old county of Martin, but I sure dont like it. We had one of the biggest kids in the county at FB this year.

I think this is mis-used a lot of times. Putting big kids that will be playing line ( more times than not ) at a skill position and letting him barrel over kids. Why not teach them the fundamentals of the position he'll probably be playing some day. I've seen big young kids that will make unbelievable lineman some day have sour grapes in high school because they no longer run the ball. They're use to scoring the touchdowns, then they are asked to help make holes for someone else to score touchdowns. Elementary coaches need to recognize players abilities and prepare them for Middle school and eventually high school. Fundamentals are one of the main reasons for having the elementary level ( and of course getting the kids out there enjoying the game ). Just my thought.
blitzingback Wrote:I think this is mis-used a lot of times. Putting big kids that will be playing line ( more times than not ) at a skill position and letting him barrel over kids. Why not teach them the fundamentals of the position he'll probably be playing some day. I've seen big young kids that will make unbelievable lineman some day have sour grapes in high school because they no longer run the ball. They're use to scoring the touchdowns, then they are asked to help make holes for someone else to score touchdowns. Elementary coaches need to recognize players abilities and prepare them for Middle school and eventually high school. Fundamentals are one of the main reasons for having the elementary level ( and of course getting the kids out there enjoying the game ). Just my thought.

Greast post! JC has a great feeder program, but I have seen coaches at the elementary level play the biggest kid at running back, then when they get at the middle school or high school, they can not compete at the running back postion. More empahsis needs to be on putting kids in the position they can contribute at and teaching fundmentals than putting the biggest kid at the school running the ball and winning a county champonship. The only reason the feeder programs exsist is to teach fundamentals and the JC program and this means putting the right kids in thier postion early and teaching it to them. Their is nothing wrong with being an outstanding lineman!

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