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How will Pikeville fair next year in the 15th?
Coach Williams seems to have the boys on the right track..They are working really hard in the weight room..With all of the players expected to be out this year I don't see Bartley's departure as a loss for the Panthers. He could easily go with one of the younger players such as Sword or Clevinger and not miss a beat.
Ha, I'm sure your better than he is, It's easy to diss someone but can you back it up? These people must be God because they don't make any mistakes in their life, I'm sure they won't miss a beat with all that experience on the team, has anybody on that team even played in a district championship or anything beyond that???????? I don't think so, Well I'm not going to say too much but If you think them young players you mentioned will help Pikeville that much that's great but when the season starts and Valley is on top again and Bartley is leading them I want to see you on here. So you can back it up. No more posts for me until the season starts.
Yeah...they are better...they will be alert for the game....

And as for experience....Has Bartley 'played' on a championship team? Yeah he might have been on the team but i don't think that he least not under the pressue and there is a huge difference sitting on the bench and actually trying to lead the team. And lead is something I don't think he will do....too many other things on his mind.

Glad that he is gone from Pikeville :thumb: Brought nothing but bad!
I sort of agree with UKCats, Bartley may have his mind on other things, but then again, he may focus on ball to keep his mind off them. I dont see him leading valley like it sounds like people think. I just have to ask though. When he was enrolled at Pikeville, he was considered a nothing special player, now he is back at valley, he is expected to lead them to a championship, I dont understand that.
I don't see pikeville having a great season next year.
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:I sort of agree with UKCats, Bartley may have his mind on other things, but then again, he may focus on ball to keep his mind off them. I dont see him leading valley like it sounds like people think. I just have to ask though. When he was enrolled at Pikeville, he was considered a nothing special player, now he is back at valley, he is expected to lead them to a championship, I dont understand that.

Pikeville will be better, but not that much better, I'm going to predict around a .500 season for the panthers. Personally I think Williams will be an alright coach for the panthers but nothing special. BBonlyfan it's kinda like this, take any good player from Valley stick him in any other school and they will be the best player, It's about talent. Virgie and Dorton have always produced the best basketball players. Alot of players at Valley don't get publicity that's because they produce so much talent in b ball and the upperclassmen are usually hold back's therefore the underclassmen don't get noticed until there older. I like Valley this year, they have the best size and athleticism once again in the region, lets just hope they can actually do some damage in state now. If they win this year, that would make 4 out of 5 years, would that be a dynasty?? Don't hate on people BBonlyfan, you can tell your pure Pike Countian.
"GIVE ME THE ROCK" Wrote:Coach Williams seems to have the boys on the right track..They are working really hard in the weight room..With all of the players expected to be out this year I don't see Bartley's departure as a loss for the Panthers. He could easily go with one of the younger players such as Sword or Clevinger and not miss a beat.

Wasn't Sword and Clevinger on last year's team give me the rock??? And they won 8 or 9 games?? What would be the difference this year?? But your intitled to your own opinion.
Experience....Clevenger was in 8th grade!! And he showed a lot of promise IMO.
"The Chosen 1" Wrote:Pikeville will be better, but not that much better, I'm going to predict around a .500 season for the panthers. Personally I think Williams will be an alright coach for the panthers but nothing special. BBonlyfan it's kinda like this, take any good player from Valley stick him in any other school and they will be the best player, It's about talent. Virgie and Dorton have always produced the best basketball players. Alot of players at Valley don't get publicity that's because they produce so much talent in b ball and the upperclassmen are usually hold back's therefore the underclassmen don't get noticed until there older. I like Valley this year, they have the best size and athleticism once again in the region, lets just hope they can actually do some damage in state now. If they win this year, that would make 4 out of 5 years, would that be a dynasty?? Don't hate on people BBonlyfan, you can tell your pure Pike Countian.

