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Belfry 20 - Lawrence County 13
Lawrence County simply played a great game. No one is over or under rated, They spread field well and run play fakes and many QB runs that confused us, they have the talent to pull those plays off. This game is a great wake up call that shows the Pirates that no one can be overlooked. We could have possibly lost should Sheppard have stayed in the game.

The Offense - The big plays came on our typical fake inside run-pitch to the outside plays, yet we still kept trying to smash it up the middle and Lawrence came prepared for that. However, if we faked inside-ran outside every time, they would expect that too. Charlie did a better job this game with his solid yardage carries, but the big props go to Thomas and Ivan. Ivan used his strength, size, and speed to bully them, while Thomas found his holes and used that speed burst to get through them, nice job.

The Defense - They looked a little lost at times, When Lawrence spread the field out we had to put the defensive ends covering the receivers, which lessened our pass rush. We still got to them, but not like against Holy Cross. Props to that whole team on staying strong the whole game.

The O-Line - They blocked pretty good, Not anywhere close to great, however they had a false start problem the whole game. I didn't see any specific players that did it, I just knew it seemed like every time a yellow flag went up our o-line was jumpy. They did bring a confusing defense, the linebackers came up beside the defensive lineman in their stances, it was hard to tell who was coming on a blitz.

Belfry definitely needs to use this game as a measuring stick to realize, they can't look over anybody and need to send everyone home aching, Lawrence County, Johnson Central, East Carter, and every other team on the schedule.

The Lawrence County offense had me thinking, why doesn't Belfry try a few plays from this? Andrew's a quick quarterback with a pretty good arm, Thomas is a flat out speed back, and Ivan has it all. Why not line Andrew up in shotgun, put Thomas and Ivan to his left and right, and a run a little spread option style offense. That would be a nice new element to the playbook, Belfry has the talent for it.
WOW!! What a game this one was!! On the prediction thread I warned everyone that this game would be close and as I expected it was. Congrats to both teams but IMO if Sheppard didnt get hurt that lawrence would have had a real good chance of winning this one. Like I said before, this coaching staff in at LC right now are very good and the sky is the limit for this team. They are very young and if Shep can recover quickly we can play with anyone IMO. Good luck rest of the way to both teams.
In the last couple of years Belfry has put Andrew in a short shotgun and either run or passed out of this offense. I expect to see that in the next few weeks. It will be a good time to tinker with the offense a little bit in preparation for tougher games down the road and into the playoffs. I think you are right that Belfry has some of the athletes to do this, but the spread is mostly a finesse offense with power running capabilities, and with the big line Belfry has, they will mostly stick with the wishbone and the sets using one or two wingbacks that they run most of the time.
Money Maker Wrote:WOW!! What a game this one was!! On the prediction thread I warned everyone that this game would be close and as I expected it was. Congrats to both teams but IMO if Sheppard didnt get hurt that lawrence would have had a real good chance of winning this one. Like I said before, this coaching staff in at LC right now are very good and the sky is the limit for this team. They are very young and if Shep can recover quickly we can play with anyone IMO. Good luck rest of the way to both teams.

Any update on Sheppard's condition. He is a heck of an athlete and i have enjoyed watching him play baseball and football. It would have been interesting to see how the game would have played out if he would have been in there. Coach Haywood said after the game that they did not know if they could stop them or not with him at quarterback.
bucslover68 Wrote:Any update on Sheppard's condition. He is a heck of an athlete and i have enjoyed watching him play baseball and football. It would have been interesting to see how the game would have played out if he would have been in there. Coach Haywood said after the game that they did not know if they could stop them or not with him at quarterback.

I heard it was a ankle injury but not sure on how bad he injured it. He is a tremendous athlete and hope for a speedy recovery for him. When I find out more about his condition I will post it.
Money Maker Wrote:I heard it was a ankle injury but not sure on how bad he injured it. He is a tremendous athlete and hope for a speedy recovery for him. When I find out more about his condition I will post it.