That is just it, Bartley wasnt the best player on Pikevilles team when he was there. On here, when he was at Pikeville, he was bashed quite a bit, saying he wont do anything, now that he is back at valley, it seems he is going to be good again. That is what I dont understand.
Maybe he won't
It's commen sense bballonly fan something you should try to learn.. If your a b ball player at Valley (which is a b ball school) they get some special treatment believe it or not, just like Belfry in football. So if you take a good b ball player out of Valley put him another school it would be totally different. I like Clevinger's game but his daddy needs stop promoting him like Mike Schczechki (sp) commericals and acting like he's better than he is. Clevinger needs to get stronger and improve on defense before he becomes the total package but he has time. If your saying he was the best player on Pikeville's team your wrong because Bartley had played longer and was smarter and more of the total package, You can't compare freshman to seniors, maybe when he's a senior you might have an arguement.
LOL, chosen 1, i never said that clevenger was the best player on Pikevilles team. I said that Bartley wasnt the best player on the team. Senior or not, watching them in open gym, no he was a long way from the best player. I said when he was at Pikeville, everyone was cutting on him saying he wasnt any good, he would hurt the team, ect. Now that he left Pikeville and went back to valley, all of a sudden he is supposed to be a superstar. I am sorry, I haven't seen any kind of superstar play from him over the summer. He might be during the regular season which would be a shock to me. But so far, no, I havent seen a outstanding player in Bartley. I was saying that when he was at SV, when he transfered to Pikeville, and I am saying it now that he is back at SV.
I remember Mikie playing in the regional finals against East Ridge, wasnt he the one who took the last second shot that missed for East Ridge to go to the state tourney? I dont think that anyone on Pikevilles team played on any district or regional championship games. So that could make them hungry to get there. I just think after watching them in open gym that everyone better not take the panthers lightly or they may just have to eat there words. I personally think we are better off with the players we have now, and that includes the ones we will be getting off the football team when there season is over. You know what they say about one bad apple.
Mikey is what i would call a cancer to the Pikeville team...he just wasnt right for the team, players, coaches, etc.
I do, however, think things will be better for him at Valley and he will help the team somewhat, if he cleans his act up!
Pikeville Isnt Going To Be Nothing This Season Who Do They Have The Honaker Boy And Well Thats All And If You Ask Me They Will Barley Reach .500 Season
Is Mike Bartley even on SV's team??
I heard an unconfirmed report that he wasn't.
Bartley IS playing on SV's team, so you can confirm that.
I think it will be a better year for the panthers. Definetly not their best & I dont believe their going to win a state title but I do believe it will be better. Yes Clevenger was on the team last year when it was a losing year but i think coach williams has had all the players including him working extremely hard in the weight room & everyone knows last year that was one of his biggest problems on the court as well as his defense which hopefully is getting better as well. If he works extremely hard on those two aspects of the game he would be hard to stop & he has the ability and the good work ethic so I'm excited to see how the year plays out for him. Sword also on the team last year who is a great player he has speed and it helps on defense to have intensity. The honaker boys are a good combo & i think the way they play this year is going to be a photo copy of the past season hopefully they will step up and fill some shoes scorewise since chad, jesse & robert are gone. Seth Wheat is back on the court this year I'm very anxious to see how he plays after being out as long as he was. P-ville also has a few new faces in harmon and adams who could both be good contributions to the team.
Bart Williams will have Pikeville basketball back in a few years IMO and they will be a region contender the way they were in the late 90s. I expect PHS too be better this year but I dont think they will be a region contender this year. Sometimes a new face and recomittment can make a big difference and there are too many athletes at PHS for them not to field a good basketball team like they do in every other sport. The problem at PHS, esp. recently, has been getting the best athletes in the school to come out for the basketball team. Coach Williams told me himself that he is having good progress in getting players to come out for the team and he said that there is a lot of young talent at Pikeville. If Bart is able to make basketball viewed at PHS as not an offseason between football and baseball then they are a sleeping giant in basketball imo.
they should be better
good luck panthers

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