Thanks Money Maker. I always thought that if LC is strong in football it really helps high school football in this region...Looks like the future is very bright for the Bulldogs with only a few seniors and 36 freshmen and sophomoresl
Somewhat of a suprise but not shocking that it was this close. Belfry lost what was the heart of the team last season. Two really dynamic players that are almost impossible to replace.
bucslover68 Wrote:In the last couple of years Belfry has put Andrew in a short shotgun and either run or passed out of this offense. I expect to see that in the next few weeks. It will be a good time to tinker with the offense a little bit in preparation for tougher games down the road and into the playoffs. I think you are right that Belfry has some of the athletes to do this, but the spread is mostly a finesse offense with power running capabilities, and with the big line Belfry has, they will mostly stick with the wishbone and the sets using one or two wingbacks that they run most of the time.

The Pirates can easily rotate spread/wishbone, Two elements that both work very well. Ivan's the power back, Thomas is more of a speed back, Elkins is quick and smart. I think a wishbone/spread rotation would make Belfry alot harder to stop.
I think it always good for Belfry to try and be as versatile as possible. They are plenty hard to stop the way it is and I just think they need to improve on what they are doing now and keep adding some spread looks, some screens, and maybe a reverse or half back pass...Thomas is the backup QB...Can't you see the D sucking in and Thomas throwing over the top to Lovern or one of the other wideouts...It will be interesting to see the adjustments and additions over the next few weeks, but i don't expect anything too drastic.
I think Coach Haywood needs to take our suggestions, haha.
FBALL Wrote:Somewhat of a suprise but not shocking that it was this close. Belfry lost what was the heart of the team last season. Two really dynamic players that almost impossible to replace.

Before the season started I did not agree with you, as of the start of Week 3 I do.
Belfry0304 Wrote:The Pirates can easily rotate spread/wishbone, Two elements that both work very well. Ivan's the power back, Thomas is more of a speed back, Elkins is quick and smart. I think a wishbone/spread rotation would make Belfry alot harder to stop.

The blocking schemes for the O-line are completely different when you line your QB in the shotgun aand run the spread option, also running the Zone Read is not the same as running the belly. Belfry could effectively put a couple plays into their arsenal, but to overhaul the offense would be foolish and impossible.

Our offense wasn't the problem last night. We will be fine on the offensive side of the ball. I do agree that I would like to see some more versatility to take advantage of Elkins running ability though.
Congrats Belfry.
Congrats Belfry.
From what I've been told, Shep is okay. Not a break but a high ankle sprain. No doubt he'll be back on the field as quickly as possible! We wish him a speedy recovery.

You are wise.. Losing May and Hickman hurt this team more than many expected. BUT, there are other losses that IMO have been harder to replace as well. I won't name names because I have grown out of that. Nevertheless, there is SERIOUS talent in the 9th and 10th grades at Belfry, especially at the skill positions. They just aren't ready yet IMO.

We have a Soph LB, Soph TE, Soph FS, etc etc etc....

They are good players... Just not sure they are physically ready for top notch competition.

As bad as I hate to say it, Belfry MIGHT need to consider mixing up the defensive lineup. A couple of those big o-lineman may have to go both ways (at least against top comp) like in 2003.
Just want to add... I trust in Coach Haywood. He is a great coach. I think it is extremely important to play young kids during the regular season and get as many bodies as possible ready to contribute come playoff time.

Lets face it, Belfry's regular season has become a series of scrimmages (sorry Sheldon Clark) and they need to prepare this team for the 2nd round and beyond of playoff football.

I just saw the first game, but IMO, there is still some tinkering to be done on that defense.
One last post before I tick people off.. lol

Belfry is FINE ON OFFENSE!!!!!!!!! In fact, I think they will be VERY GOOD on O, even in the passing game. Any problems on offense are excution related, not physical. The O-line is big, strong and talented. The running backs are good AND deep. Elkins is experienced and talented. Lovern and Charles are effective, if not an upgrade on past seasons at SE. Not to mention Shawn Dotson should be back soon?

I am only "paytoplay" but IMO, Coach Haywood and Mickey have one concern, how to control that defensive LOS.
Hey everyone, i finally figured out why the game Friday was close, (insert sarcasm here)...The Pirates just don't play well on grass...Glad that's the last time this year that will happen.

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